C ++:提示需要多次输入数据才能继续

时间:2015-12-21 16:03:58

标签: c++ random cin

我编写的以下程序提示用户输入数字1 - 100.该程序具有来自用户必须猜测的随机数生成器的预选编号。如果用户的猜测太高或太低,程序将通知用户,直到用户的猜测是正确的。我的程序效果很好,但是当提示输入数字时,我必须在某些情况下输入数字四次或更多次以便程序提示我。有人可以告诉我还是帮我找错?

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>//A user stated that using this piece of code would make a true randomization process.
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

int main()//When inputing a number, sometimes the user has to input it more than once.
    int x;
    int ranNum;
    srand( time(0));

    ranNum = rand() % 100 + 1;

    cout << "Please input your guess for a random number between 1 - 100.\n";
    cin >> x;

    while (x > ranNum || x < ranNum)
            if (x > ranNum)
                cout << "Your input was greater than the system's generated random number. Please try again.\n";
            cin >> x;
            if (x > 100 || x < 1)
                cout << "Input invalid. Please input a number between 1 - 100.\n";
            cin >> x;
            if (x < ranNum)
                cout << "Your input was less than the system's generated random number. Please try again.\n";
            cin >> x;
            if (x > 100 || x < 1)
                cout << "Input invalid. Please input a number between 1 - 100.\n";
            cin >> x;
            if (x == ranNum)
                cout << "You guessed right!\n";

    return 0;

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


if (condition)


    if condition

所以code1只会在条件为真时运行,但code2code3,其余的将无论如何运行。缩进在C ++中不算什么。我们可以(请永远不要这样做):

            if (condition)



while (x != ranNum)
    if (x > ranNum)
        cout << "Your input was greater than the system's generated random number. Please try again.\n";
        cin >> x;
        if (x > 100 || x < 1)
            cout << "Input invalid. Please input a number between 1 - 100.\n";
            cin >> x;
    if (x < ranNum)
        cout << "Your input was less than the system's generated random number. Please try again.\n";
        cin >> x;
        if (x > 100 || x < 1)
            cout << "Input invalid. Please input a number between 1 - 100.\n";
            cin >> x;
    if (x == ranNum)
        cout << "You guessed right!\n";

我还将while (x > ranNum || x < ranNum)更改为while (x != ranNum),因为我们只想在x不等于ranNum时运行循环

答案 1 :(得分:0)


    if (x > ranNum)
        cout << "Your input was greater than the system's generated random number. Please try again.\n";
    cin >> x;
    if (x > 100 || x < 1)
        cout << "Input invalid. Please input a number between 1 - 100.\n";
    cin >> x;


    if (x > ranNum)
        cout << "Your input was greater than the system's generated random number. Please try again.\n";
        cin >> x;
    if (x > 100 || x < 1)
        cout << "Input invalid. Please input a number between 1 - 100.\n";
        cin >> x;


int main()
    int ranNum;
    srand( time(0));

    ranNum = rand() % 100 + 1;

    cout << "Please input your guess for a random number between 1 - 100.\n";
    cin >> x;

    int x;
    for (;;) // Endless loop
        cin >> x;

        if (x > 100 || x < 1)
            cout << "Input invalid. Please input a number between 1 - 100.\n";
            continue; // Jump to next iteration of the loop

        if (x == ranNum)                              
            cout << "You guessed right!\n";
            break; // Leave the loop

        if (x > ranNum)
            cout << "Your input was greater than the system's generated random number. Please try again.\n";
            cout << "Your input was less than the system's generated random number. Please try again.\n";

    return 0;

答案 2 :(得分:0)


#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>//A user stated that using this piece of code would make a true randomization process.
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

int main()//When inputing a number, sometimes the user has to input it more than once.
    int x;
int ranNum;

ranNum = rand() % 100 + 1;

cout << "Please input your guess for a random number between 1 - 100.\n";

while (x > ranNum || x < ranNum)
    cin >> x;
    if (x > ranNum && x<=100 & x>=1) cout << "Your input was greater than the system's generated random number. Please try again.\n";
    else if (x < ranNum && x<=100 & x>=1) cout << "Your input was smaller than the system's generated random number. Please try again.\n";
    else if (x>=100 || x<=1) cout << "Input invalid. Please input a number between 1 - 100.\n";

cout << "You guessed right!\n";

    return 0;


