
时间:2015-12-19 23:14:11

标签: algorithm matlab statistics octave

我目前正在尝试通过算法更改优化一些MATLAB / Octave代码,但无法在此处弄清楚如何处理一些随机性。假设我有一个整数向量V,每个元素代表一些事物的数量,在我的情况下是光子。现在我想随机挑选一些"东西"并创建一个相同大小的新矢量,但调整了计数。


function W = photonfilter(V, eff)
% W = photonfilter(V, eff)
% Randomly takes photons from V according to the given efficiency.
% Args:
%  V: Input vector containing the number of emitted photons in each
%     timeslot (one element is one timeslot). The elements are rounded
%     to integers before processing.
%  eff: Filter efficiency. On the average, every 1/eff photon will be
%       taken. This value must be in the range 0 < eff <= 1.
%  W: Output row vector with the same length as V and containing the number
%     of received photons in each timeslot.
% WARNING: This function operates on a photon-by-photon basis in that it
% constructs a vector with one element per photon. The storage requirements
% therefore directly depend on sum(V), not only on the length of V.

% Round V and make it flat.
Ntot = length(V);
V = round(V);
V = V(:);

% Initialize the photon-based vector, so that each element contains
% the original index of the photon.
idxV = zeros(1, sum(V), 'uint32');
iout = 1;
for i = 1:Ntot
  N = V(i);
  idxV(iout:iout+N-1) = i;
  iout = iout + N;

% Take random photons.
idxV = idxV(randperm(length(idxV)));
idxV = idxV(1:round(length(idxV)*eff));

% Generate the output vector by placing the remaining photons back
% into their timeslots.
[W, trash] = hist(idxV, 1:Ntot);


我现在想要实现的不是直接优化此代码,而是使用其他类型的算法立即计算新计数而不给每个光子某种&#34;身份&#34; 。这必须以某种方式实现,但我无法弄清楚如何去做。


  • 输出向量W必须与输入向量V具有相同数量的元素。
  • W(i)必须是整数并且以0 <= W(i)&lt; = V(i)为界。
  • sum(W)的期望值必须为sum(V)* eff。
  • 算法必须以某种方式实现这个&#34;随机选择&#34;光子,即不应该存在某些确定性部分,例如&#34;通过V将所有计数除以步长并传播余数&#34;,因为该函数的整个点是将随机性带入系统。
  • 如果不可避免,允许在V上显式循环,但最好采用矢量化方法。



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