Imports System.Console
Imports System.IO
Module Module1
Dim lines As Integer
Dim imported As Integer
Dim wallLines As Integer
Dim wallWords As Integer
Dim sourceName As String
Dim random As New Random
Dim randomLine As Integer
Dim randomPhrase As String
Sub Main()
WriteLine(" Welcome to Text Wall Generator by E.Skalinski")
WriteLine("Please enter the name of the .txt file you have saved your text into:")
WriteLine(" WARNING previous generated walls will be overwritten!")
WriteLine(" (please make sure each phrase / word is on a seperate line!)")
sourceName = ReadLine()
Dim sr As New System.IO.StreamReader(sourceName, FileMode.Open)
While Not sr.EndOfStream
lines = lines + 1
End While
Dim sr2 As New System.IO.StreamReader(sourceName, FileMode.Open)
Dim phrases(lines - 1) As String
For i = 0 To lines - 1 Step 1
phrases(i) = sr2.ReadLine()
Next i
For i = 0 To lines - 1
imported = i
WriteLine("Line:" & imported & " " & phrases(i))
Next i
WriteLine("How many lines would you like to generate?")
wallLines = ReadLine()
WriteLine("How many words / phrases per line?")
wallWords = ReadLine()
Dim sw As New System.IO.StreamWriter("wall.txt", False)
Dim wall(wallLines - 1, wallWords - 1) As String
For i = 0 To wallLines - 1 Step 1
For j = 0 To wallWords - 1 Step 1
randomLine = random.Next(0, lines)
randomPhrase = phrases(randomLine)
wall(i, j) = randomPhrase
If j = wallWords - 1 Then
sw.WriteLine(wall(i, j))
sw.Write(wall(i, j) & " ")
End If
Next j
Next i
WriteLine("Generated (file name : wall.txt')")
End Sub
Java Script Code尝试:
doc = app.activeDocument;
var myWindow = new Window ("dialog","HighlightWord",undefined,{closeButton:true});
var group = myWindow.add ("group");
group.alignment = "right";
group.add ("statictext", undefined, "Text:");
var maxSize = group.add ("edittext",undefined, );
group.add ("statictext", undefined, "");
group = myWindow.add ("group");
group.alignment = "right";
group.add ("statictext", undefined, "Word / phrase to highlight");
var minSize = group.add ("edittext",undefined, );
group.add ("statictext", undefined, " ");
group = myWindow.add ("group");
group.alignment = "right";
group.add ("statictext", undefined, "Hex color");
var minSize = group.add ("edittext",undefined, );
group.add ("statictext", undefined, " ");
myWindow.show ()