
时间:2015-12-17 19:47:14

标签: c++ intel-edison

我有一个在intel Edison(32位Yocto Linux)上运行的程序。它读取传感器数据,然后将传感器数据写入文件。数据包含1个int和13个双包,每秒有100个包。一段时间后,我将从文件中删除文件,并使用在x64 windows机器上运行的工具读取这些文件。



struct dataStruct{
  char front;
  int a;
  double b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, n, o;
  char end;


union dataUnion{
  dataStruct d;
  char[110] c;
//110 was chosen because an int = 4 char, and a double = 8 char,
//so 13*8 = 104, and therefore d = 1 + 4 + 13*8 + 1 = 110


所以我想知道 - 是否有一种可移植的方式来保存这些数据而不仅仅将其保存为原始文本?

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


由于您处于资源有限的环境中,我建议您使用MsgPack之类的内容。它的标题只是(给定一个C ++ 11编译器),相当轻,格式简单,C ++接口很好。它甚至允许您非常容易地序列化用户定义的类型(即类/结构):

// adapted from https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-c/blob/master/QUICKSTART-CPP.md

#include <msgpack.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

struct dataStruct {
    int a;
    double b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, n, oo;  // yes "oo", because "o" clashes with msgpack :/

    MSGPACK_DEFINE(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, n, oo);

int main(void) {
    std::vector<dataStruct> vec;
    // add some elements into vec...

    // you can serialize dataStruct directly
    msgpack::sbuffer sbuf;
    msgpack::pack(sbuf, vec);

    msgpack::unpacked msg;
    msgpack::unpack(&msg, sbuf.data(), sbuf.size());

    msgpack::object obj = msg.get();

    // you can convert object to dataStruct directly
    std::vector<dataStruct> rvec;


编辑:这是一个完整的示例,说明了整个序列化 - 文件I / O - 反序列化循环:

// adapted from:
// https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-c/blob/master/QUICKSTART-CPP.md
// https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-c/wiki/v1_1_cpp_unpacker#msgpack-controls-a-buffer

#include <msgpack.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;

struct dataStruct {
    int a;
    double b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, n, oo;  // yes "oo", because "o" clashes with msgpack :/

    MSGPACK_DEFINE(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, n, oo);

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const dataStruct& ds)
    out << "[a:" << ds.a << " b:" << ds.b << " ... oo:" << ds.oo << "]";
    return out;

int main(void) {

    // serialize
        // prepare the (buffered) output file
        std::ofstream ofs("log.bin");

        // prepare a data structure
        dataStruct ds;

        // fill in sample data
        ds.a  = 1;
        ds.b  = 1.11;
        ds.oo = 101;
        msgpack::pack(ofs, ds);
        cout << "serialized: " << ds << endl;

        ds.a  = 2;
        ds.b  = 2.22;
        ds.oo = 202;
        msgpack::pack(ofs, ds);
        cout << "serialized: " << ds << endl;

        // continuously receiving data
        //while ( /* data is being received... */ ) {
        //    // initialize ds...
        //    // serialize ds
        //    // You can use any classes that have the following member function:
        //    // https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-c/wiki/v1_1_cpp_packer#buffer
        //    msgpack::pack(ofs, ds);

    // deserialize
        // The size may decided by receive performance, transmit layer's protocol and so on.

        // prepare the input file
        std::ifstream ifs("log.bin");
        std::streambuf* pbuf = ifs.rdbuf();

        const std::size_t try_read_size = 100;  // arbitrary number...
        msgpack::unpacker unp;
        dataStruct ds;

        // read data while there are still unprocessed bytes...
        while (pbuf->in_avail() > 0) {
            // unp has at least try_read_size buffer on this point.

            // input is a kind of I/O library object.
            // read message to msgpack::unpacker's internal buffer directly.
            std::size_t actual_read_size = ifs.readsome(unp.buffer(), try_read_size);

            // tell msgpack::unpacker actual consumed size.

            msgpack::unpacked result;
            // Message pack data loop
            while(unp.next(result)) {
                msgpack::object obj(result.get());

                // use ds
                cout << "deserialized: " << ds << endl;
            // All complete msgpack message is proccessed at this point,
            // then continue to read addtional message.


serialized: [a:1 b:1.11 ... oo:101]
serialized: [a:2 b:2.22 ... oo:202]
deserialized: [a:1 b:1.11 ... oo:101]
deserialized: [a:2 b:2.22 ... oo:202]

答案 1 :(得分:1)


真正的可移植性(期望未签名)令人头疼。但是,如果您知道您使用的所有系统都使用相同的编码(例如,对于有符号整数的两个补码和用于浮点的IEE754),那么您很幸运,您可以使用基本位操作来执行此操作。 / p>



答案 2 :(得分:1)

不要重新发明轮子。这就是Google Protocol Buffers旨在解决的问题 - 以不需要人类可读的方式在计算机之间传输定义良好的数据。 (EG而不是JSON或XML)


为了完整性,这里是Comparison of data serialization formats,所以请随意挑选你的毒药。

答案 3 :(得分:0)


struct dataStruct{
  uint32_t a;  // see cstdint.h or boost
  /// ...



#pragma pack(1)



答案 4 :(得分:-1)


另一种方法是定义一个&#34;通用&#34;您自己的格式,并在您的写/读操作中转换为/从...输出int作为文本但作为伪科学符号文本说5个字符的尾数值,&#39; e&#39;和2/3字符指数。