
时间:2015-12-17 01:43:41

标签: java inheritance superclass


设计并实现一个名为MonetaryCoin的类,该类派生自Coin类。将值存储在代表其值的货币硬币中,并添加一个返回其值的方法。创建ClientTester 用于实例化和计算几个不同MonetaryCoin个对象的总和的类。例如,Dime,Quarter和HalfDollar的总价值为85美分。 硬币继承了其父母被翻转的能力。


import java.util.Random;

public class Coin
    private final int HEADS = 0;
    private final int TAILS = 1;
    private int face;
    // Constructor... sets up the coin by flipping it initially
    public Coin()

    // flips the coin by randomly choosing a face value
    public void flip()
        face = (int)(Math.random()*2);  //random numbers 0 or 1

    // returns true if the current face of the coin is head

    public boolean isHeads()
        return (face == HEADS);

    // returns the current face of the coin as a string

    public String toString()
        String faceName;
        { faceName = "Heads"; }
        { faceName = "Tails"; }
        return faceName;


public class MonetaryCoin extends Coin

    private int value;

    public MonetaryCoin( int value )
        this.value = value;

    public int getValue()
        return this.value;

    public void setValue( int value )
        this.value = value;

    public int add( MonetaryCoin [] mc )
        if ( mc.length >= 0 )
            return -1;
        int total = this.value;
        for ( int i = 0; i < mc.length; i++ )
            total += mc[i].getValue();
        return total;


public class Client
    public static void main()
        MonetaryCoin mc1 = new MonetaryCoin( 25 );            
        MonetaryCoin mc2 = new MonetaryCoin( 13 );       
        MonetaryCoin mc3 = new MonetaryCoin( 33 );           

        int total = mc1.add( mc2, mc3 );                               
        int value = mc2.getValue();                                     




 public class Client
 public static void main()
    MonetaryCoin mc1 = new MonetaryCoin( 25 );            
    MonetaryCoin mc2 = new MonetaryCoin( 13 );       
    MonetaryCoin mc3 = new MonetaryCoin( 33 );       
    MonetaryCoin[] test = new MonetaryCoin[2];
    test[0] = mc2;
    test[1] = mc3;
    int total = mc1.add(test);                               
    int value = mc2.getValue();    
    System.out.println("total: " +total+ " values: " +value);


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

您应该使用MonetaryCoin... mc代替MonetaryCoin[] mc,如下所示:

public class MonetaryCoin extends Coin{

    // All your other methods
    // ...

    public int add(MonetaryCoin... mc)
        if ( mc.length >= 0 )
            return -1;
        int total = this.value;
        for ( int i = 0; i < mc.length; i++ )
            total += mc[i].getValue();
    return total;

  1. MonetaryCoin[] mc表示您将传入一个数组,例如{ m1, m2, m3 }
  2. MonetaryCoin... mc表示您将传递未知数量的MonetaryCoins。