
时间:2015-12-16 20:14:33

标签: javascript jquery twitter-bootstrap

from operator import eq

# Verify that keys are the same length and same set of values first for speed
# The `all` check then verifies that the known identical keys appear in the
# same order.
xy.keys() == yx.keys() and all(map(eq, xy, yx))

# If you expect equality to occur more often than not, you can save a little
# work in the "are equal" case in exchange for costing a little time in the
# "not even equal ignoring order case" by only checking length, not keys equality:
len(xy) == len(yz) and all(map(eq, xy, yx))



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我没有看到您的代码段中包含的JavaScript。如果你的代码中没有它们,那么崩溃就不会起作用。 html对我来说看起来不错(和我服务器上的工作示例相同)。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


<script src=""></script>