如何使用python 2.7 tkinter将对话框放入下拉菜单中

时间:2015-12-16 00:38:39

标签: python-2.7 tkinter dialog


from Tkinter import * #Imports all definitions from tkinter
import tkMessageBox
import random

class BlackJack:
    def __init__(self):

        #player 1 is you, player 0 is dealer
        self.playerNum = 1

        self.gameIsPlaying = True

        # Create a deck of cards
        self.suits = ['Clubs', 'Spades', 'Hearts', 'Diamonds'] # Assigning Suits
        self.ranks = ['Ace', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', 'Jack', 'Queen', 'King'] # Assigning Ranks
        self.values = {'Ace':1, '2':2, '3':3, '4':4, '5':5, '6':6, '7':7, '8':8, '9':9, '10':10, 'Jack':10, 'Queen':10, 'King':10} #Assignign Values

        tkMessageBox.showinfo("Welcome!", "Lets play Blackjack!") # Displays message "Lets play Blackjack"

        # Creating position of cards
        deckPosition = [400,800]
        playerPosition = [2,700]
        dealerPosition = [2,90]

        self.playerHand = {'Clubs':[], 'Spades':[], 'Hearts':[], 'Diamonds':[]} # Assigning layout of player 1 hand
        self.dealerHand = {'Clubs':[], 'Spades':[], 'Hearts':[], 'Diamonds':[]} # Assigning layout of Dealers hand

        self.window = Tk()
        self.window.title("Blackjack 1.0")

        #Create a menu bar
        menubar = Menu(self.window)
        self.window.config(menu = menubar) #Displays the menu bar

        #Create Canvas
        canvas = Canvas(self.window, bg = "dark green", width = 400, height = 500)

        #Creating frames for widgets
        frame1= Frame(self.window)
        frame2 = Frame(self.window)
        Label2 = Label(frame2, text = "Player 1", justify = "left")
        Deal = Button(frame2, text = "New Game", command = self.deal).pack(side = LEFT) # Button to start a new game
        Hit = Button(frame2, text  = "Hit", command = self.hit).pack(side = LEFT) # Button to draw another card
        Stand= Button(frame2, text = "Stand", command = self.stand).pack(side = LEFT) #Button to stop drawing new cards

        # Creates background of GUI
        Photo = PhotoImage(file = "b2fv.gif") # Uses image from "blackjack.gif" file
        label3 = Label(self.window, image = Photo)
        label3.pack()# Holds image in thelabel

        #Create a pull-down menu
        fileMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0) # Creates file menu
        menubar.add_cascade(label = "File", menu = fileMenu)
        fileMenu.add_command(label = "Options", command = self.openOptions)
        fileMenu.add_command(label = "Exit", command = self.window.quit)
        helpMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0) # Creates help menu
        menubar.add_cascade(label = "Help", menu = helpMenu)
        helpMenu.add_command(label = "Tutorial", command = self.openTutorial)
        helpMenu.add_command(label = "About", command = self.openAbout)

        self.window.mainloop() #Create an event loop

    # Defines drop down menu
    def openOptions(self):
        return False 

    def openTutorial(self):
        return False 

    def openAbout(self):
        return False 

    def deal(self): 
        self.playerNum = 1
        self.playerHand = {'Clubs':[], 'Spades':[], 'Hearts':[], 'Diamonds':[]} # Deals the cards to player 1
        self.dealerHand = {'Clubs':[], 'Spades':[], 'Hearts':[], 'Diamonds':[]} # Deals the cards to Dealer

        #assign random cards to dealer and player

        print ""
        print ""
        print "Dealer"
        print self.dealerHand   
        print "Player"
        print self.playerHand

    def hit(self):
        # 0 for dealer, 1 for player
        if self.playerNum == 0:
            player = self.dealerHand
            print 'dealer'
            player = self.playerHand
            print 'player'
        print player


    def stand(self):
        self.playerNum = 0

        while self.countCardValue(0) < 17:
            print "dealer"
            print self.dealerHand


    def countCardValue(self, localPlayerNum):
        numOfAs = 0
        runningSum = 0
        # 0 for dealer, 1 for player
        if localPlayerNum == 0:
            player = self.dealerHand
            player = self.playerHand

        for suit, ranks in player.items():
            for rank in ranks:
                if rank == 'A':
                    numOfAs += 1
                    runningSum += 11
                    runningSum += int(self.values.get(rank))

        #factor out 10 if runningSum over 21 and numOfAs != 0
        while runningSum > 21 and numOfAs != 0:
            runningSum -= 10
            numOfAs -= 1

        return runningSum

    def assessWin(self, mode):

        #mode 0, to see if you bust
        #mode 1, after you stand

        if mode == 0:
            sum = self.countCardValue(1) 
            if sum > 21:
                print "You Lose"
                print sum
            if self.countCardValue(0) > 21:
                print "You Win"
            elif self.countCardValue(1) > 21 or self.countCardValue(0) > self.countCardValue(1):
                print "You Lose"
            elif self.countCardValue(0) == self.countCardValue(1):
                print "Draw"
            elif self.countCardValue(0) < self.countCardValue(1):
                print "You Win"

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