ES2015,Browserfy错误 - 超级表达式必须为null或函数,而不是未定义

时间:2015-12-15 22:01:46

标签: gruntjs ecmascript-6 browserify babeljs


我试图在grunt中使用browserify任务将我的ES2015代码编译成ES5代码,并且“工作” - 然而,当我运行应用程序时,我不断得到未捕获的TypeError:超级表达式必须要么是null或函数,而不是未定义的错误。


  "name": "GruntDemo-Repo",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "author": "Ryan DesRoches",
  "private": true,
  "devDependencies" : {
      "grunt" :                       "*",
      "grunt-contrib-cssmin":         "*",
      "grunt-contrib-sass":           "*",
      "css-condense":                   "*",
      "grunt-contrib-uglify":         "*",
      "grunt-contrib-jshint":           "*",
      "logfile-grunt":              "*",
      "babelify":                       "*",
      "grunt-browserify":           "*",
      "babel-preset-es2015":            "*",
      "react":                      "*",
      "matchdep":                     "*"


module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Load in all dependencies
"use strict";

// Save a log file of the grunt output - useful for htmlhint
require('logfile-grunt')(grunt,  { filePath: './logs/grunt-task.log', clearLogFile: true });


    pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),

    // HTML Hint 
    // Description:  check HTML and PhP for common validation and standard issues set in the Options section.
    // Output:  None, errors are logged in the log/grunt-task.log file 
    htmlhint: {
        build: {
            options: {
                'tag-pair': true,                    // Force tags to have a closing pair
                'tagname-lowercase': true,           // Force tags to be lowercase
                'attr-lowercase': true,              // Force attribute names to be lowercase e.g. <div id="header"> is invalid
                'attr-value-double-quotes': true,    // Force attributes to have double quotes rather than single
                'doctype-first': false,              // Force the DOCTYPE declaration to come first in the document 
                'spec-char-escape': false,           // Force special characters to be escaped - Php vars cause issues for now.
                'id-unique': true,                   // Prevent using the same ID multiple times in a document
                'head-script-disabled': true,        // Prevent script tags being loaded in the head for performance reasons
                'style-disabled': true,              // Prevent style tags. CSS should be loaded through 
                "inline-style-disabled": true,       // Prevent inline styles
                "space-tab-mixed-disabled": "space", // Spaces for indentation, not tabs
                "attr-no-duplication" : true         // An attribute cannot be used twice in same element.
            src: ['code/php/**/*.html',

    // JS Hint 
    // Description: Check JavaScript and JQuery for common validation and standard issues set in the Options section.
    // Output:  None, errors are logged in the log/grunt-task.log file 
    jshint: {
        build: {
            options: {
                globals: {
                    'jQuery':   true,       // Allow the global variable JQuery
                    '$':        false       // do not override the $ global variable.
                'browser':      true,       // Allows for browser globals like document, navigator, etc
                'jquery':       true,       // Allow for jQuery globals
                'curly' :       true,       // Require curly braces around blocks/loops
                'freeze':       true,       // Prohibit overwriting of native objects such as arrays, date, etc
                'latedef':      true,       // Prohibit use of variables before they are defined
                'nonbsp':       true,       // Warn about non-breaking whitespace characters
                'undef':        true,       // Warn about the use of undeclared variables
                'unused':       true        // Warn about variables that are defined, but unused.  
            src: [  'php/public/**/*.js',
                    '!**/*.min.js',         // Ignore files that have been minimized,
                    '!**/jquery.*',         // Ignore JQuery libraries
                    '!**/DEFAULT/**/*',     // DEFAULT has a lot of errors, ignore for now
                    '!**/gdk/**/*',         // ignore GDK files, not sure what they do.
                    '!**/css/**/*',         // Ignore css files
                    '!**/SCCS/*'            // Ignore bitkeeper file


    browserify: {   
        dist: {
              options: {
                transform: [
                    ["babelify", {
                        "presets": ["es2015"]
            files: [{
                    expand: true,
                    cwd: 'php/public',
                    src: [
                        '**/*.es2015.js',        // just fine ES2015 js
                        '!**/gdk/**/*',         // ignore GDK files, not sure what they do.
                        '!**/css/**/*',         // Ignore css files
                        '!**/SCCS/*'            // Ignore bitkeeper file
                    dest: 'php/public',
                    extDot: 'first'

    // Uglify
    // Description:  Minimizes and consolidates JavaScript files into smaller combined files (per recipie)
    // Output: A minimized Javascript file with a .min.js extention saved to the build/public directories
    uglify: {
        min_a: {
            files: [{
                expand: true,
                cwd: 'php/public',
                src: [
                    '!**/*.es2015.js',      // ignore ES2015 scripts
                    '!**/gdk/**/*',         // ignore GDK files, not sure what they do.
                    '!**/css/**/*',         // Ignore css files
                    '!**/SCCS/*'            // Ignore bitkeeper file
                dest: 'build/public/js/',
                extDot: 'first'
        options: {
            sourceMap:                  true,
            sourceMapIncludeSources:    true,
            sourceMapUrl: 'build/js'

    // Saas
    // Description:  Converts SASS code into CSS.  
    // Output:  CSS code in the php/public/css folder
    sass: {
        build: {
            files: [{
                expand: true,
                cwd: 'php/public',
                src: [
                    '!**/js/**/*',          // Ignore js files
                dest: 'php/public',
                ext: '.css'
        options: {
            trace:          true,
            lineNumbers:    true, 

    // Cssc
    // Description:  Searches CSS code and consolidates CSS rules and media-queries.  
    // Output:  CSS code in the build/public/css/clean/ folder
    cssc: {
        build: {
            options: {
                debugInfo:                  true,
                consolidateViaDeclarations: true,
                consolidateViaSelectors:    false,  // This throws and error for some reason
                consolidateMediaQueries:    true
            files: [{
                expand: true,
                cwd: 'php/public/',
                src: [
                    '!**/DEFAULT/**/*',     // Some DEFAULT files have CSS errors that cause this task to fail
                    '!**/js/**/*',          // Ignore js files
                dest: 'build/public/css/clean/',

    // Cssmin
    // Description:  Takes the CSS that has been cleaned by CSSC and consolidates and minimizes it
    // Output:  CSS code in the build/public/css/min folder
    cssmin: {
            options: {
                banner: '/* Minified on <%="yyyy-mm-dd hh:MM:ss")%> by GruntJS-cssmin */',
                sourceMap:  true,
                advanced: true,
                mediaMerging: true,   // Merge Media Queries

            files: { 
                    'build/public/css/min/MaineLottery/final.min.css' : [
                        '!**/js/**/*',          // Ignore js files

    // imagemin
    // Description:  Takes any PNG, GIF, or JPEG and compresses them into a new file
    // Output:  Compressed images in the build/public/ folder
    imagemin: {  
        options: {
            cache: false,
            optimizationLevel: 7                // Optimization levels can go from 1-7, with 7 being the highest optimization. 
            // use: [pngquant(), mozjpeg(), gifsicle()] //  Use the special optimizers for each file.  
        dist: {
                expand: true,
                cwd: 'php/public/',
                src: [
                dest: 'build/public',


    // Watch
    // Description:  On a file save, it will perform mutiple commands depending on the type of file saved. 
    // Output:  Depends on file that is saved.
    watch: {
        html: {
            files: ['/php/tmpl/**/*.html', '/php/tmpl/**/*.php'],
            tasks: ['htmlhint']
        css: {
            files: ['php/public/sass/**/*.scss', 'php/public/sass/**/*.sass', 'php/public/**/css/**/*.css', 'php/public/**/css/**/*.css.php'],
            tasks: ['buildcss']
        js: {
            files: ['php/public/**/js/**/*.js'],
            tasks: ['jshint', 'babel', 'uglify']
        images: {
            files: ['php/public/**/*.{png,jpg,gif}'],
            tasks: ['imagemin:single'],
            options: {
                spawn: false,           // don't spawn child processes
    } // end watch          

grunt.registerTask('default', ['imagemin']);
grunt.registerTask('buildcss',  ['sass', 'cssc', 'cssmin']);




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