
时间:2015-12-14 12:06:37

标签: xml haskell xml-conduit





{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Main where

import           Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
import           Text.XML (parseText, def, elementAttributes, documentRoot)
import           Data.List (splitAt, drop)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  putStrLn "Example1: only the first element is parsed"
  putStrLn "========\n"
  print $ elementAttributes . documentRoot <$> parseText def (T.unlines test)
  putStrLn "Example2: this behaviour is independent of both having a prefix"
  putStrLn "========\n"
  print $ elementAttributes . documentRoot <$> parseText def (T.unlines $ dropAt 1 test)
  putStrLn "Example3: also no difference if there is just one attribute with prefix"
  putStrLn "========\n"
  print $ elementAttributes . documentRoot <$> parseText def (T.unlines $ dropAt 2 test)
  putStrLn "Example4: on its own the last element can be parsed"
  putStrLn "========\n"
  print $ elementAttributes . documentRoot <$> parseText def (T.unlines $ dropAt 1 $ dropAt 1 test)
  putStrLn "==============="
  putStrLn "Example1: it is always the first element parsed"
  putStrLn "========\n"
  print $ elementAttributes . documentRoot <$> parseText def (T.unlines test2)
  putStrLn "Example2: really just the first"
  putStrLn "========\n"
  print $ elementAttributes . documentRoot <$> parseText def (T.unlines $ dropAt 1 test2)

test :: [Text]
test =["<Root"
      ,  "here    = \"ok\""
      ,  "is:here = \"ok\""
      ,  "not:here=\"nok\">"

test2 :: [Text]
test2 =["<Root"
       ,  "is:here = \"ok\""
       ,  "here    = \"ok\""
       ,  "not:here=\"nok\">"

dropAt :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
dropAt i xs = let (hd,tl) = splitAt i xs
              in hd ++ drop 1 tl


build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5
             , xml-conduit
             , text

> stack exec attr
Example1: only the first element is parsed

Right (fromList [(Name {nameLocalName = "here", nameNamespace = Nothing, namePrefix = Nothing},"ok")])
Example2: this behaviour is independent of both having a prefix

Right (fromList [(Name {nameLocalName = "here", nameNamespace = Nothing, namePrefix = Just "is"},"ok")])
Example3: also no difference if there is just one attribute with prefix

Right (fromList [(Name {nameLocalName = "here", nameNamespace = Nothing, namePrefix = Nothing},"ok")])
Example4: on its own the last element can be parsed

Right (fromList [(Name {nameLocalName = "here", nameNamespace = Nothing, namePrefix = Just "not"},"nok")])
Example1: only the first element is parsed

Right (fromList [(Name {nameLocalName = "here", nameNamespace = Nothing, namePrefix = Just "is"},"ok")])
Example2: this behaviour is independent of both having a prefix

Right (fromList [(Name {nameLocalName = "here", nameNamespace = Nothing, namePrefix = Nothing},"ok")])

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