我正在尝试将本地mosquitto(在raspberry pi上)桥接到某个云代理,这样我就可以使用该数据发送数据并控制一些设备。我尝试使用Cloudmqtt和dioty,但没有成功。在cloudmqtt的情况下,我被告知mosquitto.conf文件的一切正常,而且我被告知它使用不支持桥接的Mosca经纪人(我被告知我指的是cloudmqtt和dioty支持服务)。有没有人知道一些可以桥接到当地蚊子的远程经纪人,并且有人已经尝试过吗?
EDITED: 我正在使用mosquitto 1.4.5,mosquitto.conf这样的文件:
#Place your local configuration in /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/
#A full description of the configuration file is at
connection cloudmqtt
address mnumber.cloudmqtt.com:port
topic zaESP8266 in 0
topic ESP8266 out 0
try_private true
notifications false
start_type automatic
remote_usename username_of_the_user_on_cloudmqtt
remote_password password_of the_user_on_cloudmqtt
pid_file /var/run/mosquitto.pid
persistance true
persistance_location /var/lib/mosquitto/
我选择Cloudmqtt用于在线蚊子经纪人的原因是因为我选择了当地的蚊子< - >远程蚊子桥应该工作。而且我可以使用笔记本电脑或手机等客户端,并使用它们与本地经纪人一起发布和订阅消息。这样,即使我失去了互联网访问权限,我也可以让本地经纪人与本地客户进行互动。
EDITED: 我配置了mosquitto.conf文件,以便我可以与test.mosquitto.org建立联系,我添加了以下几行:
connection test
address test.mosquitto.org
topic in_topic in 0
topic out_topic out 0
try_private false
notifications false
bridge_attempt_unsubscribe true
现在,在一个终端我可以使用mosquitto_sub -t in_topic
,而在其他终端我使用mosquitto_pub -h test.mosquitto.org -t in_topic -m message
Cloudmqtt使用mosquitto mqtt经纪人,从mosquitto跨越到Mosca mqtt经纪人,不支持桥接但显然具有更好的可扩展性(此信息已通过dioty客户服务提供给我)
EDITED: 我使用Node-RED解决了这个bridgig问题。只需添加一个mqqt输入并为本地mosquitto代理(PORT 1883)和两个mqtt输出配置,用于cloudmqtt和DIoTY。
/ your_mail_account /主题
答案 0 :(得分:2)
我正在使用 windows 和 c9.io linux console 进行测试。
cloudmqtt.com 服务器证书由Comodo签署,其中 AddTrust CA 以root身份登录。默认情况下,大多数操作系统都附带它,因此您可以指向默认的信任/ CA存储。
点击开始,点击开始搜索,输入 mmc ,然后按ENTER。
点击受信任的根证书颁发机构> 证书商店。
右键单击 AddTrust外部CA根
点击导出以导出证书,然后按照证书导出向导中的步骤,导出文件格式选择 Base-64编码X.509(CER)
- 醇>
将 ca.cer 保存到** C:\ Program Files \ mosquitto **
AddTrust CA根证书:http://www.tbs-x509.com/AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt
- 将 AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt 复制到C:\ Program Files \ mosquitto \
- 双击 AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt ,安装证书...
我使用 mosquitto 1.4.11 , windows , mosquitto.conf 文件我使用差异名称(云.conf ),看起来像这样:
connection cloudmqtt
address xxx.cloudmqtt.com:<ssl-port>
remote_username <username_of_the_user_on_cloudmqtt>
remote_password <password_of the_user_on_cloudmqtt>
remote_clientid cloud.mqtt
bridge_protocol_version mqttv311
try_private true
notifications false
start_type automatic
topic # both 2
# Method 01
bridge_cafile ca.cer
# Method 02
#bridge_cafile AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt
bridge_insecure false
cleansession false
local_clientid local.mosquitto
运行 cmd.exe
C:\Program Files\mosquitto> mosquitto.exe -c cloud.conf -v
1490627692: mosquitto version 1.4.11 (build date 20/02/2017 23:24:29.40) starting
1490627692: Config loaded from cloud.conf.
1490627692: Opening ipv6 listen socket on port 1883.
1490627692: Opening ipv4 listen socket on port 1883.
1490627692: Bridge local.mosquitto doing local SUBSCRIBE on topic #
1490627692: Connecting bridge cloudmqtt (xxx.cloudmqtt.com:<ssl-port>)
1490627692: Bridge cloud.mqtt sending CONNECT
1490627693: Received CONNACK on connection local.mosquitto.
1490627693: Bridge local.mosquitto sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: #, QoS: 2)
1490627693: Received SUBACK from local.mosquitto
现在,我的当地的蚊子经纪人在双向沟通中弥合了 cloudmqtt.com 。
<强>的Linux 强>
使用方法02(AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt)轻松尝试 c9.io linux console ,输出如下。
$ mosquitto -c cloud.conf -v -p 8080
1490634446: mosquitto version 1.4.11 (build date Fri, 03 Mar 2017 15:11:39 +0000) starting
1490634446: Config loaded from cloud.conf.
1490634446: Opening ipv4 listen socket on port 8080.
1490634446: Opening ipv6 listen socket on port 8080.
1490634446: Bridge c9.mosquitto doing local SUBSCRIBE on topic #
1490634446: Connecting bridge cloudmqtt2c9 (xxx.cloudmqtt.com:<ssl-port>)
1490634446: Connecting bridge cloudmqtt2c9 (xxx.cloudmqtt.com:<ssl-port>)
1490634446: Bridge cloud.mqtt.c9 sending CONNECT
1490634446: Received CONNACK on connection c9.mosquitto.
1490634446: Bridge c9.mosquitto sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: #, QoS: 2)
1490634447: Received SUBACK from c9.mosquitto
Raspberry Pi
使用 cloud.conf
将 AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt 复制到同一目录connection pi2cloudmqtt
address xxx.cloudmqtt.com:<ssl-port>
remote_username <username_of_the_user_on_cloudmqtt>
remote_password <password_of the_user_on_cloudmqtt>
remote_clientid cloud.mqtt.pi
bridge_protocol_version mqttv311
try_private true
notifications false
start_type automatic
topic # both 2
# Method 01
#bridge_cafile ca.cer
# Method 02
bridge_cafile AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt
bridge_insecure false
cleansession false
local_clientid pi.mosquitto
$ mosquitto -c cloud.conf -v
答案 1 :(得分:0)
要改进您的问题,请详细说明您使用的mosquitto版本,并发布您使用的确切mosquitto.conf设置 - 当然还会删除凭据。