我正在学习编程,而且已经创建了一个void merge()
的组合元素列表。 A
3 16
Inserting 512 into b at -1
2 0
61 154 170 275 426 509 612 653 677 703 765 897 908 512 503 512
using namespace std;
int binsearch(int array[], int first, int last, int search_key)
int index;
if (first > last)
index = -1;
int mid = (first + last) / 2;
if (search_key == array[mid])
index = mid;
if (search_key < array[mid])
index = binsearch(array, first, mid - 1, search_key);
index = binsearch(array, mid + 1, last, search_key);
} // end if
return index;
void insert(int A[], int B[], int n, int m, int i){
int j = n - m - 1, k = n - 1;
while (i >= 0 && j >= 0){
if (A[i] > B[j]){
B[k--] = A[i--];
else {
B[k--] = B[j--];
if (j<0){
while (i >= 0){
B[k--] = A[i--];
void merge(int a[], int b[], int m, int n) {
int a_size = m;
int b_size = n;
while (n != 0 && m != 0) {
printf("%d %d\n", m, n);
if (!(m > n)) {
int t = log(n / m);
int i = n + 1 - pow(2, t);
if (a[m - 1] < b[i - 1]) {
printf("Decreasing n\n");
n = n - pow(2, t);
else {
int k = binsearch(b, i - 1, n, a[m - 1]) + 1;
printf("Inserting %d into b at %d\n", a[m - 1], k - 1);
insert(a, b, b_size, k-3, m-1);
m = m - 1;
n = k;
else /* m > n */ {
int t = log(n / m);
int i = m + 1 - pow(2, t);
if (b[n - 1] < a[i - 1]) {
printf("Decreasing m\n");
m = m - pow(2, t);
else {
/*int k = binsearch(i - 1, m, b[n - 1], a) + 1;*/
int k = binsearch(a, i - 1, m, b[n - 1]) + 1;
printf("Inserting %d into a at %d\n", b[n - 1], k - 1);
insert(b, a, a_size, k-3, n-1);
n = n - 1;
m = k;
printf("%d %d\n", m, n);
int main(){
int m = 3;
int n = 16;
int A[] = { 87, 503, 512 };
int B[] = { 61, 154, 170, 275, 426, 509, 612, 653, 677, 703, 765, 897, 908 };
merge(A, B, m, n);
for (int i = 0; i<n; i++){
printf("%d ", B[i]);
return 0;
初步:A是长度为m且B为整数的数组 长度为n的整数数组。两个数组的元素也是 distinct(来自两个数组中的元素)和升序。
步骤1 :如果n或m为零STOP。否则,如果m> n,则设置t = [log (m / n)]并转到步骤4,否则设置t = [log(n / m)]。
步骤2 :将A [m]与B [n + 1 - 2 t ]进行比较。如果A [m]较小,则设置n = n - 2 ^ t 并返回Step1。
第3步:使用二分搜索(需要 更确切地说,比较),将A [m]插入其中的适当位置 B [n + 1 - 2 t ] ... B [n]。如果k是最大的,则B [k] < A [m],设定m = m - 1和n = k。返回Step1。
第4步 :(步骤4和5类似 如果B [n]&lt; 2和4,则交换n和m,A和B的角色。 A [m + 1-2 t ],设m:= m - 2 t 并返回步骤1.
第5步:插入 B [n]进入A的适当位置。如果k是最大的那么 A [k]&lt; B [n],设定m = k,n = n - 1.返回步骤1.
答案 0 :(得分:1)
一个问题是因为 binsearch 。我认为你错误地使用它。
如果找不到元素,则 binsearch 返回-1
)的元素。 binsearch 会返回-1
在C / C ++中,数组是固定大小的。一旦确定尺寸你就无法改变它。 A
的大小为13. 增加数组的大小是错误的。
using namespace std;
/* binsearch from The C Programming Language (Second Edition) */
int binsearch1(int search_val, int array[], int array_len) {
int low, high, mid;
low = 0;
high = array_len - 1;
while (low <= high) {
mid = (low + high) / 2;
if (search_val < array[mid])
high = mid - 1;
else if (search_val > array[mid])
low = mid + 1;
return mid;
return -1; /* no match */
/* binsearch from SO question: http://stackoverflow.com/q/34246941/1566187 */
int binsearch2(int array[], int first, int last, int search_key) {
int index;
if (first > last)
index = -1;
else {
int mid = (first + last) / 2;
if (search_key == array[mid])
index = mid;
if (search_key < array[mid])
index = binsearch2(array, first, mid - 1, search_key);
index = binsearch2(array, mid + 1, last, search_key);
return index;
* Comparing binsearch from reference book and So question
int main() {
int m = 3;
int A[] = {87, 503, 512};
int i = binsearch1(503, A, m);
int j = binsearch2(A, 0, m - 1, 503);
cout << "Elements are found at indices" << endl;
cout << i << ", " << j << endl;
i = binsearch1(99, A, m);
j = binsearch2(A, 0, m - 1, 99);
cout << "Element are not found, thus return is -1" << endl;
cout << i << ", " << j << endl;
return 0;