
时间:2015-12-12 18:37:55

标签: ruby macos ruby-on-rails-4

我在安装var html = process(jsonInput); gem的/* Dependency Injection Framework - viziion.js */ function Viziion(appName) { if (typeof appName == 'string') { var that = this; this.name = appName; this.focus = null; this.scope = { '/': { 'subScopes': {}, 'components': {} } }; this.hooks = {}; this.addScope = function(scopeName) { if (typeof scopeName == 'string') { var scopeArray = scopeName.split('/'); var scope = that.scope['/']; for (var i = 0; i < scopeArray.length; i++) { if (scopeArray[i] !== "") { if (scope.subScopes[scopeArray[i]]) { scope = scope.subScopes[scopeArray[i]]; } else { scope.subScopes[scopeArray[i]] = { 'subScopes': {}, 'components': {} }; } } } } else { throw 'Scope path must be a string.'; } return that; }; this.addComponent = function(componentName, func) { if (typeof componentName == 'string') { var scopeArray = componentName.split(':'); if (scopeArray.length == 2) { var scope = that.scope['/']; var scopeName = scopeArray[1]; scopeArray = scopeArray[0].split('/'); for (var i = 0; i <= scopeArray.length; i++) { if (scopeArray[i] !== "") { if (scope.subScopes[scopeArray[i]]) { scope = scope.subScopes[scopeArray[i]]; } else if (i == scopeArray.length) { scope.components[scopeName] = func; that.focus = scope.components[scopeName]; } else { throw 'Scope path is invalid.'; } } } } else { throw 'Path does not include a component.'; } } else { throw 'Component path must be a string.'; } return that; }; this.returnComponent = function(componentName, callback) { if (typeof componentName == 'string') { var scopeArray = componentName.split(':'); if (scopeArray.length == 2) { var scope = that.scope['/']; var scopeName = scopeArray[1]; scopeArray = scopeArray[0].split('/'); for (var i = 0; i <= scopeArray.length; i++) { if (scopeArray[i] !== "") { if (i == scopeArray.length) { callback(scope.components[scopeName]); } else if (scope.subScopes[scopeArray[i]]) { scope = scope.subScopes[scopeArray[i]]; } else { throw 'Scope path is invalid.'; } } } } else { throw 'Path does not include a component.'; } } else { throw 'Component path must be a string.'; } }; this.addHook = function(hookName, func) { if (typeof hookName == 'string') { that.hooks[hookName] = func; that.focus = that.hooks[hookName]; } else { throw 'Hook name must be a string.'; } return that; }; this.inject = function(dependencyArray) { if (dependencyArray) { var dependencies = []; for (var i = 0; i < dependencyArray.length; i++) { that.returnComponent(dependencyArray[i], function(dependency) { dependencies.push(dependency); }); } console.log(that.focus); that.focus = function() { that.focus.apply(null, dependencies); }; console.log(that.focus); console.log(that.scope); return that; } }; this.focusComponent = function(componentPath) { that.focus = that.returnUserHandle(componentPath); }; this.returnUserHandle = function() { return that.hooks; }; } else { throw 'Viziion name must be a string.'; } } /* JSON HTML Generator - A Simple Library Using Viziion */ var JHTML = new Viziion('JHTML'); JHTML.addScope('/generate'); JHTML.addComponent('/generate:jsonInput', [{ tag: '!DOCTYPEHTML' }, { tag: 'html', children: [{ tag: 'head', children: [] }, { tag: 'body', children: [] }] }]); JHTML.addComponent('/generate:process', function(nodes) { var html = []; var loop = function() { for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (nodes[i].tag) { html.push('<' + tag + '>'); if (nodes[i].children) { loop(); } html.push('</' + tag + '>'); return html; } else { throw '[JHTML] Bad syntax: Tag type is not defined on node.'; } } }; }).inject(['/generate:jsonInput']); JHTML.addHook('generate', function(jsonInput, process) { console.log('Process func arg:'); console.log(process); var html = process(jsonInput); return html; }).inject(['/generate:jsonInput', '/generate:process']); var handle = JHTML.returnUserHandle(); /* HTML Generator Syntax - Client */ console.log(handle.generate());版本时遇到错误:


建议json issue thread安装json


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import A from '../src/a'; import B from '../src/b'; jest.mock('../src/a'); describe('Wallet', () => { it('should work', () => { const mockStaticF = jest.fn(); mockStaticF.mockReturnValue('worked'); A.staticF = mockStaticF.bind(A); const b = new B(); const result = b.gCallsStaticF(); expect(result).toEqual('worked'); }); });