C#将typeof(x)传递给一个函数(例如lHost = new ServiceHost(typeof(Tester1));)

时间:2015-12-12 00:10:16

标签: c# wcf .net-4.5 servicehost

我在SharpDevelop中使用C#,。NET Framework 4.5.1。

有没有办法创建一个接受" typeof(ISomeInterface)"和#34; typeof(SomeClass)"作为参数?

情况: 我正在构建一个应该承载多个Web服务的应用程序。每个WebService都将在其自己的System.ServiceModel.ServiceHost上创建。目前,只有两个WebServices在运行(Tester1和Tester2,因为我只是想让它运行起来)。

将来,在这个应用程序中会运行多个WebServices,甚至可能是" unknown",但是从我的基础派生出来。我当前的设置有效,但是,正如您在下面的代码中看到的那样,远不是最干的样式代码。所以,当然,我想将所有重复的代码移动到一个方法中。



public interface ITester
    void Test( string pText );

public class Tester : System.Web.Services.WebService, ITester
    public Tester( )
    public virtual void Test( string pText )


public interface ITester1 : ITester

public class Tester1 : Tester, ITester1
    public override void Test( String pMessage )
        Console.WriteLine( "Message received : \n{0}\n", pMessage );

public interface ITester2 : ITester

public class Tester2 : Tester, ITester2
    public Tester2( )

    public override void Test( string pText )
        Console.WriteLine( "Message received : \n{0}\n", pText );


public class Program
    public static void Main( )
        int lWhatService = 1; // Actual Program uses user input.

        if( lWhatService == 1 )
            string iServer  = "localhost";
            int    iPort    = 80;
            string iService = "Tester1";
            string iWDSL    = "wsdl";

            string iHTTPAddress   = "http://"    + iServer + ":" + iPort.ToString( ) + "/" + iService;
            string iMetaAddress   = "http://"    + iServer + ":" + iPort.ToString( ) + "/" + iService + "/" + iWDSL;
            string iNetTCPAddress = "net.tcp://" + iServer + "/" + iService + "/" + iWDSL;

            ServiceHost lHost;

            Uri iHTTPUri = new Uri( iHTTPAddress );
            BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding( );
            lHost = new ServiceHost( typeof(Tester1) );

            lHost.AddServiceEndpoint( typeof(ITester1), binding, iHTTPUri );

            ServiceMetadataBehavior metadata = new ServiceMetadataBehavior( );
            metadata.HttpGetUrl = new Uri( iMetaAddress );
            metadata.HttpGetEnabled = true;
            lHost.Description.Behaviors.Add( metadata );
            Binding mexBinding = MetadataExchangeBindings.CreateMexTcpBinding( );
            Uri mexAddress = new Uri( iNetTCPAddress );
            lHost.AddServiceEndpoint( typeof(IMetadataExchange), mexBinding, mexAddress );

            lHost.Open( );
        else if( lWhatService == 2 )
            string iServer  = "localhost";
            int    iPort    = 80;
            string iService = "Tester2";
            string iWDSL    = "wsdl";

            string iHTTPAddress   = "http://"    + iServer + ":" + iPort.ToString( ) + "/" + iService;
            string iMetaAddress   = "http://"    + iServer + ":" + iPort.ToString( ) + "/" + iService + "/" + iWDSL;
            string iNetTCPAddress = "net.tcp://" + iServer + "/" + iService + "/" + iWDSL;

            ServiceHost lHost;

            Uri iHTTPUri = new Uri( iHTTPAddress );
            BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding( );
            lHost = new ServiceHost( typeof(Tester2) );

            lHost.AddServiceEndpoint( typeof(ITester2), binding, iHTTPUri );

            ServiceMetadataBehavior metadata = new ServiceMetadataBehavior( );
            metadata.HttpGetUrl = new Uri( iMetaAddress );
            metadata.HttpGetEnabled = true;
            lHost.Description.Behaviors.Add( metadata );
            Binding mexBinding = MetadataExchangeBindings.CreateMexTcpBinding( );
            Uri mexAddress = new Uri( iNetTCPAddress );
            lHost.AddServiceEndpoint( typeof(IMetadataExchange), mexBinding, mexAddress );

            lHost.Open( );

        System.Console.ReadKey( ); // This is where the user normally could switch

可以看出,两种方法(Run1和Run2)大约90%相同,只是它们使用ITester1& Tester1或ITester2& Tester2。


lHost = new ServiceHost( typeof(Tester1) );
lHost.AddServiceEndpoint( typeof(ITester1), binding, iHTTPUri );


lHost = new ServiceHost( typeof(Tester2) );
lHost.AddServiceEndpoint( typeof(ITester2), binding, iHTTPUri );


Type lObj = typeof(Tester1);
lHost = new ServiceHost( lObj );

Type lInt = typeof(ITester1);
lHost.AddServiceEndpoint( lInt, binding, iHTTPUri );


Type lObj = typeof(Tester2);
lHost = new ServiceHost( lObj );

Type lInt = typeof(ITester2);
lHost.AddServiceEndpoint( lInt, binding, iHTTPUri );

这,准备将代码移动到方法中。代码仍然有效,我仍然得到了我期望的响应(目前只是WebServices WSDL)。

显而易见的下一步是将if( lWhatService == 1 )else if( lWhatService == 2 )块中的所有代码移动到单个方法中。


public static ServiceHost GetHost<T, U>( string pServer, int pPort, string pService, string pWSDL )
    string iHTTPAddress   = "http://"    + pServer + ":" + pPort.ToString( ) + "/" + pService;
    string iMetaAddress   = "http://"    + pServer + ":" + pPort.ToString( ) + "/" + pService + "/" + pWSDL;
    string iNetTCPAddress = "net.tcp://" + pServer + "/" + pService + "/" + pWSDL;

    Type iInterface = typeof(T);
    Type iObject    = typeof(U);
    ServiceHost iHost = new ServiceHost( iObject );

    // HTTP Binding => Create and Prepare
    Uri iHTTPUri = new Uri( iHTTPAddress );
    BasicHttpBinding iHTTPBinding = new BasicHttpBinding( );
    // HTTP Binding => Add to Host
    iHost.AddServiceEndpoint( iInterface, iHTTPBinding, iHTTPAddress );

    return iHost;


lHost1 = GetHost<ITester1, Tester1>( "localhost", 80, "Tester1", "wsdl" );
lHost1.Open( );
lHost2 = GetHost<ITester2, Tester2>( "localhost", 80, "Tester2", "wsdl" );
lHost2.Open( );



public static ServiceHost GetHost( string pServer, int pPort, Type pInterface, Type pObject, string pService, string pWSDL )
    Type iInterface = typeof(pInterface);
    Type iObject    = typeof(pObject);
    ServiceHost iHost = new ServiceHost( iObject );


public static ServiceHost GetHost( string pServer, int pPort, Type pInterface, Type pObject, string pService, string pWSDL )
    Type iInterface = pInterface;
    Type iObject    = pObject;
    ServiceHost iHost = new ServiceHost( iObject );


lHost = GetHost( "localhost", 80, typeof(ITester1), typeof(Tester1), "Tester1", "wsdl" );


lHost = GetHost( "localhost", 80, ITester1, Tester1, "Tester1", "wsdl" );



lHost1 = GetHost<ITester1, Tester1>( "localhost", 80, "Tester1", "wsdl" );    


lHost1 = GetHost( "localhost", 80, typeof(ITester1), typeof(Tester1), "Tester1", "wsdl" );    

or (most preferred)

lHost1 = GetHost( "localhost", 80, ITester1, Tester1, "Tester1", "wsdl" );



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

找到它,我因为没有早点看到而感到羞愧。我的方法错过了一个重要的路线:iMeta.HttpGetEnabled = true;有了它,它运行正常。应该在iMeta.HttpGetUrl = iMetaUri;


@cubbr:感谢您再次查看我的代码 @Preston Guillog:谢谢你让我更多地思考我在做什么。


    public static ServiceHost GetHost( string pServer, int pPort, Type pInterface, Type pObject, string pService, string pWSDL )
        string iHTTPAddress   = "http://"    + pServer + ":" + pPort.ToString( ) + "/" + pService;
        string iMetaAddress   = "http://"    + pServer + ":" + pPort.ToString( ) + "/" + pService + "/" + pWSDL;
        string iNetTCPAddress = "net.tcp://" + pServer + "/" + pService + "/" + pWSDL;

        Type iInterface = pInterface;
        Type iObject    = pObject;
        ServiceHost iHost = new ServiceHost( iObject );

        // HTTP Binding => Create and Prepare
        Uri iHTTPUri = new Uri( iHTTPAddress );
        BasicHttpBinding iHTTPBinding = new BasicHttpBinding( );
        // HTTP Binding => Add to Host
        iHost.AddServiceEndpoint( iInterface, iHTTPBinding, iHTTPAddress );

        // MetaData => Create and Prepare
        Uri iMetaUri = new Uri( iMetaAddress );
        ServiceMetadataBehavior iMeta = new ServiceMetadataBehavior( );
        iMeta.HttpGetUrl = iMetaUri;
        iMeta.HttpGetEnabled = true;
        // MetaData => Add to Host
        iHost.Description.Behaviors.Add( iMeta ); 

        Uri iNetTCPUri = new Uri( iNetTCPAddress );
        Binding iNetTCPBinding = MetadataExchangeBindings.CreateMexTcpBinding( );
        iHost.AddServiceEndpoint( typeof( IMetadataExchange), iNetTCPBinding, iNetTCPUri );

        return iHost;


lHost = GetHost( "localhost", 80, typeof(ITester1), typeof(Tester1), "Tester1", "wsdl" );
lHost.Open( );