错误:执行gem时...(Errno :: EACCES)权限被拒绝@ rb_sysopen - / path / to / my / ruby​​ global / wrappers / cert

时间:2015-12-11 16:11:44

标签: ruby macos openssl rvm

`rvm upgrade 2.2.1 2.2.3`


+ gem wrappers regenerate
ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Errno::EACCES)
    Permission denied @ rb_sysopen - /Users/snowcrash/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.3@global/wrappers/cert
+ return 1
Making gemset ruby-2.2.3@global pristine........................................................................................
Error running '__rvm_with ruby-2.2.3@global gemset_pristine',
showing last 15 lines of /Users/snowcrash/.rvm/log/1449848326/gemset.pristine-ruby-2.2.3@global.log
+ _failed+=("${_gem} --version ${_version}")
+ read _gem _version _platforms
+ ((  29 > 0  ))
+ rvm_error '\n'\''command gem pristine --extensions cert --version 1.2.7 coderay --version 1.1.0 commander --version 4.3.5 deliver --version 1.6.4 dotenv --version 2.0.2 fastlane --version 1.47.0 frameit --version 2.4.0 gem-wrappers --version 1.2.7 gym --version 1.2.0 krausefx-shenzhen --version 0.14.6 launchy --version 2.4.3 match --version 0.1.0 pem --version 1.1.0 pilot --version 1.1.0 produce --version 1.1.0 pry --version 0.10.3 rouge --version 1.10.1 scan --version 0.3.2 sentry-raven --version 0.15.2 sigh --version 1.2.1 snapshot --version 1.4.1 spaceship --version 0.16.0 supply --version 0.2.2 terminal-notifier --version 1.6.3 unf_ext --version xcode-install --version 1.0.1 xcodeproj --version 0.28.2 xcpretty --version 0.2.1 xcpretty-travis-formatter --version 0.0.4'\'' failed, you need to fix this gems manually.'
+ rvm_pretty_print stderr
+ case "${rvm_pretty_print_flag:=auto}" in
+ case "${TERM:-dumb}" in
+ case "$1" in
+ [[ -t 2 ]]
+ return 1
+ printf %b '\n'\''command gem pristine --extensions cert --version 1.2.7 coderay --version 1.1.0 commander --version 4.3.5 deliver --version 1.6.4 dotenv --version 2.0.2 fastlane --version 1.47.0 frameit --version 2.4.0 gem-wrappers --version 1.2.7 gym --version 1.2.0 krausefx-shenzhen --version 0.14.6 launchy --version 2.4.3 match --version 0.1.0 pem --version 1.1.0 pilot --version 1.1.0 produce --version 1.1.0 pry --version 0.10.3 rouge --version 1.10.1 scan --version 0.3.2 sentry-raven --version 0.15.2 sigh --version 1.2.1 snapshot --version 1.4.1 spaceship --version 0.16.0 supply --version 0.2.2 terminal-notifier --version 1.6.3 unf_ext --version xcode-install --version 1.0.1 xcodeproj --version 0.28.2 xcpretty --version 0.2.1 xcpretty-travis-formatter --version 0.0.4'\'' failed, you need to fix this gems manually.\n'


-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  staff  343 Dec 11 09:49 /Users/snowcrash/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.3@global/wrappers/cert



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



sudo chown -R $(whoami) /Users/$(whoami)/.rvm

答案 1 :(得分:2)


sudo chown -R $(whoami) /Users/$(whoami)/.rbenv