当我尝试运行此宏时,我收到“Out of Memory”错误:
Sub DefaultsMacro()
Dim AVsheet As Worksheet
Set AVsheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("AIV export")
Dim AKsheet As Worksheet
Set AKsheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("AIK export")
Dim APsheet As Worksheet
Set APsheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("AIP export")
'Set all of the sheets to variable names for ease of use.
LengthAv = AVsheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
LengthAv = LengthAv - 1
LengthAK = AKsheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
LengthAK = LengthAK - 1
LengthAP = APsheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
LengthAP = LengthAP - 1
'Set the length of each spreadsheet (# of rows)
For r1 = 5 To LengthAv
If AVsheet.Cells(r1, 2) <> "" And AVsheet.Cells <> "<NULL>" Then 'Skip over null and empty rows
AVsheet.Cells(r1, 8) = 0 'Place zeros in case null isn't treated as a zero
AVsheet.Cells(r1, 9) = 0
For AIKs = 1 To 99999 'Loop around until there is a non-Null value meaning we're at the next PV
x = r1 + AIKs
If AVsheet.Cells(x, 2) <> "" Then
Exit For
End If
Next AIKs
'After this loop, AIKs will be the # of AIKs that this PV is used in.
PVRows = r1 + AIKs - 1 'This is the last row that this PV occupies range of r1 to PVRows will be all of the PV's rows
For x = r1 To PVRows
AVsheet.Cells(x, 7) = 0
Next x
For r2 = 5 To LengthAP
If APsheet.Cells(r2, 3) = AVsheet.Cells(r1, 1) Then 'If there is an instance of the profileVariable
AVsheet.Cells(r1, 8) = AVsheet.Cells(r1, 8) + 1
If APsheet.Cells(r2, 5) <> AVsheet.Cells(r1, 3) Then 'If the default value and recommended value are not equal
AVsheet.Cells(r1, 9) = AVsheet.Cells(r1, 9) + 1
End If
End If
Next r2
End If
Next r1
End Sub
If AVsheet.Cells(r1, 2) <> "" And AVsheet.Cells <> "<NULL>" Then 'Skip over null and empty rows
我对excel还不是很熟悉VBA(在1-2天内自学这么多)。有没有办法可以改变我的代码,以免出现Out of Memory错误?