
时间:2015-12-11 14:42:19

标签: excel vba excel-vba email




Sub PDFActiveSheet()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim strPath As String
Dim myFile As Variant
Dim strFile As String
On Error GoTo errHandler

Set ws = ActiveSheet

'enter name and select folder for file
' start in current workbook folder
strFile = Replace(Replace(Range("B1"), "", ""), "", "") _
        & " Period " _
        & Format(Now(), Cells.Range("J1")) _
        & ".pdf"
strFile = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & strFile

myFile = Application.GetSaveAsFilename _
    (InitialFileName:=strFile, _
        FileFilter:="PDF Files (*.pdf), *.pdf", _
        Title:="Select Folder and FileName to save")

If myFile <> "False" Then
        ws.ExportAsFixedFormat _
        Type:=xlTypePDF, _
        Filename:=myFile, _
        Quality:=xlQualityStandard, _
        IncludeDocProperties:=True, _
        IgnorePrintAreas:=False, _

 End If

     Exit Sub
     MsgBox "Could not create PDF file"
    Resume exitHandler
End Sub

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您可以通过Outlook自动发送电子邮件,但似乎访问Gmail并通过网络发送邮件似乎完全不同。 Gmail确实有一个API,您可以在此处获取文档:https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/


答案 1 :(得分:0)

Ron DeBruins网站上我发现了这个并成功测试过。我必须启用&#34;所有安全性较低的应用程序&#34;在我的Gmail设置中。这是代码,以防他的网站出现故障。

Sub CDO_Mail_Small_Text_2()
    Dim iMsg As Object
    Dim iConf As Object
    Dim strbody As String
    Dim Flds As Variant

Set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set iConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")

iConf.Load -1    ' CDO Source Defaults
Set Flds = iConf.Fields
With Flds
    .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpusessl") = True
    .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate") = 1
    .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername") = "Your gmail address"
    .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword") = "gmail pw"
    .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = "smtp.gmail.com"

    .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2
    .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25
End With

strbody = "Hi there" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
          "This is line 1" & vbNewLine & _
          "This is line 2" & vbNewLine & _
          "This is line 3" & vbNewLine & _
          "This is line 4"

With iMsg
    Set .Configuration = iConf
    .To = ""
    .CC = ""
    .BCC = ""
    ' Note: The reply address is not working if you use this Gmail example
    ' It will use your Gmail address automatic. But you can add this line
    ' to change the reply address  .ReplyTo = "Reply@something.nl"
    .From = """FROM??"" <Reply@something.nl>"
    .Subject = "Important message"
    .TextBody = strbody
End With

End Sub