使用PowerShell 2.0映射驱动器监控

时间:2015-12-10 19:27:25

标签: powershell powershell-v2.0

我正在编写PowerShell 2.0脚本来监视和重新连接应该映射的网络驱动器。它主要起作用。确定驱动器断开连接后,将运行登录脚本(ptt.vbs)并重新映射驱动器。但是,在此之后,即使重新映射,它仍然会看到特定的驱动器号已断开连接。

while($true) {
  $disconnectedDrives = @()
  $mappedDrives = 'J:', 'R:', 'S:', 'W:'
  foreach ($drive in $mappedDrives) {
    if (-Not (Test-Path $drive)) {
      $disconnectedDrives += $drive
  if ($disconnectedDrives) {
    Write-Host "$disconnectedDrives not mapped."
    Write-Eventlog -LogName 'Windows PowerShell' -Category 3 -source PowerShell -eventID 601 -EntryType Error -message "$disconnectedDrives OFFLINE and not available."
  Start-Sleep 1


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


但至少会采取不同的方式。首先创建一个包含网络驱动器配置的中央文件。例如" \ dc1 \ NETLOGON \ ptt.csv"看起来像这样...



$Local:LogicalDiskStatus  = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,System.Management.ManagementObject]'

$Local:NetDrvConf_Path    = "\\dc1\NETLOGON\ptt.csv"
$Local:NetDrvConf_List    = @()
$Local:NetDrvConf_DrvType = [UInt32]4

$Local:WshNetworkObj      = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Network

while($true) {
    # adding the logical disk status to a list indexed by DeviceID 
    Get-WmiObject -Class "Win32_LogicalDisk" | ForEach-Object { $LogicalDiskStatus.Add((($_.DeviceID) -replace ":"), $_) }

    if (!($NetDrvConf_List.Count)) {
        Try {
            $NetDrvConf_List = Import-Csv -Path $NetDrvConf_Path -Delimiter ";"         
        Catch [System.Exception] {
            $Local:ErrorMsg = ("Cannot load network drive configuration file `"{0}`".  Error message: {1}" -f $NetDrvConf_Path, ($_.Exception.Message))
            Write-Host $ErrorMsg -ForegroundColor red
            Write-Eventlog -LogName "Windows PowerShell" -Category 3 -Source PowerShell -EventId 601 -EntryType Error -Message $ErrorMsg

    $NetDrvConf_List | ForEach-Object {
        $Local:Current_DriveLetter = ($_.Drive).ToUpper()
        $Local:Current_DriveID     = ("{0}:" -f $Current_DriveLetter)
        $Local:Current_UNCPath     = $_.UNCPath

        Write-Host ("Check configuration:  {0}  {1}" -f $Current_DriveID, $Current_UNCPath)

        # drive in use?
        if ( ($LogicalDiskStatus.ContainsKey($Current_DriveLetter)) ) {
            # drive is a network drive?
            if (!(($LogicalDiskStatus.$Current_DriveLetter.DriveType).Equals($NetDrvConf_DrvType))) {
                $Local:ErrorMsg = ("Drive `"{0}`" is already in use, but not as a network drive!  The current drive type is `"{1}`" not `"4`"." -f $Current_DriveID, ($LogicalDiskStatus.$Current_DriveLetter.DriveType) )
                Write-Host $ErrorMsg -ForegroundColor red
                Write-Eventlog -LogName "Windows PowerShell" -Category 3 -Source PowerShell -EventId 602 -EntryType Error -Message $ErrorMsg
            # drive is NOT to the expected UNC path?
            } elseif (!(($LogicalDiskStatus.$Current_DriveLetter.ProviderName).Equals($Current_UNCPath))) {
                Try {
                    Write-Host ("Network drive `"{0}`" unexpectedly connected to `"{1}`".  Trying to disconnect." -f $Current_DriveID, ($LogicalDiskStatus.$Current_DriveLetter.ProviderName)) -ForegroundColor yellow
                    $WshNetworkObj.RemoveNetworkDrive($Current_DriveID, $true, $true)
                    Write-Host ("=> successfully disconnected.") -ForegroundColor green
                Catch [System.Exception] {
                    $Local:ErrorMsg = ("Error disconnecting `"{0}`".  Connected to `"{1}`".  Error message: {2}" -f $Current_DriveID, $Current_UNCPath, ($_.Exception.InnerException) )
                    Write-Host $ErrorMsg -ForegroundColor red
                    Write-Eventlog -LogName "Windows PowerShell" -Category 3 -Source PowerShell -EventId 603 -EntryType Error -Message $ErrorMsg
            } else {
                Write-Host "=> correct connected" -ForegroundColor green

        # drive is unused?
        if (!(((Get-PSProvider -PSProvider FileSystem).Drives.Name).Contains($Current_DriveLetter))) {
            Try {
                Write-Host ("Connecting network drive `"{0}`" to `"{1}`"." -f $Current_DriveID, $Current_UNCPath) -ForegroundColor yellow
                $WshNetworkObj.MapNetworkDrive($Current_DriveID, $Current_UNCPath, $true)
                Write-Host ("=> successfully connected.") -ForegroundColor green
            Catch [System.Exception] {
                $Local:ErrorMsg = ("Error connecting `"{0}`" to `"{1}`". Error message: {2}" -f $Current_UNCPath, $Current_DriveID, ($_.Exception.InnerException) )
                Write-Host $ErrorMsg -ForegroundColor red
                Write-Eventlog -LogName "Windows PowerShell" -Category 3 -Source PowerShell -EventId 604 -EntryType Error -Message $ErrorMsg

    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1