我是一名学生正在完成我的课程,我们必须制作一个Vigenere密码程序。 我知道我的程序很复杂,但我不知道有任何其他方法可以解决这个问题。 我似乎有一个问题,当我添加消息和关键字的序数值时,新的序数值超出了正常的字母值范围。所以它打印出这样奇怪的字母ÐÑÐÑÐÑÐÑÐÑÐÑÐÑÐÑ。
newmessage1 = []
stringposition = 0
number1 = 0
mesletter = 0
keyletter = 0
output =[]
keylist = []
stringofnumbs = []
question = input('Would you like to encrypt, decrypt a message or quit?')
if question == 'encrypt'or'encrypt a string'or'ENCRYPT'or'encrypt_a_message'or'Encrypt':
message1 = input('Please input a message to encrypt')
keyword1 = input('Please input a keyword ')
if message1.isalpha and keyword1.isalpha:#this check if the message and the keyword only contains letters
messagelength=len(message1)#this sets the variable 'messagelength' to the length of message1
newkeyword=''#this is an empty variable used to insert the length of the new keyword
while len(keyword1)<=len(message1):#this will loop checks that the length of keyword1 is smaller thasn the length of message1.
keyword1+=keyword1#this will repeat the keyword to fit the length of the message
#this set the 'newkeyword' variable to the length of the new keyword
#(the new keyword is the keyword repeated to fit the length of the message.)
for mesletter in message1:
mesnumber = ord(mesletter)#what it does is it takes every letter in message1 and puts it into its unicode form.
stringofnumbs.append(mesnumber)#once one letter has been put in its unicode value it will append that unicdoe from of that
#letter in the variable 'stringofnumbs',it will do this process for every letter in the message.
for keyletter in keyword1:
keynumber = ord(keyletter)#what it does is it takes every letter in keyword1 and puts it into its unicode form.
keylist.append(keynumber)#once one letter has been put in its unicode value it will
#append that unicdoe from of that letter in the variable 'stringofnumbs',it will do this process for every letter in the message.
temp1 = int(stringofnumbs[stringposition])#temp1 is a variable that holds the ordinal values of letters in message1
temp2 = int(keylist[stringposition-1])#and temp2 is a variable that holds the ordinal values of letters in the keyword1
temp3 = temp2+temp1#temp3 then adds these ordinal values togther
encdec.append(temp3)#the ordinal values added togther are appended to the encdec variable
for number1 in encdec:
newletter1=chr(number1)#this for loop takes every letter in encdec and puts the ordinal values back into charcters
newmessage1.append(newletter1)#then every letter that has been changed to a charcater value is appended to the varibale newmessage1
print (' ')#this leaves a bit of space to make the encoded text clear
print ('the endcoded text is:')#this is just a bit of text to make the encoded text clear to the user
print (''.join(newmessage1))#here the encoded message is printed
('The message or keyword is invalid please use only numbers')#this will print only if the keyword or message doesnt only contain letters and spaces
答案 0 :(得分:0)
In [0]: chr(122) # I guess this is the last valid character you want?
Out[0]: 'z'
In [1]: chr(123) # Because now we go into symbols
Out[1]: '{'
In [2]: 234%122 # We can take the remainder using modulo division
Out[2]: 112
In [3]: chr(234) # Not what you want?
Out[3]: 'ê'
In [4]: chr(234%122) # What you want?
Out[4]: 'p'
In [5]: chr(0) # On further inspection, you also need to add a constant when you divide
Out[5]: '\x00'
In [6]: chr(49) # Try adding 49 after modulo dividing, and that should keep you alphanumeric.
Out[6]: '1'
答案 1 :(得分:0)
即可。 temp2
应该是关键偏移量,范围从0到25.因此,当您计算temp2 = int(keylist[stringposition-1]) - 65
while len(keyword1)<=len(message1):
for mesletter in message1:
keynumber = ord(keyletter)
for keyletter in newkeyword:
keynumber = ord(keyletter)
temp1 = int(stringofnumbs[stringposition])
temp2 = int(keylist[stringposition]) - 65
temp3 = temp2+temp1
if temp3 > 90:
temp3 -= 26
stringposition += 1
这在概念上会解决您的问题,但您的算法仍然不正确。 while循环的目的是将关键字的长度扩展为至少与消息的长度一样长。其他所有内容必须在左侧缩进4个空格,因此它们不是循环的一部分。明确地,
,并且您还需要在每个字母上增加if message1.isalpha() and keyword1.isalpha():
message1 = message1.upper()
keyword1 = keyword1.upper()
if len(keyword1) < len(message1):
keyword1 = keyword1 * (len(message1) / len(keyword1)) + keyword1
keyword1 = keyword1[:len(message1)]
for m, k in zip(message1, keyword1):
encrypted = ord(m) + (ord(k) - 65)
if encrypted > 90:
encrypted -= 26
print ('\nThe endcoded text is:')
print (''.join(encdec))
要获得更高效,更简单的算法,请考虑将代码发布到Code Review,以及审核,并从您获得的反馈中学习。
Create table New_table as
select * from Old_table where 1=2 ;