I am just playing with C# and I am trying to add data from an SQL database to a Doubly Linked List and I am having trouble with printing this using a button. Just want to know how to properly print and how to use this in a button.
public class Book
SqlConnection conn;
//variables of the Book Table created
public int ISBNno;
public string Title;
public string Category;
public string Acode;
public Book(int ISBN, string title, string category, string
this.ISBNno = ISBN;
this.Title = title;
this.Category = category;
this.Acode = acode;
public class Structures
SqlConnection conn;
public void LoadData()
LinkedList<Book> book = new LinkedList<Book>(); // doubly linked list
conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[@"dbConnection1"].ConnectionString);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select * From Book where ISBNno = 123456789", conn); // command to execute
SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read())// read all records with the ISBNno 123456789
Book theBook = new Book(reader.GetInt32(0),
reader.GetString(1), reader.GetString(2), reader.GetString(3));
//new Book node
book.AddFirst(theBook); // add it to the Doubly Linked List
foreach (Book t in values)
//Formatting code needed for tabbed appearance
Output += "\r\n" + t.Title + "\t" + t.Category;
return Output += "\r\n";
public string Output;
public String PrintNode(LinkedList<Book> values) // print nodes
foreach (Book t in values)
//Formatting code needed for tabbed appearance
Output += "\r\n" + t.Title + "\t" + t.Category;
return Output += "\r\n";
Think my connection works but hard to tell as I cannot print. Any help would be appreciated.