Angular ui-rotuer $state.go not changing state?

时间:2015-12-10 01:57:02

标签: javascript angularjs angular-ui-router

I have a factory I have created that will check if a state change is happening and if a form is dirty. If the form is dirty a modal will appear similar to a confirm window. My issue is that the $state.go() is not working. I am at a loss as to why:

(function() {

    var checkStateChangeService = function ($rootScope, $modal) {

        var addCheck = function ($scope, form, $state) {

            var modalInstanceCtrl = function ($scope, $modalInstance) {
                $scope.ok = function () {

                $scope.cancel = function () {

            var removeListener = $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart',  function (event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) {

                if (form.$pristine) {

                var message = "There are unsaved changes, do you want to continue?";
                var title = "Unsaved Changes";

                var modalHtml = "<div class=\"panel\">\r\n";
                modalHtml += "<h4 class=\"center\" id=\"modalTitle\">" + title + "<\/h4>\r\n";
                modalHtml += "<div class=\"small-12 columns\">\r\n";
                modalHtml += "<div class=\"modal-body\">" + message + "<\/div>";
                modalHtml += "<div class=\"button-box\">\r\n";
                modalHtml += "<button ng-click='ok()' class=\"tiny\">OK<\/button>\r\n";
                modalHtml += "<button ng-click='cancel()' class=\"tiny\">Cancel<\/button>\r\n";
                modalHtml += "<\/div>\r\n";
                modalHtml += "<\/div>\r\n";
                modalHtml += "<\/div>";

                var modalInstance = ${
                    template: modalHtml,
                    controller: modalInstanceCtrl

                modalInstance.result.then(function () {
                }, function () {


            $scope.$on("$destroy", removeListener);

        return { checkFormOnStateChange: addCheck};

    var module = angular.module("traApp");
    module.service("checkStateChangeService", checkStateChangeService);

I am not seeing any errors and not sure why this is an issue. I have seen several examples very similar to mine.

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我发现this question帮助我解决了这个问题。我看到的唯一一个小问题是状态改变后模态关闭。看起来很奇怪,但它确实有效。 AvijitGupta,实际上让我思考,因为看起来状态似乎没有改变。

(function() {

    var checkStateChangeService = function ($rootScope, $modal) {

        var addCheck = function ($scope, form, $state) {

            var _this = this;

            var modalInstanceCtrl = function ($scope, $modalInstance) {
                $scope.ok = function () {


                $scope.cancel = function () {

            var removeListener = function (event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) {

                if (form.$pristine) {

                _this.toState = toState;
                _this.toParams = toParams;

                var message = "There are unsaved changes, do you want to continue?";
                var title = "Unsaved Changes";

                var modalHtml = "<div class=\"panel\">\r\n";
                modalHtml += "<h4 class=\"center\" id=\"modalTitle\">" + title + "<\/h4>\r\n";
                modalHtml += "<div class=\"small-12 columns\">\r\n";
                modalHtml += "<div class=\"modal-body\">" + message + "<\/div>";
                modalHtml += "<div class=\"button-box\">\r\n";
                modalHtml += "<button ng-click='ok()' class=\"tiny\">OK<\/button>\r\n";
                modalHtml += "<button ng-click='cancel()' class=\"tiny\">Cancel<\/button>\r\n";
                modalHtml += "<\/div>\r\n";
                modalHtml += "<\/div>\r\n";
                modalHtml += "<\/div>";

                var modalInstance = ${
                    template: modalHtml,
                    controller: modalInstanceCtrl

                modalInstance.result.then(function () {

                    $state.go(, _this.toParams);
                }, function (error) {



            var onRouteChangeOff = $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', removeListener);


        return { checkFormOnStateChange: addCheck};

    var module = angular.module("traApp");
    module.service("checkStateChangeService", checkStateChangeService);