我想创建一个简单的演示。我希望在平面中间有一个立方体,当你点击它时会改变颜色。 (这很容易实现) 我希望有两个玩家,轮流点击立方体。 如果轮到您,立方体只会改变颜色。如果立方体改变颜色,则更改将反映在玩家的屏幕上。 我一直在看UNET的例子http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/unet-sample-projects.331978/,而且他们中的大多数人都有一个你用键盘控制的网络角色,这方面让我失望。我是否还需要创建2个播放器,但只是让它们不可见并且没有控制脚本?我的街区应该是预制件吗?这是我的块的脚本:
void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
// Command function is called from the client, but invoked on the server
void CmdChangeColor()
if (cubeColor == Color.green) cubeColor = Color.magenta;
else if (cubeColor == Color.magenta) cubeColor = Color.blue;
else if (cubeColor == Color.blue) cubeColor = Color.yellow;
else if (cubeColor == Color.yellow) cubeColor = Color.red;
else cubeColor = Color.green;
GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = cubeColor;
另外我会注意到我的Block目前不是预制件。我启用了网络标识组件,以及网络转换 - &gt;同步转换。当我启动服务器主机时,我可以更改块的颜色,但客户端无法查看这些更改。当客户端单击该块时,没有任何反应,除了错误消息:尝试在没有权限的情况下向对象发送命令。
任何帮助将不胜感激!谢谢 http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/UNetSetup.html
答案 0 :(得分:2)
所以我终于能够让这个工作了,感谢这个StackOverflow post。
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
public class OnTouchEvent : NetworkBehaviour
//this will get called when you click on the gameObject
public Color cubeColor;
private GameObject objectID;
private NetworkIdentity objNetId;
void Update()
if (isLocalPlayer)
void CheckIfClicked()
if (isLocalPlayer && Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
objectID = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Tower")[0]; //get the tower
cubeColor = new Color(Random.value, Random.value, Random.value, Random.value); // I select the color here before doing anything else
CmdChangeColor(objectID, cubeColor);
void CmdChangeColor(GameObject go, Color c)
objNetId = go.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>(); // get the object's network ID
objNetId.AssignClientAuthority(connectionToClient); // assign authority to the player who is changing the color
RpcUpdateCube(go, c);
// use a Client RPC function to "paint" the object on all clients
objNetId.RemoveClientAuthority(connectionToClient); // remove the authority from the player who changed the color
void RpcUpdateCube(GameObject go, Color c)
go.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = c;