
时间:2015-12-09 21:34:48

标签: python wikipedia

使用Python,我试图从维基百科Taxobox的几个“字段”中提取数据(通常为每个动物或植物物种页面显示的信息框,请参见此处:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Okapi)。< / p>

这里提供的解决方案(How to use Wikipedia API to get section of sidebar?)很有意思但在我的案例中没用,因为我对来自较低分类学类别(物种)的数据感兴趣。




EDIT2 :wptools现在是一个(python 2,3)库。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

@maurobio,@ jimhark wptools现在是一个python(2 + 3)库。它会 给你任何信息框&#34;框&#34;在名称中作为python dict,但是 您可能想要使用 Wikidata (例如,okapi https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q82037)因为信息素是混乱的 至少说)。如果你专注于维基数据,那么每个人都会受益, 并且wptools也可以为您获取维基数据。我们最近更新了wptools,以便它默认获得所有维基数据。


>>> page = wptools.page('Okapi')
>>> page.get_parse()
en.wikipedia.org (parse) Okapi
en.wikipedia.org (imageinfo) File:Okapi2.jpg
Okapi (en) data
  image: <list(1)> {'kind': 'parse-image', u'descriptionshorturl':...
  infobox: <dict(9)> status, status_ref, name, image, taxon, autho...
  iwlinks: <list(4)> https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Okapia_joh...
  pageid: 22709
  parsetree: <str(39115)> <root><template><title>about</title><par...
  requests: <list(2)> parse, imageinfo
  title: Okapi
  wikibase: Q82037
  wikidata_url: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q82037
  wikitext: <str(29930)> {{about|the animal}}{{good article}}{{use...

>>> page.data['infobox']
{'authority': '([[P.L. Sclater]], 1901)',
 'image': 'Okapi2.jpg',
 'image_caption': "An okapi at [[Disney's Animal Kingdom]] in [[Florida]].",
 'name': 'Okapi',
 'parent_authority': '[[Ray Lankester|Lankester]], 1901',
 'status': 'EN',
 'status_ref': '<ext><name>ref</name><attr> name=iucn</attr><inner>{{IUCN2008|assessor=IUCN SSC Antelope Specialist Group|year=2008|id=15188|title=Okapia johnstoni|downloaded=26 November 2013}} Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is endangered.</inner><close>&lt;/ref&gt;</close></ext>',
 'status_system': 'IUCN3.1',
 'taxon': 'Okapia johnstoni'}


>>> page = wptools.page('Okapi', lang='fr')
>>> page.get_wikidata()
www.wikidata.org (wikidata) Okapi
www.wikidata.org (labels) P646|P349|P373|P685|P627|Q16521|Q7432|Q...
fr.wikipedia.org (imageinfo) File:Okapia johnstoni -Marwell Wildl...
Okapi (fr) data
  aliases: <list(2)> Mondonga, Okapia johnstoni
  claims: <dict(26)> P646, P181, P935, P815, P373, P1417, P685, P1...
  description: espèce de mammifères
  image: <list(2)> {'kind': 'wikidata-image', u'descriptionshortur...
  label: Okapi
  labels: <dict(31)> P646, P373, P685, P627, Q16521, Q7432, Q20415...
  modified: <dict(1)> wikidata
  pageid: 84481
  requests: <list(3)> wikidata, labels, imageinfo
  title: Okapi
  what: taxon
  wikibase: Q82037
  wikidata: <dict(26)> identifiant BioLib (P838), taxon supérieur ...
  wikidata_url: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q82037

>>> page.data['wikidata']
{u'carte de r\xe9partition (P181)': u'Okapi distribution.PNG',
 u'cat\xe9gorie Commons (P373)': u'Okapia johnstoni',
 u'dur\xe9e de gestation (P3063)': {u'amount': u'+14.5',
  u'lowerBound': u'+14.0',
  u'unit': u'http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q5151',
  u'upperBound': u'+15.0'},
 u'd\xe9crit par (P1343)': u'encyclop\xe9die Otto (Q2041543)',
 u'galerie Commons (P935)': u'Okapia johnstoni',
 u'identifiant ARKive (P2833)': u'okapi/okapia-johnstoni',
 u'identifiant Animal Diversity Web (P4024)': u'Okapia_johnstoni',
 u'identifiant Biblioth\xe8que nationale de la Di\xe8te (P349)': u'01092792',
 u'identifiant BioLib (P838)': u'33523',
 u'identifiant Encyclopedia of Life (P830)': u'308387',
 u'identifiant Encyclop\xe6dia Britannica en ligne (P1417)': u'animal/okapi',
 u'identifiant Fossilworks (P842)': u'149380',
 u'identifiant Freebase (P646)': u'/m/05pf4',
 u'identifiant GBIF (P846)': u'2441207',
 u'identifiant ITIS (P815)': u'625037',
 u'identifiant Mammal Species of the World (P959)': u'14200484',
 u'identifiant NCBI (P685)': u'86973',
 u'identifiant UICN (P627)': u'15188',
 u'identifiant de la Grande Encyclop\xe9die russe en ligne (P2924)': u'2290412',
 u'image (P18)': [u'Okapia johnstoni -Marwell Wildlife, Hampshire, England-8a.jpg',
  u'Okapia johnstoni1.jpg'],
 u"nature de l'\xe9l\xe9ment (P31)": u'taxon (Q16521)',
 u'nom scientifique du taxon (P225)': u'Okapia johnstoni',
 u'nom vernaculaire (P1843)': [u'Okapi', u'Okapi'],
 u'rang taxinomique (P105)': u'esp\xe8ce (Q7432)',
 u'statut de conservation UICN (P141)': u'esp\xe8ce en danger (Q11394)',
 u'taxon sup\xe9rieur (P171)': u'Okapia (Q1872039)'}



>>> page = wptools.page('Okapi', lang='fr')
>>> page.get_parse()
fr.wikipedia.org (parse) Okapi
Okapi (fr) data
  infobox: <dict(2)> count, boxes

>>> page.data['infobox']['count']

>>> page.data['infobox']['boxes']
[{u'Taxobox d\xe9but': [[{'index': '1'}, 'animal'],
   [{'index': '2'}, "''Okapia johnstoni''"],
   [{'index': '3'}, 'Okapi2.jpg'],
   [{'index': '4'}, 'Okapi']]},
 {'Taxobox': [[{'index': '1'}, 'embranchement'],
   [{'index': '2'}, 'Chordata']]},
 {'Taxobox': [[{'index': '1'}, 'classe'], [{'index': '2'}, 'Mammalia']]},
 {'Taxobox': [[{'index': '1'}, 'sous-classe'], [{'index': '2'}, 'Theria']]},
 {'Taxobox': [[{'index': '1'}, 'ordre'], [{'index': '2'}, 'Artiodactyla']]},
 {'Taxobox': [[{'index': '1'}, 'famille'], [{'index': '2'}, 'Giraffidae']]},
 {'Taxobox taxon': [[{'index': '1'}, 'animal'],
   [{'index': '2'}, 'genre'],
   [{'index': '3'}, 'Okapia'],
   [{'index': '4'}, '[[Edwin Ray Lankester|Lankester]], [[1901]]']]},
 {'Taxobox taxon': [[{'index': '1'}, 'animal'],
   [{'index': '2'}, u'esp\xe8ce'],
   [{'index': '3'}, 'Okapia johnstoni'],
   [{'index': '4'}, '([[Philip Lutley Sclater|Sclater]], [[1901]])']]},
 {'Taxobox synonymes': [[{'index': '1'},
    "* ''Equus johnstoni'' <small>P.L. Sclater, 1901</small>"]]},
 {'Taxobox UICN': [[{'index': '1'}, 'EN'], [{'index': '2'}, 'A2abcd+4abcd']]},
 {u'Taxobox r\xe9partition': [[{'index': '1'}, 'Okapi map.jpg']]},
 {u'Taxobox r\xe9partition': [[{'index': '1'}, 'Okapi distribution.PNG']]},
 {'Taxobox fin': []}]


答案 1 :(得分:2)

{@ siznax发布了一个更好的答案。我只是在这里留下我的答案,作为使用wiki api并解析结果的一个例子。如果像wptools这样的图书馆出于某种原因无法满足您的需求,那么这只会有实际用途。}

这是一个重要的重写,包括一个(更多)正确的解析器来匹配模板的结束双括号&#39;}}&#39;。还可以更容易地请求不同的模板名称,并包含一个main()以允许从shell /命令行进行测试。

import sys
import re
import requests
import json

wikiApiRoot = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php'

# returns the position past the requested token or end of string if not found
def FindToken(text, token, start=0):
    pos = text.find(token, start)
    if -1 == pos:
        nextTokenPos = len(text)
        nextTokenPos = pos
    return nextTokenPos + len(token)

# Get the contents of the template as text
def GetTemplateText(wikitext, templateName):
    templateTag = '{{' + templateName

    startPos = FindToken(wikitext, templateTag)
    if (len(wikitext) <= startPos):
        # Template not found
        return None

    openCount = 1
    curPos = startPos
    nextOpenPos = FindToken(wikitext, '{{', curPos)
    nextClosePos = FindToken(wikitext, '}}', curPos)

    # scan for template's matching close braces
    while 0 < openCount:
        if nextOpenPos < nextClosePos:
            openCount += 1
            curPos = nextOpenPos
            nextOpenPos = FindToken(wikitext, '{{', curPos)
            openCount -= 1
            curPos = nextClosePos
            nextClosePos = FindToken(wikitext, '}}', curPos)

    templateText = wikitext[startPos:curPos-2]
    return templateText

def GetTemplateDict(title, templateName='Taxobox'):
    templateDict = None

    # Get data from Wikipedia:

    resp = requests.get(wikiApiRoot + '?action=query&prop=revisions&' +
        'rvprop=content&rvsection=0&format=json&redirects&titles=' +

    # Get the response text into a JSON object:

    rjson = json.loads(resp.text)

    # Pull out the text for the revision:

    wikitext = rjson['query']['pages'].values()[0]['revisions'][0]['*']

    # Parse the text for the template

    templateText = GetTemplateText(wikitext, templateName)

    if templateText:

        # Parse templateText to get named properties

        templateItemIter = re.finditer(
        templateList = [item.groups([0,1]) for item in templateItemIter]
        templateDict = dict(templateList)

    return templateDict

def main():
    import argparse
    import pprint

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('title', nargs='?', default='Okapia_johnstoni', help='title of the desired article')
    parser.add_argument('template', nargs='?', default='Taxobox', help='name of the desired template')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    templateDict = GetTemplateDict(args.title, args.template)

if __name__ == "__main__":


  • 二项式
  • binomial_authority
  • classis
  • 家族
  • genus_authority
  • 图像
  • image_caption
  • 的ordo
  • 物种
  • 状态
  • status_ref
  • status_system
  • 趋势



>>> taxoDict['familia'] 
