我对排列有疑问。 例如,我有下表:
答案 0 :(得分:3)
好的,从Joey的优秀答案中分离出来,要遍历具有已知列的数组,您可以执行以下操作(PowerShell v3或更高版本,可以在旧版本中完成,但会变得更复杂)。
#clean up any existing variables
Remove-Variable array, alliterations -ea 4
#create the sample array
[array]$array += [PSCustomObject]@{
'Column 1' = 'Single load'
'Column 2' = 'MAT1'
'Column 3' = 'Country A'
[array]$array += [PSCustomObject]@{
'Column 1' = 'Uniform distributed load'
'Column 2' = 'MAT2'
'Column 3' = 'Country B'
[array]$array += [PSCustomObject]@{
'Column 1' = ''
'Column 2' = 'MAT3'
'Column 3' = 'Country C'
#Create all iterations from that array
ForEach($a in ($array.'Column 1'|Where{$_})){
ForEach($b in ($array.'Column 2'|Where{$_})){
ForEach($c in ($array.'Column 3'|Where{$_})){
[array]$AllIterations += [PSCustomObject]@{
'Column 1' = $a
'Column 2' = $b
'Column 3' = $c
#Display results
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
-------- -------- --------
Single load MAT1 Country A
Single load MAT1 Country B
Single load MAT1 Country C
Single load MAT2 Country A
Single load MAT2 Country B
Single load MAT2 Country C
Single load MAT3 Country A
Single load MAT3 Country B
Single load MAT3 Country C
Uniform distributed load MAT1 Country A
Uniform distributed load MAT1 Country B
Uniform distributed load MAT1 Country C
Uniform distributed load MAT2 Country A
Uniform distributed load MAT2 Country B
Uniform distributed load MAT2 Country C
Uniform distributed load MAT3 Country A
Uniform distributed load MAT3 Country B
Uniform distributed load MAT3 Country C
#Copy array to clipboard as a tab delimited CSV
$AllIterations | ConvertTo-CSV -Delimiter "`t" -NoTypeInfo | Select -Skip 1 | Clip
#Open Excel, create a blank workbook, and paste the data in at cell A1
$XL = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$WB = $XL.Workbooks.Add()
$XL.Visible = $true
答案 1 :(得分:1)
$(foreach ($a in 'Single Load','Uniform distributed load') {
foreach ($b in 'MAT1','MAT2','MAT3') {
foreach ($c in 'Country A','Country B','Country C') {
New-Object -Prop @{Column1=$a;Column2=$b;Column3=$c}
}) | Export-Csv foo.csv -NoTypeInformation