public interface DialogClickListener {
void onDialogClick(DialogFragment dialog, Bundle args);
private DialogClickListener clickListener;
public static NumberPickerDialogFragment newInstance(final int fiedlId) {
NumberPickerDialogFragment dialog = new NumberPickerDialogFragment();
// Here I can pass arguments to dialog with bundle
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putInt("fieldid", fieldId);
return dialog;
public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Here I can get the arguments
final int fieldId = getArguments().getInt("fieldid");
/* Here I can send the id back to fragment callback dialogclick
* This happen for real inside positive dialog button
final Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putInt("fieldid", fieldid);
clicklistener.onDialogClick(NumberPickerDialogFragment.this, bundle);