returning a specific type in Python

时间:2015-12-08 19:29:11

标签: python

The quick version: I'm trying to figure out how to pass either a list or tuple from a function in one script, to a function in another script. The issue I run into, is that it always becomes a NoneObjectType in the second script, and then I can't do anything with it other than print it out as a long string.

The long version: I use a 3d program called Poser, that allows the use of Python to auto mate tasks. Because of this I made a nice little script called SelectMultiple that gives me a nice wxPython window were I can choose the items I want to modify. Because I can see using this over and over, I wanted it to be it's own script.

Here is the function I'm calling from SelectMultiple:

public class WebMvcConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {

    public void configurePathMatch(PathMatchConfigurer configurer) {



by default selected is a tuple, as you can see I tried casting it as a list before returning it, but it doesn't show up that way in my other script. The file does import, and I can print it and get a string that shows the content, but it's always NoneType and I can't do much with it. Here's the script I'm calling from:

def MyApp():
    title = "Select from list"
    # Make the selection window pop up
    mydialog = userInput(title, lst)
    popupwindow = mydialog.ShowModal()

    # If the user cancels win = 0
    if popupwindow == wx.ID_CANCEL:
        print "User canceled"

    # Get the selected actors
    selected = mydialog.GetSelectedActors()

    # We are finished with the dialog

    return lst(selected)

So yeah, how do I get something other than a NoneType back.

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


答案 1 :(得分:-2)


l = list()    
for item in selected:
    return l
