
时间:2015-12-08 18:24:40

标签: python python-2.7 python-3.x

我正在尝试根据它们之间的空格在python中排序字符串列表。例如,如果字符串列表是{'hello world', 'hello', 'hello world again', 'hello there'}.


{'hello world again', 'hello world', 'hello there', 'hello'}.

此致 阿洛克

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


>>> list.sort(key=lambda x: x.count(' '), reverse=True)
# list = ['hello world again', 'hello world', 'hello there', 'hello']


>>> sorted(set, key=lambda x: x.count(' '), reverse=True)
# ['hello world again', 'hello world', 'hello there', 'hello']

答案 1 :(得分:2)

无论是设置还是列表,您都可以使用sum作为sorted功能的关键 -

d={'hello world', 'hello', 'hello world again', 'hello there'}
sorted(d,key = lambda x: sum(1 for space in d if space==" "))


lst = ['hello world again', 'hello world', 'hello there', 'hello']
sorted(d,key = lambda x: sum(1 for space in l if space==" "))

输出 -

['hello world again', 'hello world', 'hello there', 'hello']

答案 2 :(得分:-1)

最好是向Sub GoodREPLACETeleModule() Dim wFind As Long ' <PUTDESCRIPTIONHERE> For MY_ROWS = 1 To Range("AF" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row MsgBox "Row " & MY_ROWS wFind = InStr(Range("R" & MY_ROWS).Value, "PUTDESCRIPTIONHERE") If wFind = 0 Then MsgBox "Nothing to replace" Else a = Len(Range("R" & MY_ROWS).Value): b = Len(Range("AF" & MY_ROWS).Value) Range("R" & MY_ROWS).Value = Replace(Range("R" & MY_ROWS).Value, "PUTDESCRIPTIONHERE", Range("AF" & MY_ROWS).Value) wFind = InStr(Range("R" & MY_ROWS).Value, "PUTDESCRIPTIONHERE") If Not wFind = 0 Then MsgBox "Replace Failed" If Len(Range("R" & MY_ROWS).Value) < a + b - Len("PUTDESCRIPTIONHERE") Then MsgBox "The replace did not happen successfully" Else If Len(Range("R" & MY_ROWS).Value) > 32766 then Msgbox "Too many characters" Else MsgBox "Replace succeeded, old string was " & a & " characters, new string is " & Len(Range("R" & MY_ROWS).Value) & " characters." End If End If End If Next MY_ROWS ' <PUTIMAGEHERE> For MY_ROWS = 1 To Range("AF" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row MsgBox "Row " & MY_ROWS wFind = InStr(Range("P" & MY_ROWS).Value, "PUTIMAGEHERE") If wFind = 0 Then MsgBox "Nothing to replace" Else a = Len(Range("R" & MY_ROWS).Value): b = Len(Range("AF" & MY_ROWS).Value) Range("P" & MY_ROWS).Value = Replace(Range("P" & MY_ROWS).Value, "PUTIMAGEHERE", Range("AF" & MY_ROWS).Value) wFind = InStr(Range("P" & MY_ROWS).Value, "PUTIMAGEHERE") If Not wFind = 0 Then MsgBox "Replace Failed" If Len(Range("P" & MY_ROWS).Value) < a + b - Len("PUTIMAGEHERE") Then MsgBox "The replace did not happen successfully" Else If Len(Range("P" & MY_ROWS).Value) > 32766 then Msgbox "Too many characters" Else MsgBox "Replace succeeded, old string was " & a & " characters, new string is " & Len(Range("P" & MY_ROWS).Value) & " characters." End If End If End If Next MY_ROWS End Sub cmp提供您自己的.sort()参数


答案 3 :(得分:-1)


ll = ['hello world again', 'hello world', 'hello there', 'hello']

['hello world again', 'hello world', 'hello there', 'hello'] 

你不需要lambda或其他东西 - 它是正常的排序顺序