我确定它是因为推入globalQ的localID与在本地(方向)队列中推送的localID不同。 所以这行“if((localID == northQ.front())&&(localID == globalQ.front()))” 永远不会满足。
// Instructions
// Change the CARS and RUN_TIME variable to the desired values.
// Compile in command line using: g++ -pthread Intelligent_Traffic_Light_System.cpp -o run.exe
// Run in command line by using: ./run.exe
#include <iostream>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <queue>
#include <cstdlib> //for rand()
#include <unistd.h> // for usleep()
#include <ctime> //for clock(), clock_t, CLOCKS_PER_SEC
#define CARS 10 // # cars coming from each direction. 40 cars total
#define RUN_TIME 125 // 125 seconds (5 seconds longer than it should take to run)
using namespace std;
int globalID; // global ID for each car arriving at the intersection
// a queue for each direction.
queue<int> northQ;
queue<int> eastQ;
queue<int> southQ;
queue<int> westQ;
queue<int> globalQ;
pthread_t threadID;
// a lock for each queue/direction.
pthread_mutex_t northLock;
pthread_mutex_t eastLock;
pthread_mutex_t southLock;
pthread_mutex_t westLock;
pthread_mutex_t globalQlock;
pthread_mutex_t globalIDLock; // lock for changing the globalid (i.e. car id)
pthread_mutex_t intersectionLock; // lock for one car passing through the intersection
int getrand(int min,int max) //random number generator between min and max
void init()
globalID = 1; //first car will have ID = 1
pthread_mutex_init(&northLock, NULL);
pthread_mutex_init(&eastLock, NULL);
pthread_mutex_init(&southLock, NULL);
pthread_mutex_init(&westLock, NULL);
pthread_mutex_init(&globalIDLock, NULL);
pthread_mutex_init(&intersectionLock, NULL);
pthread_mutex_init(&globalQlock, NULL);
// Now will test to create an intersection with only 1 direction. North
void *north(void *null)
int localID;
double duration; //for checking how long a car will be waiting at the front of its lane
clock_t start; //variable will be used to calculate wait time
pthread_mutex_lock(&northLock); // locking the queue
pthread_mutex_lock(&globalIDLock); // locking globalIDLock mutex in order to update globalID
localID = globalID++; // update globalID after reserving that ID for a car in north lane
northQ.push(localID); // pushing the local car into northQ.
//usleep(getrand(100000, 3000000)); //lets say it takes somewhere between 1/10th of a second and 3 seconds to get to the intersection.
start = clock(); // Now the car has arrived at intersection. Let's start the timer.
globalQ.push(localID);//pushing car into global (intersection Q)
//cout << localID <<endl;
while(1) //Checking cars properties here
if ((localID == northQ.front()) && (localID == globalQ.front())) // Current Car is in the front of the lane... Lets Proceed
else //Current car is not in front on its lane. Lets wait
usleep(10); // sleep for 10 microsecond to allow for other cars to proceed if they must
// Car is in the front so let's proceed to allow it to pass through intersection.
pthread_mutex_lock(&intersectionLock); // need to lock the intersection. Function call will block until mutex is available
duration = ( std::clock() - start ) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
cout << "Car from NORTH lane with ID: " << localID << " ENTERING the intersection." << endl;
cout << "It has been waiting at the light for: "<< duration<<" seconds."<<endl;
cout << "Car from NORTH lane with ID: " << localID << " LEAVING the intersection." << endl<<endl;
pthread_mutex_unlock(&intersectionLock); // give other cars a chance to pass
void *east(void *null)
int localID;
double duration;
clock_t start;
pthread_mutex_lock(&eastLock); // locking the queue
pthread_mutex_lock(&globalIDLock); // locking globalIDLock mutex in order to update globalID
localID = globalID++; // update globalID after reserving that ID for a car in north lane
eastQ.push(localID); // pushing the local car into northQ.
//usleep(getrand(100000, 3000000)); //lets say it take 1/10th of a second to get to the intersection.
start = clock();
globalQ.push(localID);//pushing car into global queue (i.e. intersection queue)
while(1) //Checking cars properties here
if ((localID == eastQ.front()) && (localID == globalQ.front())) // Current Car is in the front of the lane... Lets Proceed
else //Current car is not in front on its lane. Lets wait
usleep(10); // sleep for 10 microsecond to allow for other cars to proceed if they must
// Car is in the front so let's proceed to allow it to pass through intersection.
pthread_mutex_lock(&intersectionLock); // need to lock the intersection. Function call will block until mutex is available
duration = ( std::clock() - start ) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
cout << "Car from EAST lane with ID: " << localID << " ENTERING the intersection." << endl;
cout << "It has been waiting at the light for: "<<duration<<" seconds."<<endl;
cout << "Car from EAST lane with ID: " << localID << " LEAVING the intersection." << endl <<endl;
pthread_mutex_unlock(&intersectionLock); // give other cars a chance to pass
void *south(void *null)
int localID;
double duration;
clock_t start;
pthread_mutex_lock (&southLock); // locking the queue
pthread_mutex_lock (&globalIDLock); // locking globalIDLock mutex in order to update globalID
localID = globalID++; // update globalID after reserving that ID for a car in north lane
pthread_mutex_unlock (&globalIDLock);
southQ.push(localID); // pushing the local car into northQ.
pthread_mutex_unlock (&southLock);
//usleep(getrand(100000, 3000000)); //lets say it take 1/10th of a second to get to the intersection.
start = clock();
globalQ.push(localID);//pushing car into global (intersection Q)
while(1) //Checking cars properties here
if ((localID == southQ.front()) && (localID == globalQ.front())) // Current Car is in the front of the lane... Lets Proceed
else //Current car is not in front on its lane. Lets wait
usleep(10); // sleep for 10 microsecond to allow for other cars to proceed if they must
// Car is in the front so let's proceed to allow it to pass through intersection.
pthread_mutex_lock(&intersectionLock); // need to lock the intersection. Function call will block until mutex is available
duration = ( std::clock() - start ) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
cout << "Car from SOUTH lane with ID: " << localID << " ENTERING the intersection." << endl;
cout << "It has been waiting at the light for: "<<duration<< " seconds."<<endl;
cout << "Car from SOUTH lane with ID: " << localID << " LEAVING the intersection." << endl<<endl;
pthread_mutex_unlock(&intersectionLock); // give other cars a chance to pass
void *west(void *null)
int localID;
double duration;
clock_t start;
pthread_mutex_lock (&westLock); // locking the queue
pthread_mutex_lock (&globalIDLock); // locking globalIDLock mutex in order to update globalID
localID = globalID++; // update globalID after reserving that ID for a car in north lane
pthread_mutex_unlock (&globalIDLock);
westQ.push(localID); // pushing the local car into northQ.
pthread_mutex_unlock (&westLock);
//usleep(getrand(100000, 3000000));
start = clock();
globalQ.push(localID);//pushing car into global (intersection Q)
while(1) //Checking cars properties here
if ((localID == westQ.front()) && (localID == globalQ.front())) // Current Car is in the front of the lane... Lets Proceed
else //Current car is not in front on its lane. Lets wait
usleep(10); // sleep for 10 microsecond to allow for other cars to proceed if they must
// Car is in the front so let's proceed to allow it to pass through intersection.
pthread_mutex_lock(&intersectionLock); // need to lock the intersection. Function call will block until mutex is available
duration = ( std::clock() - start ) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
cout << "Car from WEST lane with ID: " << localID << " ENTERING the intersection." << endl;
cout << "It has been waiting for: "<< duration <<" seconds."<< endl;
cout << "Car from WEST lane with ID: " << localID << " LEAVING the intersection." << endl<<endl;
pthread_mutex_unlock(&intersectionLock); // give other cars a chance to pass
int main()
for(int i = 0; i < CARS; i++) //first car will be car with ID 1; Last ID is 40
pthread_create (&threadID, NULL, north, NULL);
pthread_create (&threadID, NULL, east, NULL);
pthread_create (&threadID, NULL, south, NULL);
pthread_create (&threadID, NULL, west, NULL);
sleep(RUN_TIME); //sleep for sufficient times to allow for all threads to finish running.
cout << "Finished." << endl;
return 0;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
似乎主要线程在&#34; north&#34; - &#34; east&#34;之前退出。等线程终止:
放入主循环时,程序开始工作。(localID == globalQ.front())
未同步的代码位于每个&#34; north&#34; - &#34; east&#34;功能。正如您所正确提到的,此代码永远不会(几乎)满足并导致在while(1)