# Initial conditions and variables:
S = 3500000; # Size of susceptible population
E = 0; # Asymptomatic infected population
I = 7; # Asymptomatic infected population, derived from a patient zero who was an organ donor
J = 0; # Symptomatic infected population
Q = 0; # Quarantined population
qE = 0; # Rate at which LE quarantines exposed
qI = 0; # Rate at which LE quarantines nonfatal infected
qJ = 0; # Rate at which LE quarantines fatal infected
b = 0.00003616; # Birth rate of USA per person per day
delta = 0.00002301; # Death rate of USA per person per day
eta = 0; # Rate at which vigilantes kill infected individuals
pV = 0; # Proportion of S that will become vigilantes and kill zombies
pL = 0.00114; # Proportion of S that is law enforcement
t = 0; # Set time to zero
omega = 0.8; # Rate of successful bites per zombie encounter
d = 1; # Rate of successful infections per bite
beta = omega*d; # Rate at which infected "turn" susceptible
u1 = 1/14; # Rate at which exposed begin exhibiting symptoms
u2 = 1/5; # Rate at which nonlethal symptomatic individuals enter lethal stage
alpha = 1/45; # Death rate of lethal infected individuals
tmax = 20; # Determine how long the model will run
dt = 0.00001; # Determine size of steps made by model. Must be small to behave differentially
tbeg = 10; # Determine time at which population begins quarantining and killing zombies.
cat(t, S, E, I, J, Q, "\n");
{if(t<tbeg) { eta=.00; pV=.00; qE=.00; qI=.00; }
else { eta=.0125; pV=.2; qE=.01; qI=.03; qJ=.03; }
dS=(0 +b*S -beta*(I+J)*(S/(S+E)) -delta*S ) *dt;
dE=(0 -qE*pL*S*E +beta*(I+J)*(S/(S+E)) -u1*E -delta*E ) *dt;
dI=(0 -qI*pL*S*I -eta*pV*S*I +u1*E -u2*I -delta*I ) *dt;
dJ=(0 -qJ*pL*S*J -eta*pV*S*J +u2*I -alpha*J ) *dt;
dQ=(0 +qE*pL*S*E +qI*pL*S*I +qJ*pL*S*J -alpha*Q ) *dt;
t=t+dt; S=S+dS; E=E+dE; I=I+dI; J=J+dJ; Q=Q+dQ;
#if((as.integer(t*100000)%%10000)==0) cat(t, S, E, I, J, Q, "\n");
if((as.integer(t*100000)%%100000)==0) cat("dE=", dE, "\n", "Susceptible at t",t, " = ",S, "\n", "Exposed at t",t, " = ",E, "\n", "Nonfatal infected at t",t, " = ",I, "\n", "Fatal infected at t",t, " = ",J, "\n", "Quarantined at t",t, " = ",Q, "\n", "\n")
if(S<0||E<0||I<0||J<0||Q<0) { cat("Went negative\n"); break; }}