删除end to line并且没有新段落

时间:2015-12-08 04:45:48

标签: bash shell paragraph


Don Quixote has inspired many artists
in different fields. It is considered mainly to 
be a comedy. However, woven into the tale is a lot of Spain's 
history. Don Quixote's name even penned a type of psychosis.

In fact, anyone who has had experience with the mentally ill 
may find it difficult to regard Don Quixote as a comedy. After 
all, he was not totally harmless.

"A man attacked a driver because he believed he was abducting a 
woman, who was traveling in another car on the same road. 

After injuring the driver, the suspect's accomplice then 
forced the driver to remove his clothes and give them to 
him"--if this was reported on the news, we would probably 
e horrified. Here was an innocent person, just going about 
his business, who had no connection to the other people who 
were on the same road--and he gets attacked by a madman 
whose delusions cause him to believe a different reality.





在打伤司机后,犯罪嫌疑人的帮凶然后强迫司机脱掉他的衣服并将他们交给他......如果有新闻报道,我们会可能会感到恐惧。这是一个无辜的人,只是为了他的生意,与同一条路上的其他人没有关系 - 他被一个疯子殴打,他的妄想使他相信不同的现实。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  • 原则上保留段落
  • 但是通过将每个段落内部换行符替换为单个空格,将每个段落展平为单个行。


  • 使用fmt作为user1934428's answer建议,无限行长度

    • 警告fmt需要特定的数字作为目标行长度,而 GNU fmt (至少从coreutils v8.24开始),该值的上限为2500,可能不够大,具体取决于您的需求:fmt -w 2500 file
      相比之下, BSD fmt 显然接受任意大数字,但我不知道它在实践中被切断了。
  • 使用awk,如下所示。

    • 注意:这会将标签和空格的任何段落内部运行标准化为每个单独的空格。
  • 如果您安装了whitespace-normalizing nws CLI,则可以使用nws --fp file

    • 注意:这会将标签和空格的任何段落内部运行标准化为每个单独的空格。


awk -v RS= '
  BEGIN { OFS=" "; ORS="\n\n" }
  NR > 1 { print "" }
  { $1 = $1; printf "%s", $0 }
  END { printf "\n" }
' file
  • -v RS=,即将输入记录分隔符设置为空字符串,是一种Awk习惯用法,它使Awk考虑连续的非空行 - 段落 - 单个记录。

  • OFS=" "将output- 字段分隔符设置为单个空格。

  • ORS="\n\n"将output- 记录分隔符设置为2个换行符。

  • $1 = $1是一种强制重建输入记录的技巧,它通过将OFS加入字段(通过任何空白行分割获得)来获取,在这种情况下用空间有效地替换每个块内部换行符; printf "%s", $0首先打印重建的行而不使用 ORS(见下文)。

    • 注意:任何空格和/或制表符的运行也会替换为单个空格。
  • NR > 1 { print "" }延迟将ORS打印一行,以便最后不会自动打印ORS,这将导致 2 尾随\n个字符。在{ printf "\n" }区块中END,然后打印单个尾随\n

答案 1 :(得分:1)


fmt file
