正则表达式(C#)对于RFC 4180的CSV

时间:2015-12-07 11:23:21

标签: c# regex csv

specification RFC 4180需要通用CSV解析器。 有csv文件,包含规范的所有问题:





  C"" X
  ž" 357
  试验;试验,XXX; XXX,152个
  " TEST2,TEST2"" XXX2,XXX2" 123
  " TEST3"" TEST3"" XXX3"" XXX3",987
  ,, 123个
  123 ,,


Table by EXCEL

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

注意:虽然以下解决方案可能适用于其他正则表达式引擎,但使用 as-is 将要求您的正则表达式引擎将multiple named capture groups using the same name视为一个单一的捕获组。 (.NET默认执行此操作)


当CSV文件/流(匹配RFC standard 4180)的一行或多行/记录传递到下面的正则表达式时,它将返回每个非空行/记录的匹配项。每个匹配项都将包含一个名为Value的捕获组,其中包含该行/记录中捕获的值(如果在行尾有一个打开的引号,则可能包含OpenValue捕获组记录)

这是注释模式(测试它on Regexstorm.net):

(?<=\r|\n|^)(?!\r|\n|$)                       // Records start at the beginning of line (line must not be empty)
(?:                                           // Group for each value and a following comma or end of line (EOL) - required for quantifier (+?)
  (?:                                         // Group for matching one of the value formats before a comma or EOL
    "(?<Value>(?:[^"]|"")*)"|                 // Quoted value -or-
    (?<Value>(?!")[^,\r\n]+)|                 // Unquoted value -or-
    "(?<OpenValue>(?:[^"]|"")*)(?=\r|\n|$)|   // Open ended quoted value -or-
    (?<Value>)                                // Empty value before comma (before EOL is excluded by "+?" quantifier later)
  (?:,|(?=\r|\n|$))                           // The value format matched must be followed by a comma or EOL
)+?                                           // Quantifier to match one or more values (non-greedy/as few as possible to prevent infinite empty values)
(?:(?<=,)(?<Value>))?                         // If the group of values above ended in a comma then add an empty value to the group of matched values
(?:\r\n|\r|\n|$)                              // Records end at EOL



Here is a visualization from Debuggex.com(为清晰起见而命名的捕获组): Debuggex.com visualization


一次读取整个CSV文件/流的简单示例(测试on C# Pad):

using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

Regex CSVParser = new Regex(
    @"(?<=\r|\n|^)(?!\r|\n|$)" +
    @"(?:" +
        @"(?:" +
            @"""(?<Value>(?:[^""]|"""")*)""|" +
            @"(?<Value>(?!"")[^,\r\n]+)|" +
            @"""(?<OpenValue>(?:[^""]|"""")*)(?=\r|\n|$)|" +
            @"(?<Value>)" +
        @")" +
        @"(?:,|(?=\r|\n|$))" +
    @")+?" +
    @"(?:(?<=,)(?<Value>))?" +

String CSVSample =
    ",record1 value2,val3,\"value 4\",\"testing \"\"embedded double quotes\"\"\"," +
    "\"testing quoted \"\",\"\" character\", value 7,,value 9," +
    "\"testing empty \"\"\"\" embedded quotes\"," +
    "\"testing a quoted value" + Environment.NewLine +
    Environment.NewLine +
    "that includes CR/LF patterns" + Environment.NewLine +
    Environment.NewLine +
    "(which we wish would never happen - but it does)\", after CR/LF" + Environment.NewLine +
    Environment.NewLine +
    "\"testing an open ended quoted value" + Environment.NewLine +
    Environment.NewLine +
    ",value 2 ,value 3," + Environment.NewLine +

MatchCollection CSVRecords = CSVParser.Matches(CSVSample);

for (Int32 recordIndex = 0; recordIndex < CSVRecords.Count; recordIndex++)
    Match Record = CSVRecords[recordIndex];

    for (Int32 valueIndex = 0; valueIndex < Record.Groups["Value"].Captures.Count; valueIndex++)
        Capture c = Record.Groups["Value"].Captures[valueIndex];
        Console.Write("R" + (recordIndex + 1) + ":V" + (valueIndex + 1) + " = ");

        if (c.Length == 0 || c.Index == Record.Index || Record.Value[c.Index - Record.Index - 1] != '\"')
            // No need to unescape/undouble quotes if the value is empty, the value starts
            // at the beginning of the record, or the character before the value is not a
            // quote (not a quoted value)
            // The character preceding this value is a quote
            // so we need to unescape/undouble any embedded quotes
            Console.WriteLine(c.Value.Replace("\"\"", "\""));

    foreach (Capture OpenValue in Record.Groups["OpenValue"].Captures)
        Console.WriteLine("ERROR - Open ended quoted value: " + OpenValue.Value);

读取大型CSV文件/流而不将整个文件/流读入字符串的更好示例(测试它on C# Pad)。

using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

// Same regex from before shortened to one line for brevity
Regex CSVParser = new Regex(

String CSVSample = ",record1 value2,val3,\"value 4\",\"testing \"\"embedded double quotes\"\"\",\"testing quoted \"\",\"\" character\", value 7,,value 9,\"testing empty \"\"\"\" embedded quotes\",\"testing a quoted value," + 
    Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "that includes CR/LF patterns" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "(which we wish would never happen - but it does)\", after CR/LF," + Environment.NewLine + Environment
    .NewLine + "\"testing an open ended quoted value" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + ",value 2 ,value 3," + Environment.NewLine + "\"test\"";

using (StringReader CSVReader = new StringReader(CSVSample))
    String CSVLine = CSVReader.ReadLine();
    StringBuilder RecordText = new StringBuilder();
    Int32 RecordNum = 0;

    while (CSVLine != null)
        MatchCollection RecordsRead = CSVParser.Matches(RecordText.ToString());
        Match Record = null;

        for (Int32 recordIndex = 0; recordIndex < RecordsRead.Count; recordIndex++)
            Record = RecordsRead[recordIndex];

            if (Record.Groups["OpenValue"].Success && recordIndex == RecordsRead.Count - 1)
                // We're still trying to find the end of a muti-line value in this record
                // and it's the last of the records from this segment of the CSV.
                // If we're not still working with the initial record we started with then
                // prep the record text for the next read and break out to the read loop.
                if (recordIndex != 0)


            // Valid record found or new record started before the end could be found

            for (Int32 valueIndex = 0; valueIndex < Record.Groups["Value"].Captures.Count; valueIndex++)
                Capture c = Record.Groups["Value"].Captures[valueIndex];
                Console.Write("R" + RecordNum + ":V" + (valueIndex + 1) + " = ");
                if (c.Length == 0 || c.Index == Record.Index || Record.Value[c.Index - Record.Index - 1] != '\"')
                    Console.WriteLine(c.Value.Replace("\"\"", "\""));

            foreach (Capture OpenValue in Record.Groups["OpenValue"].Captures)
                Console.WriteLine("R" + RecordNum + ":ERROR - Open ended quoted value: " + OpenValue.Value);

        CSVLine = CSVReader.ReadLine();

        if (CSVLine == null && Record != null)

            //End of file - still working on an open value?
            foreach (Capture OpenValue in Record.Groups["OpenValue"].Captures)
                Console.WriteLine("R" + RecordNum + ":ERROR - Open ended quoted value: " + OpenValue.Value);



R1:V1 =
  R1:V2 = record1 value2
  R1:V3 = val3
  R1:V4 =值4
  R1:V5 =测试&#34;嵌入双引号&#34;
  R1:V6 =测试引用&#34;,&#34;性格
  R1:V7 =值7
  R1:V8 =
  R1:V9 =值9
  R1:V10 =测试空&#34;&#34;嵌入式报价
  R1:V11 =测试报价值
  包括CR / LF模式
  (我们希望永远不会发生 - 但确实如此)
  R1:V12 = CR / LF后   错误 - 开放式报价值: 测试开放式报价值

  R3:V1 =测试

(注意粗体&#34; ERROR ...&#34;行显示开放式引用值 - testing an open ended quoted value - 导致正则表达式匹配该值,以及所有后续值直到正确引用的"test"值,作为OpenValue组中捕获的错误)


  • 支持带嵌入/转义引号的引用值。

  • 支持跨越多行的引用值
    value1,"value 2 line 1 value 2 line 2",value3

  • 保留/捕获空值(除RFC standard 4180中未明确涵盖的空行以外,并且假定此正则表达式出错。这可以通过以下方式更改:从正则表达式删除第二组模式 - (?!\r|\n|$) -

  • 行/记录可能以CR + LF或CR或LF

  • 结束
  • 一次解析CSV的多行/记录,为记录中的值返回每个记录和组的匹配项(这要归功于.NET能够将多个值捕获到一个记录中命名捕获组)。

  • 将大部分解析逻辑保留在正则表达式中。您不应该将CSV传递给此正则表达式,然后检查代码中的条件x,y或z以获取实际值(以下限制中突出显示的例外情况)。


  • 通过量化正则表达式中的值模式,无法可靠地限制记录匹配。也就是说,使用(<value pattern>){10}(\r\n|\r|\n|$)而不是(<value pattern>)+?(\r\n|\r|\n|$)之类的内容可能会将您的行/记录匹配仅限于包含十个值的行匹配。但是,它也会强制模式尝试仅匹配十个值,即使这意味着将一个值拆分为两个值,或者在一个空值的空间中捕获九个空值,这样做。

  • 转义/加倍引号字符不是&#34;未转义/取消加倍&#34;。

  • 仅支持调试目的支持具有开放式引用值(缺少结束引用)的记录​​/行。需要外部逻辑来确定如何通过在OpenValue捕获组上执行额外的解析来更好地处理这种情况。



为什么:<?/ H3>

我想在被问到之前解决一个常见的问题 - &#34;为什么你要努力创建这个复杂的正则表达式模式而不是使用更快,更好或者更好的解决方案X? #34;

我意识到这里有数百个正则表达式的答案,但我找不到符合我期望的那个。这些期望中的大多数都在问题中引用的RFC standard 4180中涵盖,但主要/另外是捕获跨越多行的引用值以及使用正则表达式解析多行/记录(或整个CSV内容)的能力需要而不是一次一行地传递给正则表达式。

我也意识到abandoning the regex approach或其他库(例如TextFieldParser)的大多数人都FileHelpers来处理CSV解析。而且,这很棒 - 很高兴它对你有用。我选择不使用它们,因为:

  • (主要原因)我认为在正则表达式中进行此操作是一项挑战,我喜欢挑战。

  • TextFieldParser实际上达不到要求,因为它不会处理文件中可能有或没有引号的字段。某些CSV文件仅在需要时引用值以节省空间。 (在其他方面可能会达不到,但是那个让我无法尝试)

  • 我不喜欢依赖于third part libraries有几个原因,但主要是因为我无法控制它们的兼容性(即它是否适用于OS /框架X?),安全漏洞,或及时的错误修正和/或维护。

答案 1 :(得分:2)

我会说,忘掉正则表达式。 CSV可以通过TextFieldParser类轻松解析。要做到这一点,你需要

using Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO;


  using (TextFieldParser parser = new TextFieldParser(Stream))
    parser.TextFieldType = FieldType.Delimited;

    while (!parser.EndOfData)
      string[] fields = parser.ReadFields();
      foreach (string field in fields)
         // Do your stuff here ...