在场景大纲之前运行一次特定步骤 - Python Behave

时间:2015-12-07 04:31:11

标签: python bdd scenarios python-behave



Background: Power up module and connect
Given the module is powered up
And I have a valid USB connection

Scenario Outline: Example
    When I read the arduino
    Then I get some <'output'>

Example: Outputs
| 'output' |
| Hi       |
| No       |
| Yes      |




3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

你最好的选择可能是使用before_feature环境钩子和a) 功能上的标签和/或b)功能名称。


<强> some.feature

Feature: some name
  further description

  Background: some requirement of this test
    Given some setup condition that runs before each scenario
      And some other setup action

  Scenario: some scenario
      Given some condition
       When some action is taken
       Then some result is expected.

  Scenario: some other scenario
      Given some other condition
       When some action is taken
       Then some other result is expected.

<强>步/ enviroment.py

def before_feature(context, feature):
    if 'expensive_setup' in feature.tags:
            Given some setup condition that only runs once per feature
              And some other run once setup action

备用步骤/ enviroment.py

def before_feature(context, feature):
    if feature.name == 'some name':
            Given some setup condition that only runs once per feature
              And some other run once setup action

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我面临着同样的问题。 有一个昂贵的 Background,每Feature只能执行一次。 解决该问题实际需要的是能够在Scenario之间存储状态。

我对这个问题的解决方案是使用behave.runner.Context#_root,它在整个运行过程中保持不变。我知道访问私人会员不是一个好习惯 - 我会很乐意学习清洁方式。

# XXX.feature file
Background: Expensive setup
  Given we have performed our expensive setup

# steps/XXX.py file
@given("we have performed our expensive setup")
def step_impl(context: Context):    
    if not context._root.get('initialized', False):
        # expensive_operaion.do()
        context._root['initialized'] = True

答案 2 :(得分:0)


  1. 在“功能”文件夹中创建environment.py

  2. inside environment.py:来自行为导入设备

  3. 写代码:


def before_feature(上下文,功能): print(“在每个功能之前运行”)

def after_feature(上下文,功能): print(“在每个功能之后运行”)

def before_scenario(上下文,场景): print(“在每种情况下运行”)

def after_scenario(上下文,场景): print(“在每种情况下运行”)

#现在运行您的Tc:您的O / P将是 在每个功能之前运行 在每种情况之前运行 在每种情况下运行 在每个功能之后运行