$query = "select ts.theTime,d.doctorName,
bMon.id as bMon, bTue.id as bTue, bWed.id as bWed, bThu.id as bThu, bFri.id as bFri
from timeSlots ts
cross join doctors d
left join booking bMon
on bMon.apptDate=@Monday and bMon.timeSlotId=ts.id and bMon.doctorId=d.doctorId
left join booking bTue
on bTue.apptDate=date_add(@Monday, INTERVAL 1 DAY) and bTue.timeSlotId=ts.id and bTue.doctorId=d.doctorId
left join booking bWed
on bWed.apptDate=date_add(@Monday, INTERVAL 2 DAY) and bWed.timeSlotId=ts.id and bWed.doctorId=d.doctorId
left join booking bThu
on bThu.apptDate=date_add(@Monday, INTERVAL 3 DAY) and bThu.timeSlotId=ts.id and bThu.doctorId=d.doctorId
left join booking bFri
on bFri.apptDate=date_add(@Monday, INTERVAL 4 DAY) and bFri.timeSlotId=ts.id and bFri.doctorId=d.doctorId
cross join (select @Monday:='2015-11-30') params
order by ts.theTime,d.doctorName;";
create table doctors
( doctorId int(4) primary key,
doctorName varchar(20) not null
create table timeSlots
id int auto_increment primary key,
theTime time not null
insert into timeSlots (theTime) values ('09:00:00'); -- 1
insert into timeSlots (theTime) values ('10:00:00'); -- 2
insert into timeSlots (theTime) values ('11:00:00'); -- 3
insert into timeSlots (theTime) values ('12:00:00');
insert into timeSlots (theTime) values ('13:00:00');
insert into timeSlots (theTime) values ('14:00:00');
insert into timeSlots (theTime) values ('15:00:00');
insert into timeSlots (theTime) values ('16:00:00');
insert into timeSlots (theTime) values ('17:00:00'); -- 9
create table booking
( surname varchar(20),
id int auto_increment primary key,
patientId int not null,
amORpm varchar(2),
doctorName varchar(20),
altamORpm varchar(1),
altdate varchar(1),
altdoctor varchar(1),
date date,
doctorId int not null,
apptTime time,
booked varchar(1)
apptDate date not null,
timeSlotId int not null,
doctorId int(4),
key(apptDate) -- index
create table updatepersonal (
surname varchar(20),
id int(4),
forename varchar(20),
DOB datetime,
doctorId int not null,
contactno char(11),
email varchar(40),
address varchar(100),