即使我发现了一些处理距离矩阵效率的线程,它们都使用int或float矩阵。在我的情况下,我必须处理向量(orderedDict of frequency),而我最终只得到一个非常慢的方法,这个方法对于大型DataFrame(300,000 x 300,000)是不可行的。
考虑DataFrame df,例如:
>>> df
1 {dict1}
2 {dict2}
3 {dict3}
4 {dict4}
orderedDict{event1: 1,
event2: 5,
event3: 0,
def vectorDistance(a, b, df_vector):
# Calculate distance between a & b
# based on the vector from df_vector.
return distance
[in]: vectorDistance({dict1}, {dict2})
[out]: distance
1 2 3 4
1 0 1<->2 1<->3 1<->4
2 1<->2 0 ... ...
3 1<->3 ... 0 ...
4 1<->4 ... ... 0
(其中1&lt; - &gt; 2是向量1和2之间的浮动距离)
import pandas as pd
matrix = pd.concat([df, df.T], axis=1)
for index in matrix.index:
for col in matrix.columns:
matrix.ix[col, index] = vectorDistance(col, index, df)
>>> matrix
5072142538 5072134420 4716823618 ...
5072142538 0.00000 0.01501 0.06002 ...
5072134420 0.01501 0.00000 0.09037 ...
4716823618 0.06002 0.09037 0.00000 ...
... ... ... ...
注意:事件可以从一个{dict}到另一个不同,但是在函数中传递时它是可以的。我的问题是如何通过正确的&amp; b以快速的方式填充单元格。
from collections import Counter
import pandas as pd
from math import sqrt
raw_data = {'counters_': {4716823618: Counter({51811: 1, 51820: 1, 51833: 56, 51835: 8, 51843: 48, 51848: 2, 51852: 8, 51853: 5, 51854: 4, 51856: 24, 51903: 11, 51904: 12, 51905: 3, 51906: 19, 51908: 230, 51922: 24, 51927: 19, 51931: 2, 106282: 9, 112830: 1, 119453: 1, 165062: 80, 168904: 3, 180354: 19, 180437: 33, 185824: 117, 186171: 14, 187101: 1, 190827: 7, 201629: 1, 209318: 37}), 5072134420: Counter({51811: 1, 51812: 1, 51820: 1, 51833: 56, 51835: 9, 51843: 49, 51848: 2, 51852: 11, 51853: 4, 51854: 4, 51856: 28, 51885: 1, 51903: 17, 51904: 17, 51905: 9, 51906: 14, 51908: 225, 51927: 29, 51931: 2, 106282: 19, 112830: 2, 168904: 9, 180354: 14, 185824: 219, 186171: 7, 187101: 1, 190827: 6, 201629: 2, 209318: 41}), 5072142538: Counter({51811: 4, 51812: 4, 51820: 4, 51833: 56, 51835: 8, 51843: 48, 51848: 2, 51852: 6, 51853: 3, 51854: 3, 51856: 18, 51885: 1, 51903: 17, 51904: 16, 51905: 3, 51906: 24, 51908: 258, 51927: 20, 51931: 8, 106282: 16, 112830: 2, 168904: 3, 180354: 24, 185824: 180, 186171: 10, 187101: 1, 190827: 7, 201629: 2, 209318: 52})}}
def vectorDistance(index, col):
a = dict(df[df.index == index]["counters_"].values[0])
b = dict(df[df.index == col]["counters_"].values[0])
return abs(np.round(1-(similarity(a,b)),5))
def scalar(collection):
total = 0
for coin, count in collection.items():
total += count * count
return sqrt(total)
def similarity(A,B):
total = 0
for kind in A:
if kind in B:
total += A[kind] * B[kind]
return float(total) / (scalar(A) * scalar(B))
df = pd.DataFrame(raw_data)
matrix = pd.concat([df, df.T], axis=1)
for index in matrix.index:
for col in matrix.columns:
matrix.ix[col,index] = vectorDistance(col,index)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(raw_data['counters_'],orient='index')
然后你可以应用numpy / scipy矢量化方法计算余弦相似度,如What's the fastest way in Python to calculate cosine similarity given sparse matrix data?
答案 1 :(得分:0)
df = pd.DataFrame([v for v in raw_data['counters_'].values()],
>>> df.head()
4716823618 5072134420 5072142538
51811 1 1 4
51812 NaN 1 4
51820 1 1 4
51833 56 56 56
51835 8 9 8
# raw_data no longer needed. Delete to reduce memory footprint.
del raw_data
# Create scalars.
scalars = ((df ** 2).sum()) ** .5
>>> scalars
4716823618 289.679133
5072134420 330.548030
5072142538 331.957829
dtype: float64
def v_dist(col_1, col_2):
return 1 - ((df.iloc[:, col_1] * df.iloc[:, col_2]).sum() /
(scalars.iloc[col_1] * scalars.iloc[col_2]))
>>> v_dist(0, 1)
>>> v_dist(0, 2)
>>> v_dist(1, 2)
m = pd.DataFrame(np.nan * len(df.columns), index=df.columns, columns=df.columns)
>>> m
4716823618 5072134420 5072142538
4716823618 NaN NaN NaN
5072134420 NaN NaN NaN
5072142538 NaN NaN NaN
for row in range(m.shape[0]):
for col in range(row, m.shape[1]): # Note: m.shape[0] equals m.shape[1]
if row == col:
# No need to calculate value for diagonal.
m.iat[row, col] = 0
# Do two calculation in one due to symmetry.
m.iat[row, col] = m.iat[col, row] = v_dist(row, col)
>>> m
4716823618 5072134420 5072142538
4716823618 0.000000 0.090367 0.060016
5072134420 0.090367 0.000000 0.015010
5072142538 0.060016 0.015010 0.000000
def calc_matrix(raw_data):
df = pd.DataFrame([v for v in raw_data['counters_'].values()],
scalars = ((df ** 2).sum()) ** .5
m = pd.DataFrame(np.nan * len(df.columns), index=df.columns, columns=df.columns)
for row in range(m.shape[0]):
for col in range(row, m.shape[1]):
if row == col:
m.iat[row, col] = 0
m.iat[row, col] = m.iat[col, row] = (1 -
(df.iloc[:, row] * df.iloc[:, col]).sum() /
(scalars.iloc[row] * scalars.iloc[col]))
return m