
时间:2015-12-05 16:30:53

标签: powershell


我的程序的第一部分打开并讨论每条线的含义,然后是总物理ram,用户可访问的ram,以及卡的设置方式。这导致直接进入关闭程序的文本。我要添加的内容(顺便说一句,我是PowerShell的初学者)是用户重新运行应用程序的一种方法,如果程序中的任何变量都为零(显然计算机有某种类型的ram)电脑正在运行)。现在是Read-Host "Rerun memsrch ('y'/'n')?"


# Mesa Public Schools
$mps="Mesa Public Schools Information Technology Services"

# User Help
$print="The first section calculates your total physical memory,
        the second line calculates the ram available to the user,
        and the third line shows how the ram is divided up among 
        the ram cards.`n"

#where I want to put a line of code to allow user to select if its local or remote

$ram = get-wmiobject win32_computersystem | select totalPhysicalMemory

Write-Host "Total usable RAM capacity"
$ramOutput = get-wmiobject win32_computersystem | select totalPhysicalMemory | foreach {$_.totalPhysicalMemory}

"RAM: " + "{0:N2}" -f ($ram.TotalPhysicalMemory/1GB) + "GB"
Get-WMIObject -class win32_physicalmemory | Format-Table devicelocator, capacity -a

Write-Host "Summary of System Memory"
Get-WmiObject -class Win32_PhysicalMemory | Measure-Object -Property Capacity -Sum

# Coded BY
$credits="Coded by Michael Meli"

#where I want to have the code reloop to the part of the code where
#you first select if the computer is local or remote.

Read-Host "Rerun memsrch (y/n)?"

我对HTML 4.01和HTML 5代码也有一些经验,所以我理解构造和参数的基础知识,但除此之外,目前PowerShell的很大一部分都在我的头上,所以不要得到技术原因我不希望我的大脑爆炸。 :P还要注意代码是否适用于运行Windows 8.1的计算机,但也必须与Windows 7兼容。这也不是我班上的成绩,这是额外的功劳。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

  1. 如果您将代码包装在function中,则可以在需要时再次调用它。例如,如果第二个问题的用户输入是y

  2. 存储计算机名称或IP地址的用户输入,因此您可以使用-ComputerName参数

  3. 在脚本中进行的WMI调用中使用它


    function Show-MemoryReport {
        #where I want to put a line of code to allow user to select if its local or remote
        #if computer name is null (first pass)
        if($computerName -eq $null) {
            #ask the user
            $computerName = Read-Host "Enter computer name or IP, or leave blank for local"
            #if the string is empty, use the local computer name
            if($computerName -eq "") {
                $computerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME
        $ram = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $computerName -Class Win32_Computersystem | Select-Object totalPhysicalMemory
        #where I want to have the code reloop to the part of the code where you first select if the computer is local or remote.
        $rerun = Read-Host "Rerun report (y/n)?"
        if($rerun -eq "y") { Show-MemoryReport }
    #at first run, make sure computer name will be asked
    $computerName = $null
    #run report


    提示:您不需要在变量中存储字符串以便能够输出它。只需将其写在"print this on the screen"之类的单独行上即可输出。
