但是在libart.so(AndroidM,/ system / lib / libart.so,32bit)中,有一种方法似乎与规则不匹配。
std::unique_ptr<const DexFile> OatFile::OatDexFile::OpenDexFile(std::string* error_msg) const {
return DexFile::Open(dex_file_pointer_, FileSize(), dex_file_location_,
dex_file_location_checksum_, this, error_msg);
static std::unique_ptr<const DexFile> DexFile::Open(const uint8_t* base, size_t size,
const std::string& location,
uint32_t location_checksum,
const OatDexFile* oat_dex_file,
std::string* error_msg) {
return OpenMemory(base, size, location, location_checksum, nullptr, oat_dex_file, error_msg);
OpenDexfile是OatDexFile类的一个memeber函数,它是OatFile类的内部类。所以OpenDexFile实际上有2个参数,因为第一个参数是&#34;这个&#34;。 但在IDA Pro中,OpenDexFile如下所示:
.text:002E9718 var_14 = -0x14
.text:002E9718 var_4 = -4
.text:002E9718 STR.W R4, [SP,#var_14]!
.text:002E971C MOV R4, R1 ;<<--After analysing, I can assure that R1 is the "this" pointer
.text:002E971E LDR R1, [R1,#0x20] ;<<---dex_file_pointer
.text:002E9720 STRD.W R5, R6, [SP,#4]
.text:002E9724 ADDS R3, R4, #4
.text:002E9726 MOV R5, R0 ;<<---It seems like that r0 is added but not for the "this" pointer
.text:002E9728 STRD.W R7, LR, [SP,#0xC]
.text:002E972C LDR.W LR, [R4,#0x1C]
.text:002E9730 SUB SP, SP, #0x14
.text:002E9732 MOVS R7, #0
.text:002E9734 LDR R6, [R1,#0x20]
.text:002E9736 STRD.W R4, R2, [SP,#8] ;<<--R2 represent the arg "error_msg"
.text:002E973A STRD.W LR, R7, [SP]
.text:002E973E MOV R2, R6
.text:002E9740 BL DexFile::OpenMemory ;<<---DexFile::Open is a inline function. When executing this instruction, r0 equals r5.
.text:002E9744 MOV R0, R5;<<--OpenMemory is also a bit weird. It looks like that OpenMemory also adds r0 for the return value, because r0 equals r5 before calling OpenMemory
.text:002E9746 ADD SP, SP, #0x14
.text:002E9748 LDRD.W R4, R5, [SP]
.text:002E974C LDRD.W R6, R7, [SP,#8]
.text:002E9750 ADD SP, SP, #0x10
.text:002E9752 LDR.W PC, [SP+4+var_4],#4
我只是想知道是否存在特殊情况&#34;这个&#34;指针将被放入R1而不是R0,并且从寄存器r1开始按顺序传递这些指针。 如果你能帮助我,我将不胜感激。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
如果子程序是一个在内存中返回结果的函数,那么 结果的地址放在r0中,NCRN设置为r1。
之前已经讨论过这个问题:the order of C++ implicit arguments: this and the returned object, which goes first?
一般说明ARM ABI类似于Itanium ABI。如果您在检查ARM ABI后找到要研究的来源时遇到问题,您也可以查看那个。
答案 1 :(得分:-3)