
时间:2015-12-03 21:30:36

标签: hive


FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10094]: Line 3:74 Dynamic partition cannot be the parent of a static partition 'category'


create table my_data_by_category (views int, submissions int)
    partitioned by (category string)
    row format delimited
    fields terminated by ','
    escaped by '\\'
    location '${hiveconf:OUTPUT}/${hiveconf:DATE_DIR}/my_data_by_category';

create table if not exists my_data_lifetime_total_by_category
    like my_data_by_category
    row format delimited
    fields terminated by ','
    escaped by '\\'
    stored as textfile
    location '${hiveconf:OUTPUT}/lifetime-totals/my_data_by_category';


insert overwrite table my_data_by_category partition(category)
    select mdcc.col1, mdcc2.col2, pcc.category
    from my_data_col1_counts_by_category mdcc
    left outer join my_data_col2_counts_by_category mdcc2 where mdcc.category = mdcc2.category
    group by mdcc.category, mdcc.col1, mdcc2.col2;

insert overwrite table my_data_lifetime_total_by_category partition(category)
   select mdltc.col1 + mdc.col1 as col1, mdltc.col2 + mdc.col2, mdc.category
   from my_data_lifetime_total_by_category mdltc
   full outer join my_data_by_category mdc on mdltc.category = mdc.category
   where mdltc.col1 is not null and mdltc.col2 is not null;


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

此脚本中没有partitioned by子句。当您尝试使用insert语句中的分区插入非分区表时,它会失败。

create table if not exists my_data_lifetime_total_by_category
    like my_data_by_category
    row format delimited
    fields terminated by ','
    escaped by '\\'
    stored as textfile
    location '${hiveconf:OUTPUT}/lifetime-totals/my_data_by_category';

答案 1 :(得分:0)


您在group by mdcc.category中正在insert overwrite table my_data_by_category partition(category)....。但你没有使用任何UDAF。 你确定你能做到吗?

答案 2 :(得分:0)


create table if not exists my_data_lifetime_total_by_category
partitioned by (category string)
row format delimited
fields terminated by ','
escaped by '\\'
stored as textfile
location '${hiveconf:OUTPUT}/lifetime-totals/my_data_by_category';
