Python 2无法获取键和值(字典和元组)

时间:2015-12-03 13:10:23

标签: python python-2.7


编写程序以读取文本文件,并计算每个消息的按小时分布。你可以从' From'通过找到时间,然后使用冒号第二次拆分字符串。


"来自lauren.marquard@oul.ab.bc 2015年1月5日星期五09:14:16"



04 3
06 1
07 1
09 2
10 3
11 6
14 1
15 2
16 4
17 2
18 1
19 1

这意味着我需要退出" 09:14:16"部分,然后拉出时间" 09"再一次。



name = raw_input("Enter file:")
if len(name) < 1 : name = "mbox-short.txt"     #if nothing is entered by user, it goes straight to the desired file
handle = open(name, 'r')     # open and read the file
count = dict()     # initialise count to a empty dictionary
for text in handle:     #for loop to loop through lines in the file
    text = text.rstrip()     #r.strip() to to remove any newline "\n"
    if not text.startswith('From '): continue     # find lines that starts with "From "
    text = text.split()         #split the line into list of words
    line = text[5]              #time is located at the [5] index
    time = line.split(':')     #split once more to get the hour 
    hour = time[0]            #hour is on the [0] index    
    count[hour] = count.get(hour, 0) + 1
    print count        


{'09': 1} ← Mismatch
{'09': 1, '18': 1}
{'09': 1, '18': 1, '16': 1}
{'09': 1, '18': 1, '16': 1, '15': 1}
{'09': 1, '18': 1, '16': 1, '15': 2}
{'09': 1, '18': 1, '16': 1, '15': 2, '14': 1}
{'09': 1, '18': 1, '16': 1, '15': 2, '14': 1, '11': 1}
{'09': 1, '18': 1, '16': 1, '15': 2, '14': 1, '11': 2}
{'09': 1, '18': 1, '16': 1, '15': 2, '14': 1, '11': 3}
(deleted portion of the result)
{'09': 2, '18': 1, '16': 1, '15': 2, '14': 1, '11': 6, '10': 3, '07': 1, '06': 1, '04': 3, '19': 1}
{'09': 2, '18': 1, '16': 1, '15': 2, '14': 1, '11': 6, '10': 3, '07': 1, '06': 1, '04': 3, '19': 1, '17': 1}
{'09': 2, '18': 1, '16': 1, '15': 2, '14': 1, '11': 6, '10': 3, '07': 1, '06': 1, '04': 3, '19': 1, '17': 2}
{'09': 2, '18': 1, '16': 2, '15': 2, '14': 1, '11': 6, '10': 3, '07': 1, '06': 1, '04': 3, '19': 1, '17': 2}
{'09': 2, '18': 1, '16': 3, '15': 2, '14': 1, '11': 6, '10': 3, '07': 1, '06': 1, '04': 3, '19': 1, '17': 2}
{'09': 2, '18': 1, '16': 4, '15': 2, '14': 1, '11': 6, '10': 3, '07': 1, '06': 1, '04': 3, '19': 1, '17': 2}

有人可以帮助我哪里出错了吗?我正朝着正确的方向前进吗? 感谢任何反馈和建议,我对编程很新,请对任何格式错误表示温和和抱歉。

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

删除print count,然后在循环的末尾添加以下行:

for key in sorted(count.keys()):
    print key, count[key]   

答案 1 :(得分:0)


your_string[-13:11] # your hour


答案 2 :(得分:0)

我认为如果你真的想要那个输出,而不是&#34; print count&#34;最后你需要(在循环之外):

for a in sorted(count.keys()):
    print a,count[a]

答案 3 :(得分:0)



原因是你正在处理数字。更重要的是,你正在处理[0,23]范围内的数字。这字面上尖叫着“使用清单!”对我来说。 : - )


# count = dict()
count = [0] * 24



# count[hour] = count.get(hour, 0) + 1
count[int(hour)] += 1



for hour, amount in enumerate(count):
    print hour, ':', amount


From: "Bob Fisher" <> Sat Jan 5 09:14:16 2015


# line = text[5] 
line = text[-2] # We take 2nd element from the end of string instead




with open(name, 'r') as handle:
    for text in handle:
        # ...



name = raw_input("Enter file:")
if not name: name = "mbox-short.txt" # cleaner check for empty string
count = [0] * 24 # use pre-initialized list instead of dict
with open(name, 'r') as handle: # use safer syntax to open files
    for text in handle:
        text = text.rstrip()
        if not text.startswith('From '): continue
        text = text.split()
        line = text[-2] # use 2nd item from the end, just to be safe
        time = line.split(':')
        hour = int(time[0]) # we treat hour as integer
        count[hour] += 1 # nicer looking
for hour, amount in enumerate(count):
    if amount: # Only print hours with non-zero counters
        print hour, ':', amount


答案 4 :(得分:0)

import re
import collections

name = raw_input("Enter file:")
if not name: name = "mbox-short.txt"

with open(name) as handle:
    hours = re.findall(r'^From .*(\d{2}):\d{2}:\d{2}',, re.M)

count = sorted(collections.Counter(hours).items(), key=lambda x: int(x[0]))

for h, c in count:
    print h, c