enter image description here我有一本工作手册,其中包含S& P 500中每个行业的不同工作表,即Tech,Energy,Ect。我创建了一个带有两个列表框的用户表单,允许用户首先选择一个扇区,然后选择该扇区独有的子扇区。列表框工作正常,但现在我想创建一个命令按钮,它接受用户选择的任何子扇区,并使包含该子扇区的活动工作表上的第一行数据成为活动单元格。
Private Sub GoToSectorButton_Click()
'Declare variables
Dim SubIndustry As String
Dim IntRow As Integer
'Set list box value equal to the variable
SubIndustry = lstSubIndustry.Value
'Locate the first occurance of the Sub Industry
IntRow = 3
'Select the row that contains
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'declare variable
Dim shtIndustry As Worksheet
'shows Industries in lstIndustry that aren't the first set of sets
For Each shtIndustry In Application.Workbooks("VBA_Finance_Project_KEZE6983.xlsm").Worksheets
If shtIndustry.Name <> "Welcome" And shtIndustry.Name <> "Name Or Sector" And shtIndustry.Name <> "Name" And shtIndustry.Name <> "Sector" And shtIndustry.Name <> "Filter" And shtIndustry.Name <> "Master" Then
lstIndustry.AddItem (shtIndustry.Name)
End If
Next shtIndustry
'select default list box item
lstIndustry.ListIndex = 0
End Sub
Private Sub lstIndustry_Click()
'declare variables
Dim strSI As String, rngData As Range, rngCell As Range, shtSubIndustry As Worksheet
'clear list box
'Save relevant worksheets to a vaiable so that we can use the vaiable in the rest of the program as a shortcut
Set shtSubIndustry = Application.Workbooks("VBA_Finance_Project_KEZE6983.xlsm").Worksheets(lstIndustry.ListIndex + 5)
'activate worksheet clicked
'assign address of Industry data to rngData variable
Set rngData = Application.Workbooks("VBA_Finance_Project_KEZE6983.xlsm").ActiveSheet.Range("A3").CurrentRegion
'assign Column heading to srtSI variable
strSI = "GICS Sub Industry"
'Add the Sub Industry
For Each rngCell In rngData.Columns(14).Cells
If rngCell.Value <> strSI And rngCell.Value <> "" Then
lstSubIndustry.AddItem rngCell.Value
strSI = rngCell.Value
End If
Next rngCell
'select default list box item
lstSubIndustry.ListIndex = 0
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Dim c as Range
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For Each c In Range("A1:A" + LastRow).Cells
If c.Value == subIndustry Then
c.parent.activate 'Activate worksheet
End If
答案 1 :(得分:0)
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = getRowMultiMatch(Array(Range("M:M"), Range("N:N")), 1, Array(Sector,Subsector))
Function getRowMultiMatch(ByVal arrRange As Variant, ByVal startMatchOnRow As Single, ByVal arrMatchValue As Variant) As Single
'Return 0 if unable to match
'arrRange = Array of Source Range
'startMatchOnRow = 1
'arrMatchValue = Array of Value need to Match
Dim i, nRow, nStartRow, nLastRow As Single
Dim nRng, dataRng, nColRng As Range
Dim nWSD As Worksheet
Dim nValue As Variant
Set nColRng = arrRange(0)
Set nWSD = nColRng.Parent
'Start and Last (Row Number) Help define when to stop looping
nStartRow = nColRng.Cells(1).Row
If startMatchOnRow > nStartRow Then nStartRow = startMatchOnRow
nLastRow = nColRng.Cells(nColRng.Cells.Count).Row
'Sizing nRng
Set nRng = Intersect(nColRng.EntireColumn, nWSD.Range(nWSD.Rows(nStartRow), nWSD.Rows(nLastRow)))
nValue = arrMatchValue(0)
If IsNumeric(nValue) = False Then
nValue = CStr(nValue)
nValue = Replace(nValue, "*", "~*")
End If
'Matching First Item
If IsError(Application.Match(nValue, nRng, 0)) Then
getRowMultiMatch = 0
Exit Function
nRow = Application.Match(nValue, nRng, 0)
'Looping to Check if all values are match
For i = 1 To UBound(arrMatchValue) 'Start loop from 2nd Item
Set dataRng = Intersect(nWSD.Rows(nStartRow + nRow - 1), arrRange(i).EntireColumn)
If StrComp(dataRng.Value, arrMatchValue(i)) <> 0 Then
'Not Match
'Resize nRng then Retry
GoTo NotMatch
End If
Next i
'All Matched
getRowMultiMatch = nStartRow + nRow - 1
Exit Function
nStartRow = nStartRow + nRow
If nStartRow > nLastRow Then
Exit Function
GoTo Retry
End If
End If
End Function