我在文档中有一个日历栏,其布局与图像相同。日历是从Power Pivot复制的,但我想使用公式计算四分之一,半年和年的单元格。我想使用VBA创建这些公式。有没有聪明的方法来做到这一点?
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Option Explicit
Private Enum CellType
End Enum
Private Const YEAR_ROW As Long = 1
Private Const HALF_ROW As Long = 2
Private Const QUARTER_ROW As Long = 3
Private Const MONTH_ROW As Long = 4
Private Const FIRST_VALUE_ROW As Long = 5
Private mWS As Worksheet
Private mRowCount As Long
Sub RunMe()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim lastCol As Long
Dim c As Long
Dim quarterRange As Range
Dim halfRange As Range
Dim yearRange As Range
Set mWS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") '~~> amend as necessary
mRowCount = mWS.Cells.Find(What:="*", _
After:=mWS.Cells(1), _
Lookat:=xlPart, _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _
MatchCase:=False).Row - FIRST_VALUE_ROW
lastCol = mWS.Cells(YEAR_ROW, mWS.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
For c = 1 To lastCol
Select Case GetCellType(c)
Case CellType.Month
Set quarterRange = Unionised(quarterRange, c)
Case CellType.Quarter
Set halfRange = Unionised(halfRange, c)
Set quarterRange = FilledAndCleared(quarterRange, c)
Case CellType.Half
Set yearRange = Unionised(yearRange, c)
Set halfRange = FilledAndCleared(halfRange, c)
Case CellType.Year
Set yearRange = FilledAndCleared(yearRange, c)
End Select
End Sub
Private Function GetCellType(c As Long) As CellType
Dim content As String
If Len(CStr(mWS.Cells(MONTH_ROW, c).Value2)) > 0 Then GetCellType = CellType.Month: Exit Function
If InStr(CStr(mWS.Cells(QUARTER_ROW, c).Value2), "Total") > 0 Then GetCellType = CellType.Quarter: Exit Function
If InStr(CStr(mWS.Cells(HALF_ROW, c).Value2), "Total") > 0 Then GetCellType = CellType.Half: Exit Function
If InStr(CStr(mWS.Cells(YEAR_ROW, c).Value2), "Total") > 0 Then GetCellType = CellType.Year: Exit Function
GetCellType = CellType.Unknown
End Function
Private Function Unionised(oldRng As Range, c As Long) As Range
If oldRng Is Nothing Then
Set Unionised = mWS.Cells(FIRST_VALUE_ROW, c)
Set Unionised = Union(oldRng, mWS.Cells(FIRST_VALUE_ROW, c))
End If
End Function
Private Function FilledAndCleared(rng As Range, c As Long) As Range
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To mRowCount
rng.Worksheet.Cells(FIRST_VALUE_ROW + i, c).Formula = "=SUM(" & rng.Offset(i).Address(False, False) & ")"
Set FilledAndCleared = Nothing
End Function
答案 1 :(得分:0)
sFormula = ""
For c = 6 To LastColumn(wksTarget)
If wksTarget.Cells(lMonthsRow, c) <> "" Then
sFormula = sFormula & "+" & wksTarget.Cells(lFirstItemRow, c).Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False)
End If
If wksTarget.Cells(lMonthsRow, c) = "" And InStr(1, wksTarget.Cells(lYearsRow, c), "Total") Then
wksTarget.Range(wksTarget.Cells(lFirstItemRow, c), wksTarget.Cells(LastRow(wksTarget), c)) = "=" & sFormula
Call FormatAsTotal(wksTarget.Range(wksTarget.Cells(lFirstItemRow, c), wksTarget.Cells(LastRow(wksTarget), c)))
sFormula = ""
End If
'Half year
sFormula = ""
For c = 6 To LastColumn(wksTarget)
If wksTarget.Cells(lMonthsRow, c) <> "" Then
sFormula = sFormula & "+" & wksTarget.Cells(lFirstItemRow, c).Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False)
End If
If wksTarget.Cells(lMonthsRow, c) = "" And InStr(1, wksTarget.Cells(lHalfYearsRow, c), "Total") Then
wksTarget.Range(wksTarget.Cells(lFirstItemRow, c), wksTarget.Cells(LastRow(wksTarget), c)) = "=" & sFormula
Call FormatAsSubtotal(wksTarget.Range(wksTarget.Cells(lFirstItemRow, c), wksTarget.Cells(LastRow(wksTarget), c)))
sFormula = ""
End If
sFormula = ""
For c = 6 To LastColumn(wksTarget)
If wksTarget.Cells(lMonthsRow, c) <> "" Then
sFormula = sFormula & "+" & wksTarget.Cells(lFirstItemRow, c).Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False)
End If
If wksTarget.Cells(lMonthsRow, c) = "" And InStr(1, wksTarget.Cells(lQuartersRow, c), "Total") Then
wksTarget.Range(wksTarget.Cells(lFirstItemRow, c), wksTarget.Cells(LastRow(wksTarget), c)) = "=" & sFormula
Call FormatAsSubtotal(wksTarget.Range(wksTarget.Cells(lFirstItemRow, c), wksTarget.Cells(LastRow(wksTarget), c)))
sFormula = ""
End If
答案 2 :(得分:0)
Sub SomeOtherSub()
Dim YrStart As Long, YrEnd As Long
Dim H1Start As Long, H1End As Long
Dim H2Start As Long, H2End As Long
Dim Q1Start As Long, Q1End As Long, Q1T As Long
Dim Q2Start As Long, Q2End As Long, Q2T As Long
Dim Q3Start As Long, Q3End As Long, Q3T As Long
Dim Q4Start As Long, Q4End As Long, Q4T As Long
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim col As Long
With ActiveSheet.UsedRange
'Getting the last Colunm of the used range
LastColumn = .Columns(.Columns.Count).Column
End With
'InStr() = 0 means that the text is not included in the string
'InStr() > 0 means that the text is included in the string
'Getting the Ranges for each Quarter
For col = 1 To LastColumn
aa = Cells(3, col)
If InStr(aa, "Q1") > 0 And InStr(aa, "Total") = 0 Then Q1Start = col
If InStr(aa, "Q1") > 0 And InStr(aa, "Total") > 0 Then
Q1End = col - 1 ' -1 for the end of the data for the quarter
Q1T = col
End If
If InStr(aa, "Q2") > 0 And InStr(aa, "Total") = 0 Then Q2Start = col
If InStr(aa, "Q2") > 0 And InStr(aa, "Total") > 0 Then
Q2End = col ' -1 for the end of the data for the quarter
Q2T = col
End If
If InStr(aa, "Q3") > 0 And InStr(aa, "Total") = 0 Then Q3Start = col
If InStr(aa, "Q3") > 0 And InStr(aa, "Total") > 0 Then
Q3End = col - 1 ' -1 for the end of the data for the quarter
Q3T = col
End If
If InStr(aa, "Q4") > 0 And InStr(aa, "Total") = 0 Then Q4Start = col
If InStr(aa, "Q4") > 0 And InStr(aa, "Total") > 0 Then
Q4End = col - 1 ' -1 for the end of the data for the quarter
Q4T = col
End If
'Getting the Ranges for each Bi Annual
For col = 1 To LastColumn
aa = Cells(2, col)
If InStr(aa, "H1") > 0 And InStr(aa, "Total") = 0 Then H1Start = col
If InStr(aa, "H1") > 0 And InStr(aa, "Total") > 0 Then H1T = col
If InStr(aa, "H2") > 0 And InStr(aa, "Total") = 0 Then H2Start = col
If InStr(aa, "H2") > 0 And InStr(aa, "Total") > 0 Then H2T = col
'Getting the Ranges for the year
For col = 1 To LastColumn
aa = Cells(1, col)
If Len(aa) > 0 And InStr(aa, "Total") = 0 Then YrStart = col
If Len(aa) > 0 And InStr(aa, "Total") > 0 Then YrT = col
With ActiveSheet.UsedRange
'Getting the last Row of the used range
LastRow = .Rows(.Rows.Count).Row - 1
End With
'Loop for the rows of data
For r = 5 To LastRow
'Quarter Calculation
'Quarter 1
Cells(r, Q1T).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(Cells(r, Q1Start), Cells(r, Q1End)))
'Quarter 2
Cells(r, Q2T).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(Cells(r, Q2Start), Cells(r, Q2End)))
'Quarter 3
Cells(r, Q3T).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(Cells(r, Q3Start), Cells(r, Q3End)))
'Quarter 4
Cells(r, Q4T).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(Cells(r, Q4Start), Cells(r, Q4End)))
'Bi Annual Calculation
'First 6 Months
Cells(r, H1T).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Cells(r, Q1T), Cells(r, Q2T))
'Second 6 Months
Cells(r, H2T).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Cells(r, Q3T), Cells(r, Q4T))
'Year Calculation
Cells(r, YrT).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Cells(r, H1T), Cells(r, H2T))
End Sub