
时间:2015-11-29 23:05:19

标签: ubuntu gem rubygems ubuntu-14.04 github-pages

我在Ubuntu 14.04尝试使用此过程为gitHub页面设置Jeckyll:https://help.github.com/articles/using-jekyll-with-pages/


我正在尝试在上面链接的步骤中执行第2步。 gem install bundler。看来我在某处弄乱了某些东西(或者我错过了依赖项?)。在任何情况下,宝石似乎都有问题,特别是gem install。如果我which gem,我会/usr/local/bin/gem

但是gem install会出现以下错误:

ERROR:  Loading command: install (LoadError)
cannot load such file -- zlib
ERROR:  While executing gem ... (NoMethodError)
    undefined method `invoke_with_build_args' for nil:NilClass


$ sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
zlib1g-dev is already the newest version.
zlib1g-dev set to manually installed.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 36 not upgraded.

然后我看了gem install help并得到了一些有趣的输出......看起来有一堆丢失的命令,包括install命令?怎么了?:

$ gem help commands
ERROR:  Loading command: build (LoadError)
    cannot load such file -- zlib
ERROR:  Loading command: cert (NameError)
    uninitialized constant Gem::Commands::CertCommand
ERROR:  Loading command: check (LoadError)
    cannot load such file -- zlib
ERROR:  Loading command: generate_index (LoadError)
    cannot load such file -- zlib
ERROR:  Loading command: install (LoadError)
    cannot load such file -- zlib
ERROR:  Loading command: pristine (LoadError)
    cannot load such file -- zlib
ERROR:  Loading command: push (LoadError)
    cannot load such file -- zlib
ERROR:  Loading command: server (LoadError)
    cannot load such file -- zlib
ERROR:  Loading command: specification (LoadError)
    cannot load such file -- zlib
ERROR:  Loading command: unpack (LoadError)
    cannot load such file -- zlib
ERROR:  Loading command: update (LoadError)
    cannot load such file -- zlib
GEM commands are:

    build             [No command found for build]
    cert              [No command found for cert]
    check             [No command found for check]
    cleanup           Clean up old versions of installed gems
    contents          Display the contents of the installed gems
    dependency        Show the dependencies of an installed gem
    environment       Display information about the RubyGems environment
    fetch             Download a gem and place it in the current directory
    generate_index    [No command found for generate_index]
    help              Provide help on the 'gem' command
    install           [No command found for install]
    list              Display local gems whose name matches REGEXP
    lock              Generate a lockdown list of gems
    mirror            Mirror all gem files (requires rubygems-mirror)
    open              Open gem sources in editor
    outdated          Display all gems that need updates
    owner             Manage gem owners of a gem on the push server
    pristine          [No command found for pristine]
    push              [No command found for push]
    query             Query gem information in local or remote repositories
    rdoc              Generates RDoc for pre-installed gems
    search            Display remote gems whose name matches REGEXP
    server            [No command found for server]
    sources           Manage the sources and cache file RubyGems uses to search
                      for gems
    specification     [No command found for specification]
    stale             List gems along with access times
    uninstall         Uninstall gems from the local repository
    unpack            [No command found for unpack]
    update            [No command found for update]
    which             Find the location of a library file you can require
    yank              Remove a pushed gem from the index


此外,这里是gem environment的输出,因为它有用:

RubyGems Environment:
  - RUBY VERSION: 2.2.3 (2015-08-18 patchlevel 173) [x86_64-linux]
  - INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0
  - USER INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: /home/amy/.gem/ruby/2.2.0
  - RUBY EXECUTABLE: /usr/local/bin/ruby
  - EXECUTABLE DIRECTORY: /usr/local/bin
  - SPEC CACHE DIRECTORY: /home/amy/.gem/specs
    - ruby
    - x86_64-linux
     - /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0
     - /home/amy/.gem/ruby/2.2.0
     - :update_sources => true
     - :verbose => true
     - :backtrace => false
     - :bulk_threshold => 1000
     - https://rubygems.org/
     - /usr/local/sbin
     - /usr/local/bin
     - /usr/sbin
     - /usr/bin
     - /sbin
     - /bin
     - /usr/games
     - /usr/local/games


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