我在MS Excel中有大量导入的电信数据,其现有数据字段位于行A1:L1中,部分数据已存在于行A:H中;我需要转置的剩余数据位于A列中,每个记录的第2到第5个单元格,每个唯一记录分隔一个空格(空格)。 (见图1)
318-704 |洛杉矶| CEBRIDGE TELECOM LA,LLC D / B / A | 260H |亚历山大| ALXNLAMAXKX | 11/15/2013 |前缀类型:CLEC
开关名称:N / A
开关类型:N / A
LATA:Shreveport LA(486)
串联:N / A
TelcoDataImage1 - Rows and Columns separated by a Space and Existing Data Fields
我想使用MS Excel公式(最好)或VBA代码,它将转换每个数据记录的第2列到第5列,并将数据转置到相邻的行I:L。 (见图2)
TelcoData2 - Transpose 2nd - 5th column data to adjacent rows
318-704 |洛杉矶| CEBRIDGE TELECOM LA,LLC D / B / A | 260H |亚历山大| ALXNLAMAXKX | 11/15/2013 |前缀类型:CLEC |开关名称:N / A |开关类型:N / A | LATA:Shreveport LA(486)|串联:N / A
答案 0 :(得分:4)
我建议你学习VBA。在我的整个职业生涯中,我发现自己积累了与手头任务相关的数据。使用VBA操纵该数据的能力不止一次是救生员。 VBA作为一种语言并不是特别难学。对我来说最困难的部分是Excel对象模型:Excel管理多个工作簿,每个工作簿都有多个工作表,每个工作表都有行,列,范围和单元格,每个工作表都有属性。如果您是经验丰富的Excel用户,您可能会发现自己已经熟悉了大部分Excel对象模型,尽管您可能不知道该名称。
搜索“Excel VBA教程”。有很多可供选择,所以选择一个符合你的学习风格。我更喜欢书籍,所以我参观了一个很好的图书馆,审阅了他们的Excel VBA Primers,并借用了我最喜欢的那些在家里尝试的。最后,我买了一个我喜欢的永久参考,我还是时不时地看。我发现学习VBA的时间和Excel对象模型很快就能自行偿还。
你说“是的,位于每个单元格的第2到第5行的数据集序列(即Switch Name,Switch Type,LATA和Tandem)总是以特定的方式。”我相信你相信但我不相信“T
Option Explicit
Sub MoveSubLinesToMain()
' I do not know from your question if this is a one-off tranformation or if you will need
' to use the macro repeatedly as new worksheets in the initial format are created by some
' other process. For a one-off macro, brief documentation may be acceptable. But any macro
' that is used repeatedly will also most certainly need updating. Trying to decipher an
' inadequately documented macro that you wrote six months ago or which some one else wrote
' is a nightmare.
' Do not run this macro against the master copy of the data since it transforms the data in
' situ. The macro is designed to carry on following an error but you must have a master copy
' so you can start again if the macro cannot carry on after an error.
' This macro updates worksheet "Data". If you worksheet has a different name, change
' the statement:
' With Worksheets("Data").
' Ths macro expects to find:
' * Row 1: Header row which is ignored
' * Row 2: First data row. If there are more header rows change the statement:
' Const ColRowDataFirst As Long = 2
' * The first data row must be what is named here as a main row. That is a row starting with
' an NPA-NXX number. A main row is recognised by the first character of the NPA-NXX column
' being numeric.
' * A main row may be followed by several row which are named here as a sub rows. The macro
' allows for there being no sub rows so the macro can be restarted on a partially processed
' worksheet.
' * The sub rows are recognised by their leading characters:
' "Switch Name: "
' "Switch Type: "
' "LATA: "
' "Tandem: "
' * There may also be blank lines which are ignored.
' * If a sub row is encountered that does not match one of those listed above, the macro will
' stop to allow an examination of the error situation and, when restarted, will terminate
' itself. You will have to decide how to update the macro to handle the error situation.
' Once the macro has been updated, it should be possible to restart the macro which will
' step over the already processed rows and continue with the unprocessed row. If this fails
' you will have to overwrite the partially processed worksheet with the master copy of the
' original data.
' * The block, main row and zero or more sub rows, may be repeated an indefinite number of
' times.
' * For each block, the macro copies the values from the sub rows to specified columns within
' their main row and then the sub rows.
' The statements to access a cell need a row and column number. You can use literals but with
' larger number of columns or special rows it can all become very confusing. A const (constant)
' statement allows you to define a name to replace the literal which makes your code more
' readable. More importantly, what happens if a new sub row is introduced and the Lata and
' Tandem columns are to be moved. This is a tiny macro and finding all the 11s and 12s which are
' column numbers and replacing them will not be be too difficult. This is not true of a large
' macro. But updating the const statements defining ColLata and ColTandem updates every
' reference to these columns through the module.
Const ColNpa As Long = 1
Const ColName As Long = 9
Const ColType As Long = 10
Const ColLata As Long = 11
Const ColTandem As Long = 12
Const RowDataFirst As Long = 2
Dim NpaValue As String
Dim NumRowsToDelete As Long
Dim RowCrnt As Long
Dim RowCrntMain As Long
Dim RowLast As Long
' Without this statement, the screen is repainted for every change. Since I am deleting
' rows this will substantially increase the run time for no advantage.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' As stated above replace "Data" with the name of your worksheet.
With Worksheets("Data")
' This is the easiest way of locating the last row with data if you know that column ColNpa
' will have a value on every row.
RowLast = .Cells(Rows.Count, ColNpa).End(xlUp).Row
RowCrnt = RowDataFirst
RowCrntMain = 0 ' No current main row
' I would normally use a For Loop: For RowCrnt = RowDataFirst To RowLast
' But I am deleting rows which will require RowCrnt and RowLast to be
' changed within the loop. This is not permitted for a For Loop
Do While RowCrnt <= RowLast
NpaValue = .Cells(RowCrnt, ColNpa).Value
' This If..IfElse...IfElse statements tests for each known row type
' ans actions them as appropiate. The final Else allows for an
' unknown row type.
If NpaValue = "" Then
' Blank line
ElseIf IsNumeric(Left$(NpaValue, 1)) Then
' Main row
If RowCrntMain <> 0 Then
' There is a previous main row whose sub rows must be deleted
NumRowsToDelete = RowCrnt - RowCrntMain - 1
If NumRowsToDelete > 0 Then
.Rows(RowCrntMain + 1 & ":" & RowCrnt - 1).Delete
RowCrnt = RowCrnt - NumRowsToDelete
RowLast = RowLast - NumRowsToDelete
End If
End If
RowCrntMain = RowCrnt
ElseIf Left$(NpaValue, 13) = "Switch Name: " Then
' Copy the value of the Switch Name row to column ColName on the main row.
' Do the same for all the other sub rows.
.Cells(RowCrntMain, ColName).Value = Trim(Mid$(NpaValue, 14))
ElseIf Left$(NpaValue, 13) = "Switch Type: " Then
.Cells(RowCrntMain, ColType).Value = Trim(Mid$(NpaValue, 14))
ElseIf Left$(NpaValue, 6) = "LATA: " Then
.Cells(RowCrntMain, ColLata).Value = Trim(Mid$(NpaValue, 7))
ElseIf Left$(NpaValue, 8) = "Tandem: " Then
.Cells(RowCrntMain, ColTandem).Value = Trim(Mid$(NpaValue, 9))
' Row not recognised
' If code stops here try to identify why. Terminate the macro
' or press F5 and it will terminate itself.
Debug.Assert False
Exit Sub
End If
RowCrnt = RowCrnt + 1
' Delete final block of sub-lines, if any
If RowCrntMain <> 0 Then
' There is a previous main row whose sub rows must be deleted
NumRowsToDelete = RowCrnt - RowCrntMain - 1
If NumRowsToDelete > 0 Then
.Rows(RowCrntMain + 1 & ":" & RowCrnt - 1).Delete
End If
End If
End With
End Sub