-firstName: String
-lastName: String
-studentID: String
-row: int
-column: int
studentID1 | studentID2 | studentIDn
firstName1 | firstName2 | firstNamen
lastName1 | lastName2 | lastNamen
studentID1 | studentID2 | studentIDn
firstName1 | firstName2 | firstNamen
lastName1 | lastName2 | lastNamen
属性来自数据库并存储在学生对象中。 它们以这样的方式存储,使得它们根据列和行号排列。现在我想以这样一种方式打印上面的内容:当行属性改变时,它将打印另一个“行”的学生。
public void displayStudents() {
studentListSize = StudentList.size();
int listIndex = 0; // This variable gives you the size of the list
int columnIndex = 0; // The column index gives you the column you are supposedly traversing
int resetIndex = 0; // This index does what its name does which is essentially to reset a value
int continueIndex = 0; // Index which tells one where one supposedly ended, hence the name 'continue'
int currentRow = seats.get(columnIndex).getStudentRow(); // The currentRow method says which row one is currently traversing
for(listIndex = 0; listIndex < seatSize; listIndex++) {
// if the row attribute taken from the list of seats is not equal to the current row then, that means that the row has changed and
// the following loops execute
if(seats.get(listIndex).getStudentRow() != currentRow) {
// The following methods just display stuff. It's essentially a looped version of the commented out method below
for(columnIndex = resetIndex; columnIndex <= continueIndex; columnIndex++) {
System.out.printf("|%10s|", seats.get(columnIndex).getFirstName());
for(columnIndex = resetIndex; columnIndex <= continueIndex; columnIndex++) {
System.out.printf("|%10s|", seats.get(columnIndex).getLastName());
// setting the reset index to the column index is done because if you don't do this the for loops below will repeat the displayed things above with a new set of columns
resetIndex = columnIndex;
// this sets the currentRow
currentRow = seats.get(listIndex).getStudentRow();
// Print the IDs
System.out.printf("|%10s|", seats.get(listIndex).getStudentID());
// the assignment below ensures that the all rows are printed (for the first set)
continueIndex = listIndex;
// The next lines are workarounds which repeat what the above does. There could have been a better way had there been a functioning GOTO keyword in Java
for(columnIndex = resetIndex; columnIndex <= continueIndex; columnIndex++) {
System.out.printf("|%10s|", seats.get(columnIndex).getFirstName());
for(columnIndex = resetIndex; columnIndex <= continueIndex; columnIndex++) {
System.out.printf("|%10s|", seats.get(columnIndex).getLastName());