12 12 4 4
0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10
2 4 3 4 5 4 6 4
0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0
11 11 10 11 9 11 8 11
第1行包含网格的宽度(12)和高度(12),骨骼数量(4)和骨骼长度(4)。 第2行到第5行包含以下格式的4个骨骼的位置:
<cell1_row> <cell1_col> <cell2_row> <cell2_col> <cell3_row> <cell3_col><cell4_row> <cell4_col>
def getData(gameFile):
"""Pulling our bone information from the game text file"""
file = open (gameFile, 'r')
gameData = [line.strip('\n').split(' ') for line in file.readlines()]
bones = list()
backyardWidth = 12
backyardHeight = 12
numOfBones = 4
boneLength = 4
gameFile = "FBI_the_Game_Data_2.txt"
def createBackyard(aWidth, aHeight):
""" Create and return an empty "backyard" of aWidth by aHeight."""
aBackyard = [ [ " . " for i in range(backyardWidth) ] for j inrange(backyardHeight) ]
return aBackyard
def displayBackyard(aBackyard, aWidth, aHeight):
"""Creates a backyard with no bones."""
print("\nThere are 4 bones, each are 4 cells long, buried in this backyard! Can you find them?")
aString = " "
for column in range(0, aWidth):
aString = aString + str(column) + " "
if len(str(column)) == 1 :
aString += " "
for row in range(0, aHeight):
print(unpack(aBackyard, row))
def unpack(aBackyard, row):
""" Helper function.
Unpack a particular row of the backyard, i.e., make a string out of it.
aString = ""
for i in range(backyardWidth):
aString += aBackyard[row][i]
# Add a column (from 1 to aHeight) to the right of a backyard row
aString = aString + " " + str(row)
return aString
# main
print("""Welcome to Fast Bone Investigation (FBI) the game.
In this game, we dig out bones from Mrs. Hudson's backyard!""")
# Create backyards
displayedBackyard = createBackyard(backyardWidth, backyardHeight)
# Display the backyard
app_on = True
while app_on:
displayBackyard(displayedBackyard, backyardWidth, backyardHeight)
choice = input(("""\nTo do so, please, enter the row and the column number of a cell in which you suspect a bone is buried
(e.g., 0 3 if you suspect that part of a bone is buried on the first row at the 4th column).
Enter -1 to quit: """))
# if user enters nothing
if len( choice ) == 0 :
print("***You have not entered anything. You need to enter a valid row and the column number!\n")
elif len( choice ) == 1 :
print("***You have entered only 1 value. You need to enter a valid row and the column number!\n")
elif choice == "-1":
app_on = False
# if the user enters any alphabet
elif choice.isalpha( ):
print("***You have entered %s. You need to enter a valid row and the column number!\n" %choice)
elif "." in choice :
print("***You have entered %s. You need to enter a valid row and the column number!\n" %choice)
userGuess = int(choice)
if userGuess > backyardHeight or backyardWidth or userGuess < 0:
print("You needed to enter a row and column number of a cell that is within the backyard!\n")
## Unfinished Beeswax
## elif choice ==
## print("****HIT!!!!****")
print("****OOPS! MISSED!****")
print("\nWasn't it fun! Bye!")
在程序开始时,所有骨骼现在都应该被埋没,玩家无法看到。然后,当游戏执行时,要求玩家猜测 通过输入行号和列号来掩埋骨骼 在后院的一个细胞。如果骨骼部分确实埋在这个细胞中,骨骼的这一部分在这个细胞中显示“B”。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
def getData(gameFile):
"""Pulling our bone information from the game text file"""
file = open (gameFile, 'r')
gameData = [line.strip('\n').split(' ') for line in file.readlines()]
backyardWidth = int(gameData[0][0])
backyardHeight = int(gameData[0][1])
nbBones = int(gameData[0][2])
boneLength = int(gameData[0][3])
bones = []
for i in range(nbBones):
bones.append([int(gameData[i+1][j]) for j in range(boneLength*2)])
return backyardWidth, backyardHeight, nbBones, boneLength, bones
如果那么你print getData('FBI.txt')
(12, 12, 4, 4,
[[0, 7, 0, 8, 0, 9, 0, 10], [2, 4, 3, 4, 5, 4, 6, 4], [0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0], [11, 11, 10, 11, 9, 11, 8, 11]])
答案 1 :(得分:0)
def getData(gameFile):
"""Pulling our bone information from the game text file"""
with open(gameFile) as f_input:
gameData = [line.strip('\n').split(' ') for line in f_input.readlines()]
return gameData
gameData = getData("FBI_the_Game_Data_2.txt")
backyardWidth, backyardHeight, numOfBones, boneLength = gameData[0]
bones = gameData[1:]
backyardWidth = 12
backyardHeight = 12
numOfBones = 4
boneLength = 4
bones = [['0', '7', '0', '8', '0', '9', '0', '10'], ['2', '4', '3', '4', '5', '4', '6', '4'], ['0', '0', '1', '0', '2', '0', '3', '0'], ['11', '11', '10', '11', '9', '11', '8', '11']]