* Plugin Name: Search Lyrics
* Plugin URI: http://example.net/
* Description: Find the lyrics to your sound...
* Author: John Doe
* Version: 1.0
add_action("widgets_init", function () { register_widget("SearchWidget"); });
class SearchWidget extends WP_Widget
public function __construct() {
parent::__construct("search_widget", __("Simple Seach Widget", "wpe_search_domain"),
array("description" => __("A simple widget to show how WP Plugins work", "wpe_search_domain")));
// Creating widget front-end
// This is where the action happens
public function widget( $args, $instance )
$title = apply_filters( 'widget_title', $instance['title'] ); ?>
<div class="wpe-search-block">
<h4><?php if (! empty( $title )) { echo $title; } else { echo 'Search'; } ?></h4>
<div class="wpe-main-block">
<form role="search" method="get" class="search-form" action="teslyrics.php">
Artist Name: <input type="text" class="field" name="s_artist"/>
Track Name: <input type="text" class="field" name="s_track"/> <br />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Search" />
// Widget Backend
public function form( $instance )
if ( isset( $instance["title"] ) )
$title = $instance["title"];
else {
$title = __("New title", "wpe_search_domain");
// Widget admin form
<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('title'); ?>"><?php _e('Title:'); ?></label>
<input class="widefat" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('title'); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name('title'); ?>" type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $title ); ?>" />
// Updating widget replacing old instances with new
public function update( $new_instance, $old_instance )
$instance = array();
$instance["title"] = ( ! empty( $new_instance["title"] ) ) ? strip_tags( $new_instance["title"] ) : ”;
return $instance;
我希望它显示在我的wordpress网站上的页面中,而不是“ teslyrics.php ,因为操作说...
以下是 teslyrics.php 页面
* Template Name: Search Lyrics Result
* Description: Custom search page.
// These code snippets use an open-source library.
require_once 'unirest-php\src\Unirest.php';
$artist = $_GET["s_artist"];
$track = $_GET["s_track"];
$response = Unirest\Request::get("https://examplecom-example.p.example.com/wsr/1.1/matcher.lyrics.get?q_artist='$artist'&q_track='$track'",
"X-Example-Key" => "my_token",
"Accept" => "application/json"
echo "<div align='center'> <h2>";
echo "You searched for Artist: $artist Track: $track <br/>";
if(!$artist || !$track)
echo "Your search retuned nothing...";
echo "<pre>";
echo ($response->body->lyrics_body);
echo "</pre>";
echo "</div></h2>";