
时间:2015-11-26 08:33:40

标签: arduino serial-port processing

我试图使用Processing脚本在arduino的频道上转储信号数据。目前我的arduino代码通过COM3读取数据,并且我在处理代码中遇到了类似的内容;"打开串口COM3时出错:未找到端口"。 加速度计/陀螺仪信号和处理脚本的arduino代码可以从Sparkfun的网站上找到:



Arduino信号阅读 -

    #include "SparkFunLSM6DS3.h"
    #include "Wire.h"
    #include "SPI.h"

    LSM6DS3 myIMU; //Default constructor is I2C, addr 0x6B

    void setup() {
      // put your setup code here, to run once:
      delay(1000); //relax...
      Serial.println("Processor came out of reset.\n");
    //  Serial.println(value);

      //Call .begin() to configure the IMU
      //Over-ride default settings if desired
      myIMU.settings.gyroEnabled = 1;  //Can be 0 or 1
      myIMU.settings.gyroRange = 2000;   //Max deg/s.  Can be: 125, 245
      myIMU.settings.gyroSampleRate = 833;   //Hz.  Can be: 13, 26, 52, 104,  208, 416, 833, 1666
      myIMU.settings.gyroBandWidth = 200;  //Hz.  Can be: 50, 100, 200, 400;
      myIMU.settings.gyroFifoEnabled = 1;  //Set to include gyro in FIFO  
      myIMU.settings.gyroFifoDecimation = 1;  //set 1 for on /1

    myIMU.settings.accelEnabled = 1;
    myIMU.settings.accelRange = 16;      //Max G force readable.  Can be: 2, 4, 8, 16
    myIMU.settings.accelSampleRate = 833;  //Hz.  Can be: 13, 26, 52, 104, 208, 416, 833, 1666, 3332, 6664, 13330
    myIMU.settings.accelBandWidth = 200;  //Hz.  Can be: 50, 100, 200, 400;
    myIMU.settings.accelFifoEnabled = 1;  //Set to include accelerometer in the FIFO
    myIMU.settings.accelFifoDecimation = 1;  //set 1 for on /1
    myIMU.settings.tempEnabled = 1;

    //Non-basic mode settings
    myIMU.settings.commMode = 1;

    //FIFO control settings
    myIMU.settings.fifoThreshold = 100;  //Can be 0 to 4096 (16 bit bytes)
    myIMU.settings.fifoSampleRate = 50;  //Hz.  Can be: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3300, 6600
    myIMU.settings.fifoModeWord = 6;  //FIFO mode.
    //FIFO mode.  Can be:
    //  0 (Bypass mode, FIFO off)
    //  1 (Stop when full)
    //  3 (Continuous during trigger)
    //  4 (Bypass until trigger)
    //  6 (Continous mode)

    void loop()
      //Get all parameters
      Serial.print(" X = ");
      Serial.println(myIMU.readFloatAccelX(), 4);
      Serial.print(" Y = ");
      Serial.println(myIMU.readFloatAccelY(), 4);
      Serial.print(" Z = ");
      Serial.println(myIMU.readFloatAccelZ(), 4);

      Serial.print(" X = ");
      Serial.println(myIMU.readFloatGyroX(), 4);
      Serial.print(" Y = ");
      Serial.println(myIMU.readFloatGyroY(), 4);
      Serial.print(" Z = ");
      Serial.println(myIMU.readFloatGyroZ(), 4);

      Serial.print(" Degrees C = ");
      Serial.println(myIMU.readTempC(), 4);
      Serial.print(" Degrees F = ");
      Serial.println(myIMU.readTempF(), 4);


处理脚本 -

    import processing.serial.*;
    Serial myPort;
    String val;

    void setup() {

      //String portName = Serial.list()[2];

      myPort = new Serial(this , "COM3", 9600);

    void draw()
      if (myPort.available() > 0)
      {val = myPort.readStringUntil('\n');}


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


  1. 尝试将USB插入另一个端口
  2. 重启电脑
  3. 确保其他软件(如Processing)未使用arduino
  4. 处于活动状态
  5. 尝试不同的电线
  6. 尝试不同的电脑
  7. 你的arduino可能被烧毁(不幸的是)
  8. 祝你好运

答案 1 :(得分:0)
