'构造函数'有太多参数[vertex shader]

时间:2015-11-25 22:33:57

标签: html opengl-es glsl webgl


我收到的错误是:顶点着色器无法编译。错误日志是:错误:0:29:'构造函数':参数太多 错误:0:32:'dot':找不到匹配的重载函数



<script id="vertex-shader" type="x-shader/x-vertex">

attribute vec4 a_Position;
attribute vec4 a_Color;
attribute vec3 a_Normal;
attribute vec2 a_Texture;

uniform mat4 u_MvpMatrix;
uniform mat3 u_NormalMatrix;

uniform vec3 uAmbientColor; // all 3 of these passed in .js
uniform vec3 uLightPosition; //
uniform vec3 uLightColor; //

varying vec4 v_Color;
varying vec2 v_Texture;

varying vec3 vLightWeighting; 


    vec4 eyeLightPos = vec4(0.0, 200.0, 0.0, 1.0); // Line 29***

    vec4 eyePosition = u_MvpMatrix * vec4(a_Position, 1.0); // vertex position in the eye space

    vec3 normal = normalize(u_NormalMatrix * a_Normal);
    float nDotL = max(dot(normal, eyeLightPos), 0.0);  // Line 32***
    v_Color = vec4(a_Color.rgb * nDotL, a_Color.a);

    v_Texture = a_Texture;

    vec3 eyeLightVector = normalize(eyeLightPos.xyz - eyePosition.xyz);

    vec3 eyeViewVector = -normalize(eyePosition.xyz); // eye position is at (0, 0, 0) in the eye space
    vec3 eyeReflectVector = -reflect(eyeLightVector, normal);

    float shininess = 16.0;
    float specular = pow(max(dot(eyeViewVector, eyeReflectVector),0.0), shininess);;
    vLightWeighting = uAmbientColor + uLightColor * nDotL + uLightColor * specular;


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


vec4 eyePosition = u_MvpMatrix * vec4(a_Position, 1.0);

问题是,a_Position已经是一个vec4,因此你试图调用一个不存在的vec4(vec4, float)形式的构造函数。也许你只想传递a_Position的前三个轴,在这种情况下代码是:

vec4 eyePosition = u_MvpMatrix * vec4(a_Position.xyz, 1.0);

第二个错误是因为您的类型不匹配。在点方法normal是vec3但eyeLightPos是vec4。 dot函数仅针对同一类型的两个参数定义。