我们有一个代码可以向motordriver发送一些消息。 我们用cpp代码创建了一个ROS节点(如下)。 代码可以工作,但一段时间后串口被杀死了。 如果我们尝试重新启动节点,则无法重新打开串行端口。 我们还尝试用CuteCom(终端)打开端口。但CuteCom也不能打开这个端口。 我们用不同的库(termios.h和SerialStream.h)创建了代码,但它们给出了相同的错误。 我们已经看过Linux(dmesg)的日志文件。在我们再次运行节点后,会出现如下错误:LSR安全检查已启用。
#include <SerialStream.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include "ros/ros.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace LibSerial;
int main(int argc, char **argv )
//initialize ROS
ros::init(argc, argv, "uart");
//define a nodehandle and define the rate for the "ros while loop"
ros::NodeHandle nh;
ros::Rate rate(100);
ROS_INFO("Ros is initialized");
// Open the serial port.
SerialStream serial_port;
char c;
ROS_DEBUG("Serial Port will be opened");
serial_port.Open("/dev/ttyS8") ;
//check if serial port opens correctly
if ( ! serial_port.good() )
ROS_ERROR("Error: Could not open serial port.");
ROS_INFO("Serial port is opened");
// Set the baud rate of the serial port.
serial_port.SetBaudRate( SerialStreamBuf::BAUD_115200 ) ;
if ( ! serial_port.good() )
ROS_ERROR("Error: Could not set the baud rate.");
return(1) ;
ROS_INFO("baud rate is setted");
// Set the number of data bits.
serial_port.SetCharSize( SerialStreamBuf::CHAR_SIZE_8 ) ;
if ( ! serial_port.good() )
ROS_ERROR("Error: Could not set the character size.");
return(1) ;
ROS_INFO("char size is setted");
// Disable parity.
serial_port.SetParity( SerialStreamBuf::PARITY_NONE ) ;
if ( ! serial_port.good() )
ROS_ERROR("Error: Could not disable the parity.");
return(1) ;
ROS_INFO("parity is setted");
// Set the number of stop bits.
serial_port.SetNumOfStopBits( 2 ) ;
if ( ! serial_port.good() )
ROS_ERROR("Error: Could not set the number of stop bits.");
return(1) ;
ROS_INFO("stop bits are setted");
// Turn off hardware flow control.
serial_port.SetFlowControl( SerialStreamBuf::FLOW_CONTROL_NONE ) ;
if ( ! serial_port.good() )
ROS_ERROR("Error: Could not use hardware flow control.");
return(1) ;
ROS_INFO("Disabled flow control");
// Do not skip whitespace characters while reading from the
// serial port.
// serial_port.unsetf( std::ios_base::skipws ) ;
// Wait for some data to be available at the serial port.
// Keep reading data from serial port and print it to the screen.
// Wait for some data to be available at the serial port.
// while( serial_port.rdbuf()->in_avail() > 0 )
char out_buf[8];
//Define data
out_buf[0] = 0x5a;
out_buf[1] = 0xaa;
out_buf[2] = 0x03;
out_buf[3] = 0x20;
out_buf[4] = 0x00;
out_buf[5] = 0x00;
out_buf[6] = 0x00;
out_buf[7] = 0x00;
//write data to serial port.
serial_port.write(out_buf, 8);
} else{
ROS_ERROR("Serial port is closed");
ROS_INFO_ONCE("We doen het");
ROS_INFO("serial port is closed");
// while(1)
// {
// char next_byte;
// serial_port.get(next_byte); HERE I RECEIVE THE FIRST ANSWER
// std::cerr << next_byte;
// }