通过MyBatis-Guice documentation on multiple data sources查看,示例是预先知道数据源列表的位置,每个数据源都有不同的映射器。同样,找到的问题here on SO也有相同的要求。
如上所述,我的要求更加动态和流畅。我们的想法是将所有当前已知的数据库(及其连接信息)放在配置中,并在服务启动时进行解析。然后,根据任何传入请求的上下文,代码应该为正确的数据库提取SqlSessionFactory。使用该SqlSessionFactory的所有下游代码完全相同 - 即不依赖于请求上下文。这意味着无论使用何种数据库,都会使用相同的映射器。
我的MyBatis和Guice知识无疑是新的和有限的。但是,我无法谷歌任何显示MyBatis-Guice等同于MyBatis的multiple environment approach supported by the XML configuration的内容。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
首先,我编写了一个MyBatis Guice模块,用于注册单个数据源。它是PrivateModule
,因此为一个数据源注册的所有MyBatis类都不会与其他数据源的其他注册冲突。它使用内部MyBatisModule实现,因为Java不支持多继承。这意味着我们无法做public class MyMyBatisModule extends PrivateModule, MyBatisModule {...}
public class MyMyBatisModule extends PrivateModule {
private final String datasourceLabel;
private final Properies datasourceProperties;
private List< Key<?> > exposedKeys = new ArrayList< Key<?> >();
public MyMyBatisModule( String datasourceLabel, Properties datasourceProperties ) {
this.datasourceLabel = datasourceLabel;
this.datasourceProperties = datasourceProperties;
protected void configure() {
install( new InternalMyMyBatisModule( ) );
for( Key<?> key: keys ) {
expose( key );
private class InternalMyMyBatisModule extends MyBatisModule {
protected void initialize( ) {
environmentId( datasourceLabel );
Names.bindProperties( binder(), properties );
install( JdbcHelper.MySQL ); // See JDBC Helper commentary below
bindDataSourceProviderType( C3p0DataSourceProvider.class ); // Choose whichever one you want
bindTransactionFactoryType( JdbcTransactionFactory.class );
// Register your mapper classes here. These mapper classes will have their
// keys exposed from the PrivateModule
// i.e.
// keys.add( registerMapper( FredMapper.class );
// kets.add( registerMapper( GingerMapper.class );
private <T> Key<T> registerMapper( Class<T> mapperClass ) {
Key<T> key = Key.get( mapperClass, Names.named( datasourceLabel ) );
bind( key ).to( mapperClass );
addMapperClass( mapperClass );
return key;
JdbcHeler.MySQL :我使用JdbcHelper.MySQL
MySQL("jdbc:mysql://${JDBC.host|localhost}:${JDBC.port|3306}/${JDBC.schema}", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"),
现在是时候注册所有数据源了。 MyBatisModules
public class MyBatisModules extends AbstractModule {
private Map< String, Properties > connectionsProperties;
public MyBatisModules( Map< String, Properties > = new HashMap< String, Properties > connectionsProperties ) {
this.connectionsProperties = connectionsProperties; // consider deep copy if appropriate
protected void configure( ) {
for( Entry< String, Properties > datasourceConnectionProperties : this.connectionsProperties.entrySet() ) {
install( new MyMyBatisModule( datasourceConnectionProperties.getKey(), datasourceConnectionProperties.getValue() ) );
bind( MapperRetriever.class ); // See MapperRetriever later
// bind your DAO classes here. By wrapping MyBatis Mapper use in DAO implementations, theoretically we
// can fairly easily change from MyBatis to any other database library just by changing the DAO implementation.
// The rest of our codebase would remain the same.
// i.e.
// bind( FredDao.class ).to( FredDaoMyBatis.class );
// bind( GingerDao.class).to( GingerDaoMyBatis.class );
现在我们只需要一些方法来获得正确的Mapper类(它本身与正确的数据源相关联)。为此,我们实际上需要在Guice Injector上调用一个方法。我真的不喜欢传递它的想法,所以我将它包装在MapperRetriever
public class MapperRetriever {
private final Injector injector;
public MapperRetriver( Injector injector ) {
this.injector = injector;
// The follwing two methods use the example Mappers referenced in the MyMyBatisModule implementation above
public FredMapper getFredMapper( String datasourceLabel ) {
return this.injector.getInstance( Key.get( FredMapper.class, Names.named( datasourceLabel ) ) );
public GingerMapper getGingerMapper( String datasourceLabel ) {
return this.injector.getInstance( Key.get( GingerMapper.class, Names.named( datasourceLabel ) ) );
public interface FredDao {
Fred selectFred( String datasourceLable, String fredId );
public class FredDaoMyBatis implements FredDao {
private MapperRetriever mapperRetriever;
public FredDaoMyBatis( MapperRetriever mapperRetriever ) {
this.mapperRetriever = mapperRetriever;
public Fred selectFred( String datasourceLabel, String fredId ) {
FredMapper fredMapper = this.mapperRetriever.getFredMapper( datasourceLabel );
return fredMapper.getFred( fredId );
答案 1 :(得分:0)
public class DelegatingSqlSessionFactory implements SqlSessionFactory {
private final Map<String, SqlSessionFactory> factories = new HashMap<>();
public DelegatingSqlSessionFactory(Map<String, DataSource> dataSources) throws ClassNotFoundException {
dataSources.forEach((key, ds) -> {
factories.put(key, createSqlSessionFactory(ds));
private SqlSessionFactory delegate() {
// Read from a ThreadLocal to determine correct SqlSessionFactory key
String key = findKey();
return factories.get(key);
public SqlSession openSession() {
return delegate().openSession();
public SqlSession openSession(boolean autoCommit) {
return delegate().openSession(autoCommit);
public SqlSession openSession(Connection connection) {
return delegate().openSession(connection);
public SqlSession openSession(TransactionIsolationLevel level) {
return delegate().openSession(level);
public SqlSession openSession(ExecutorType execType) {
return delegate().openSession(execType);
public SqlSession openSession(ExecutorType execType, boolean autoCommit) {
return delegate().openSession(execType, autoCommit);
public SqlSession openSession(ExecutorType execType, TransactionIsolationLevel level) {
return delegate().openSession(execType, level);
public SqlSession openSession(ExecutorType execType, Connection connection) {
return delegate().openSession(execType, connection);
public Configuration getConfiguration() {
return delegate().getConfiguration();