将数据保存到数组中时遇到了一些麻烦。大多数代码都按要求工作,但我遇到的问题是将数据(例如存款,取款,转移)保存到数组中,以便最后打印出来。出现了两个主要问题 1.未输入任何内容(完全可以接受),然后输出随机数字。 2.如果在循环期间输入了某些内容,例如存款,然后用户决定在循环结束前输入另一个存款,则输出将只是最后一个条目(而我希望它是两个单独的输出) 。我似乎无法想出绕过这些问题的方法,所以感谢任何帮助!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//global variable for the overdraft
float OVERDRAFT = -1000;
//function to determine interest rate for users deposit
//return the interest rate to be used in the total() function
float interest(float money)
float int_rate;
if (money < 0 && money >= -100)
int_rate = 1.2f;
else if (money >= 0 && money < 100)
int_rate = 1.1f;
else if (money >= 100 && money < 200)
int_rate = 1.5f;
else if (money >= 200 && money < 500)
int_rate = 1.8f;
else if (money >= 500)
int_rate = 1.9f;
else if (money < -100 && money >= -500)
int_rate = 1.4f;
else if (money < -500 && money >= -1000)
int_rate = 1.8f;
return int_rate;
//function to calculate final amount with interest applied
//uses previous interest() function to calculate final amount by multiplying them together
//if the amount is less than -1000 (overdraft) then the OVERDRAFT value of -1000 is returned
//else, returns the normal amount
float total(float x)
float int_func;
int_func = interest(x);
float amount = x * int_func;
if (amount < OVERDRAFT)
return amount;
//function that checks if user enters an amount greater than 0
//returns an integer dependent on this
//this is used in main function to determine if money can be added to the account (0 means yes, -1 means no)
float add_money(float *Account, float Amount)
if (Amount > 0)
return 0;
return -1;
float take_money(float *Account, float Amount)
if (Amount > 0)
return 0;
return -1;
//function to be used for the transfer section in the main function
//finds out if users input (multiplied by interest) is positive
//if it is, 0 is returned which can be used later
float transfer(float y)
float int_func;
int_func = interest(y);
float amount = y * int_func;
if (amount >= 0)
return 0;
return -1;
//creates a sentinel while loop so that user can exit it if they press 0, or reloops if they enter any other number
float main(void)
float sentinel = 1;
while (sentinel != 0)
//asks the user to enter amount they wish to deposit in both main and savings accounts
//asks the user how many months they want to simulate (3 months with a starting deposit of £50 will result in £55, £60.50, £66.55)
float deposit, add, take, savings, tran;
int count, amount, answer;
float x, dep[51], withd[51];
float m_to_s[51], s_to_m[51];
printf("Initial deposit for your main account:\n");
scanf_s("%f", &deposit);
while (deposit < OVERDRAFT)
//while loop to make sure user enters positive number for main account
printf("ERROR: You have an overdraft limit of \x9C%.0f.\nPlease enter a greater initial deposit:\n", (OVERDRAFT* -1));
scanf_s("%f", &deposit);
printf("Initial deposit for your savings account:\n");
scanf_s("%f", &savings);
while (savings < 0)
//while loop to make sure user enters positive number for savings account
printf("ERROR: Please enter a positive value:\n");
scanf_s("%f", &savings);
printf("Amount of months to simulate:\n");
scanf_s("%d", &amount);
while (amount <= 0)
printf("ERROR: Please enter a value greater than zero:\n");
scanf_s("%d", &amount);
//for loop with a switch statement to allow user to choose option from main menu
//user can deposit money, withdraw money, transfer money, and move to the next month with interest applied from the menu
for (count = 1; count <= amount; count++)
printf("\nPlease choose one of the below options:\n");
printf("1: Deposit money (Main account only)\t");
printf("2: Withdraw money (Main account only)\n");
printf("3: Transfer money\t\t\t");
printf("4: Balance next month (with interest)\n");
scanf_s("%d", &answer);
while (answer <= 0 || answer >= 5)
//while loop to ensure user chooses one of the 4 options
printf("\nPlease choose one of the below options:\n");
printf("1: Deposit money (Main account only)\t");
printf("2: Withdraw money (Main account only)\n");
printf("3: Transfer money\t\t\t");
printf("4: Balance next month (with interest)\n");
scanf_s("%d", &answer);
//main menu
switch (answer)
//option 1 to deposit more money
//adds money to the account if 0 was returned in add_money() function
//errors given if -1 was returned in add_money() function
case 1: printf("\nYou chose to make a deposit\n");
printf("Amount to deposit:\n");
scanf_s("%f", &dep[count]);
add = add_money(&x, dep[count]);
while (dep[count] <= 0)
//while loop to ensure user enters a value greater than 0
printf("ERROR: Please enter a value greater than zero:\n");
scanf_s("%f", &dep[count]);
if (dep[count] > 0)
deposit = deposit + dep[count];
printf("Main account balance: \x9C%.2f.\n", deposit);
//reduces count by 1 so that it outputs correctly at end
count -= 1;
printf("ERROR: You entered an invalid amount.\n");
count -= 1;
//option 2 to withdraw money
//reduces count by 1 so that the program doesn't end sooner than the user wanted
case 2: printf("\nYou chose to make a withdrawal\n");
printf("Amount to withdraw:\n");
scanf_s("%f", &withd[count]);
take = take_money(&x, withd[count]);
while (withd[count] <= 0)
//while loop to ensure user enters value greater than 0
printf("ERROR: Please enter a value greater than zero:\n");
scanf_s("%f", &withd[count]);
if (withd[count] > 0)
//sets deposit variable to a new value according to the users input (may be reverted back in the if statement if it goes over overdraft)
deposit = deposit - withd[count];
if (deposit < OVERDRAFT)
//reverts the recentl deposit variable as it will not be possible as the user will go over the overdraft
printf("ERROR: You can't withdraw that much as you will go over your overdraft limit\n");
deposit = deposit + withd[count];
count -= 1;
else if (deposit > OVERDRAFT)
printf("Main account balance: \x9C%.2f.\n", deposit);
count -= 1;
printf("ERROR: You entered an invalid amount\n");
count -= 1;
//option 3 to transfer money from one account to another
case 3: printf("\nYou chose to transfer money\n");
printf("Please choose an option:\n");
printf("1: Transfer from Main account to Savings account\n");
printf("2: Transfer from Savings account to Main account\n");
int option;
scanf_s("%d", &option);
while (option < 1 || option > 2)
//while loop to ensure user chooses one of the two options
printf("Please choose an option:\n");
printf("1: Transfer from Main account to Savings account\n");
printf("2: Transfer from Savings account to Main account\n");
scanf_s("%d", &option);
//switch inside a switch
switch (option)
case 1: printf("\nYou chose to transfer money from your Main account to your Savings account\n");
printf("Please enter how much to transfer:\n");
scanf_s("%f", &m_to_s[count]);
tran = transfer(m_to_s[count]);
while (m_to_s[count] <= 0)
//while loop to ensure user enters a value greater than 0
printf("ERROR: Please enter a value greater than zero:\n");
scanf_s("%f", &m_to_s[count]);
//if statement that will be run if user enters value greater than 0
if (m_to_s[count] > 0)
savings = savings + m_to_s[count];
deposit = deposit - m_to_s[count];
if (deposit >= OVERDRAFT)
//prints out both balances of accounts after the transfer
printf("\nMain account balance %.2f\n", deposit);
printf("Savings account balance: %.2f\n", savings);
count -= 1;
printf("ERROR: You can't transfer that much as you don't have a large enough overdraft on your Main account\n\n");
//if user enters an incorrect amount (because overdraft is reached), variables are restored so that end output is correct
savings = savings - m_to_s[count];
deposit = deposit + m_to_s[count];
count -= 1;
//transfer money from savings to main
case 2: printf("\nYou chose to transfer money from your Savings Account to your Main account\n");
printf("Please enter how much to transfer:\n");
scanf_s("%f", &s_to_m[count]);
tran = transfer(s_to_m[count]);
while (s_to_m[count] <= 0)
//while loop so ensure user enters a value greater than 0
printf("ERROR: Please enter a value greater than zero:\n");
scanf_s("%f", &s_to_m[count]);
//if statement that will be run if user enters a value greater than 0
if (s_to_m[count] > 0)
//adjusts balances using users entered value (these variables may be reverted in the else statement if the savings go lower than 0 as there is no overdraft)
savings = savings - s_to_m[count];
deposit = deposit + s_to_m[count];
if (savings >= 0)
//prints out current balances
printf("\nMain account balance: %.2f\n", deposit);
printf("Savings account balance: %.2f\n", savings);
count -= 1;
//error if user tries to transfer too much money out of their savings account because there is no overdraft
printf("ERROR: You can't transfer that much as you don't have an overdraft on your Savings account\n\n");
savings = savings + s_to_m[count];
deposit = deposit - s_to_m[count];
count -= 1;
count -= 1;
//option 4 to move onto the next month (with interest applied to both accounts)
case 4:
deposit = total(deposit);
savings = total(savings);
printf("\nYou chose to show account balances (with interest) for the next month\n");
printf("Month %d Main account balance: \x9C%.2f.\n", count, deposit);
printf("Month %d Savings account balance: \x9C%.2f\n", count, savings);
for (count = 1; count <= amount; count++)
//sting array
//prints out transactions
printf("\nDeposit %d: %.2f\n", count, dep[count]);
printf("Withdrawal %d: %.2f\n", count, withd[count]);
printf("Transfer Main to Savings %d: %.2f\n", count, m_to_s[count]);
printf("Transfer Savings to Main %d: %.2f\n", count, s_to_m[count]);
//if user enters 0, while loop is broken
//if user enter anything other than 0, loop reloops
printf("\nTo terminate program, enter '0'.\n");
printf("To run program again, enter any other number.\n");
scanf_s("%f", &sentinel);
return 0;
答案 0 :(得分:1)
,但之后您总是count -= 1;