$conn = pg_connect("host=db.dcs.aber.ac.uk port=5432
dbname=teaching user=csguest password=********");
// set empty var that will be populated if the form is submitted
$where = '';
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
if (!empty($_POST['category'])) {
// I also need to build a where conditional, but that another question
$where = " WHERE Category = '" . pg_escape_string($_POST['category']) . "'";
$res = pg_query($conn, "SELECT Foodtype, Manufacturer, Description, Price
FROM food $where
ORDER BY Category ASC");
echo "<table id=\"myTable\" border='1'>";
while ($a = pg_fetch_row($res)) {
echo "<tr>";
for ($j = 0; $j < pg_num_fields($res); $j++) {
echo "<td>" . $a[$j] . "</td>";
echo "<td><form id='cart' name='cart' method='POST' action='addToBasket.php'>
<input type='submit' name='Select' id='Select' value='Add To Basket'>
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
$Alcoholic = pg_query("SELECT Foodtype, Manufacturer,
Description, Price FROM food WHERE Category = 'Alcoholic'");